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Everything posted by Topbloke

  1. sounds like the display is not working there are replaceable bulbs in the back of the display but even if the display is knacked then you would still get sound unless you have taken the fuse out and its waiting for the code which you eould not be able to put in cus you cant see it !!!!!! reading your first post it says display on the bit that flips out explain pls
  2. ikeaarenow doing sekf assembley bed for lesbian couple's there is no screwing involved its tongue and groove
  3. one and the same, was it replaced or reset! or cleaned and reset ,or all of the above
  4. not uncommon for the handbrake cams/lever seizing need to check if its moving/not the lever has a stop that it should return to could, possibly be a lazy mechanism or incorrectly adjusted
  5. i have had a simialar problem on vauxhalls did exactly the same as you and finnally tracked it down to a split hinge pin :(
  6. deffinetly sounds like a dead cell in the battery
  7. possible earth fault !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. sounds like an electrical problem to me are all earth leads (the main one ,batt to chassis, chassis to engine) tight , is the problem under hard acceleration or cruiesing
  9. I take it the cheques in the post then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. i spotted the deliberate mistake and claim my prize there are two switches one above the other, do a search and ye shall find
  11. Many thanks, i take it that is a fraud number ?
  12. could any one out there give me the part number for the rear cigar lighter socket , The front socket is not deep enough for my charger yet the rears are okay so i want to put a rear one in the front (the rears are glued in so i cant swap front for rear) many thanks in advance :ph34r:
  13. if this relay does supply rear screen then that could possibly be pulling to much power, the only sure way would be to run both items vie the fuse board through an amp meter (the tester would have to be a good one as most testers only go up to 10 amp's and im sure the rear screen on its own would pull more than that) do you drive the car all the time or does the wife drive it with heated rear screen on all the time (sexist remark i know , i am waiting for the flak) it happens many many times and when ever i talk to the owner and point out the fact that you are supposed to tutn it off they say "the wife drives it more then me!!!!" :ph34r:
  14. most of the main suppliers (ie Fram, coopers) usually supply one in the box !!!!!!
  15. possibly the heater motor resistor pulling to much power , ford mondeo's suffer badly from this problem, it is behind the glove box screwed into the fan intake to keep it cool !
  16. don't know about the noise but the loss of power could be clasic signs of the dreeded Maf
  17. there is no pinch bolt , the selection is via cables it could be that the cables have streched or as is more common starting to break but as it is intermitant it don't make a lot of sense
  18. just a small correction hi-level brake lights are a testable item, unless the tester can see that there are no wires going to it
  19. it sits in the exhaust system/downpipe and regulates the amount of fuel injected by the ecu, some vehicles have two, one before the cat and one after, but i think that yours will have only one, hope this helps :D :D :)
  20. possible broken wires in the tailgate area (rubber trunking top corner) they are quiet prone to this fault
  21. as an afterthought if the system is blocked (because the cat collapsed ) you will need to find out why, ie old age, overfueling, shock ect
  22. if the cat becomes blocked or breaks up and lodges in a bend in the exhaust it will stop the gasses escaping thus causing a braking effect on the engine ( they use this methord on big trucks and coaches) thus driving it on light throttle will give time for the gasses to get around the obstruction and normal driving it will cause the gasses to back up and cause heat build up in the exhaust system , i have seen same symptoms when a car was backed into a earth bank blocking the exhaust and only allowing the car to start and partially rev up before stoping completly (works the same with a pottato however it will fire it out) great spud gun !!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. sounds like possible resistor faulty
  24. and mine :angry: :angry: :huh: :)
  25. could someone help me with a radio code, i admit that it is not for my gal but my new run around, an old escort, if any kind soul could give me the code (pm me) and i will pm them the details required, many thanks Topbloke :angry: :angry: :huh: PS radio is a ford 2006 unit
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