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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jkspoff

  1. We've booked for June this year, taking our 2 young kids, they ask every single day when we are going. Wish I hadn't mentioned it until the day before ! Booked in at the Disney hotel which looks like its fairly central to it all. Will look forward to that ride in the dark for me. :lol:
  2. When spending 10's of thousands of pounds on a big 4x4, especially when the money is company owned, an extra 400 quid isn't going to stop anyone buying a 4x4 or even considering an eco friendly car. There needs to be a mileage penalty charge for anyone owning an unnecessary 4x4. There is a local private school near me that has literally dozens of big black Range Rovers parked outside at 3.15, with chav wowen driving them. They have no idea how to manoevre them, and even less of an idea about any other road users. ARRHHHH, I want one ! B)
  3. I find the Nikon D40 superb, exceeds my expectations as the image quality and overall useability is outstanding. As digital SLR cameras go they just seem to get better and better month on month. You can now buy an amateur digital SLR which can produce professional quality images for sub 500 quid. :lol:
  4. Looks good, what camera did you get ? I recently bought myself a Nikon D40, very impressed with it.
  5. As we worry about menial matters with our Gals, think about those less fortunate who have genuine life issues like these, and donate some dosh, even if its just a few quid, it all makes a difference. :D Click link below: Comic Relief
  6. I would definately get a mk2 tdi ghia, like maybe this one, there are plenty around for your sort of money, just make sure they've had regular servicing, VW PD diesel engines are good for several hundred thousand miles if maintained properly. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2000-FORD-GALAXY-GHI...bayphotohosting
  7. Thanks adrianf for the info, sounds like even I can manage that one ! I will give it a go at the weekend, as I don't think its been changed for a long long time.
  8. I have just completed a minor service on my Gal today, done all the usual things, oil, most filters etc etc but my Haynes manual tells me the fuel filter should be changed every 20,000 miles, is this really necessary ? If so has anyone got any better pictures of when they've done it, so I can make an attempt at it ? I know there is the above postings, but still a bit cautious about doing it, in case I mess it up, does fuel pour out when the filter is released ? <_<
  9. Hi Foxy, I have exactly the same set up as you in your bove post, same model Gal and even the Sony Vaio laptop, I use one of the cheap ebay cables that I eventually found a driver for and got working perfectly with the shareware version of VAG COM. Take the plunge and check out this link: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...mp;#entry102377
  10. Welcome to the forum, we are wealth of useful information, that you might well be needing at some point during your Galaxy ownership ! Its a superb motor and you won't regret it. :)
  11. I shouldn't worry too much about it smoking, as they tend to do this most of the time anyway, mines always smoked after startup, I would just let it keep running, unless it is continuously doing it.
  12. Hi Philip and welcome to the forum, this is the link to the alternative drivers for your VAG COM cable, it worked fine for me and hope it does for you: http://www.autonostics.com/pages.php?pageid=3 I used the VAG COM shareware version 409.1 USB: http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/download/archives.html Now that I've tested it and its working I will buy the full version.
  13. OK, call me sad, but here goes...........I do my own oil servcing, but just out of interest I went on the manufacturers web site and selected 8 main localish dealerships and rang each one up asking for their service department. I told them I had a 2001 115 PD tdi Ford Galaxy, asked how much a service was and whether I needed specific oil for this type of engine. Out of the eight main dealers six of them replied that the oil was standard and that it was kept in large drums and was general diesel oil used in most of their servicing, when I questioned them about 505.01 spec oil, four of the garages had never heard of it, two said 'oh yes', you can put that in but we rarely ever use it unless the customer requests it and we'll have to order it in, and the final two garages didn't even offer it as an option. Try it in your area if you're as bored as me on a day off ! So I would never trust them to do such a simple task correctly anyway.
  14. I am going to upgrade to the full version too, how do you pay for it ? What did it work out atin pounds ? Thanks
  15. My rear Dunlops 2020 are still on from new (2001), just moved them to the front after 70k ! But now they are on the front they are wearing very fast. The Avons are supposed to be very good for the money, pay no more than 50 quid per tyre for them.
  16. ................ and a hefty bill to the insurance company !
  17. Can you post the picture of the above mentioned bumper protection strip please. VAG COM adjustments need the registered version, the shareware only allows testing of connection and fault codes resetting. I may invest it in too very soon.
  18. What area are you from ? I know someone who will come to your house and do a full test and re-gas if necessary for about
  19. Maybe we should just assume that the A/C has being repaired numerous times. It maybe goes without saying !
  20. It may well need a regas, but if its leaked out that much in a couple of years then there is most likely a leak. Most probably around the condensor. If the vacuum test comes back ok, then a regas should cost no more than
  21. Too right, thats why I never trust them and do my own oil changes. Its a fact that my local dealer uses a 'one for all' oil as they've admitted it to me in the past before I started doing my own changes !
  22. mmmmm ... I seem to remember someone saying that theirs didnt a little while ago jk? "Mine doesn't but when mine is fixed yours will stop working ! " :16: Yeah, I managed to eventually get my VAG COM cheapo ebay lead working after much hassle and reset the fault codes, has yours now stopped working !! ;)
  23. Reset the fault code on VAG COM without replacing the glow plug and its worked fine ever since.
  24. I bet it wont fix my erratic rear 'mind of its own' wiper !
  25. The buttons just pull off, and clean around them with a wipe of some type, quick and easy job.
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