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Everything posted by Topbloke

  1. do you mean blue buttons or distructions
  2. many thanks as usual for your prompt replys ,i have a speaker but not the blue tooth unit however if it works okay i may upgrade, i had a look at the nokia website searched it and could not find much info then bigdaddy gives me a link direct to what i need , i often accuse the kids of not being able to find thir arse with both hands now its my turn,please dont tell them :D :D :lol:
  3. I wonder if any kind soul has the fitting instructions for the above mentioned hands free kit , i have purchased a second hand unit but the fitting instructions are missing there are only six wires to it one live one earth one which i assume will be the signal to turn radio down /mute but am unsure what the others are or even if they need fitting as usuall all coments appreciated
  4. must admit its a new one on me :D :D B)
  5. clockwise both sides and you will wish that you had three pairs of hands, thats why its best if you can lay your hands on a wind back tool, i tend to gently lift the rubber boot and get a bit of wd40 or something simmliar just to lubricate the seals. good luck and let us know the how you get on B)
  6. not unusual for the caliper to seize on that side but the piston needs to be wound back with the brake pipe clamped and nipple open ,make sure that the pads are free to move in the caliper ,make sure that the handbrake cable adjuster is wound right off , then pump the pedal until the pedal go's hard ie the pads contact the disc , then pull the hand brake on three clicks put the wheel on and get someone to rotate the wheel while you tighten the cable adjuster until the wheel just starts to bind ,if you then release the handbrake the wheel should rotate freely ,pull hand brake on fully and this should lock the wheel . any further info required pm me
  7. just to clarify the bulkhead is the part between the engine and the passenger compartment . the part that you are showing looks like the whole front panel ie the part that holds the lights,bumper etc
  8. i know its a galaxy but they are the same as a sharan which is german !!!!!!
  9. geman and swedish may be worth a try, try yellow pages or thomson
  10. you can get a topup for the aircon, comes in a presurerized can,most aircon systems lose presure over time, there is a low pressure sensor in the system this may cause the cc light to flash
  11. sounds like its loseing its memory check the wires in the trunking between door and a pillar there prone to breakage
  12. possible missfire has it happened again !
  13. do you have a print out of the emmisions and what were they
  14. sounds like a possible immobiliser problem, was / has the battery been disconected, or are you using a spare / do you have a spare, try that
  15. voltmeter or test lamp or you can make a cheap one with a couple off bits of wire and a bulb and holder, and i am sure if you ask realy nicely some one will give you the colours for the wires
  16. looks like the engine management has recognised a fault and is letting you know, it will have to have its codes read to find out exactly what is at fault , as to cost, who knows
  17. have you checked to see if you have any power to either of the switch's and then from the switches through the trunking to the motor connector , as you say bit sreange that both dont work , dont forget to make sure that you are getting earths when you check the wireing, as to dimantaling the motors i dont think that there are any serviceable parts inside as well as bring almost sealed units.
  18. this seems to be in the wrong area :lol: but as a newbie you are forgiven, welcome, anyway try a search in the I C E section it is full of usefull info and this subject has been covered many many times
  19. some fiats and alfas have the same as you describe ie have to have ign on to have sidelights working, this in its self is not a fail as long as sidelights are on and not dim dip (reduced voltage to headlight bulb)
  20. pm me and i will try to help
  21. i know i have asked this previously but can some one tell me where it is or even a photo / pic , light never comes on when there is frost, but comes on when i drive in the rain, but now its on all the time both of them, i thought that they were two different colors red and amber but both of mine are amber, many thanks in anticipation Topbloke
  22. you wont find any play in them if you jack the car up it has to be sitting on the ground silly comment i know but just letting you know best idea is as mentioned remove the side that is noisey and see if it go's
  23. will help with code if you lost it / dont have it
  24. stop the engine pump the pedal does it go hard and not creep down of so all is well if not then there is an issue
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