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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by MrT

  1. There is one for sale on ebay at the moment. Starts at
  2. The vehicle would most likely be illegal to use without a cat and it would certainly fail an MOT. I doubt there would be mcuh difference in performance as most modern cats are fairly unrestrictive.
  3. This bolt is very different to my own Galaxy bolt. It is the two part construction and the joining of the two bolt parts than concerned me. This bolt failed as the bolt head came out of the bolt body, this was not the adaptor slipping on the bolt head or the wheel brace slipping on the adaptor.
  4. Are you sure it is not the mini fan in the climate control panel that sucks in air to measure it? That is a well known Ford fault.
  5. Why Ford seem to deny it, I do not know, here are some extracts from their technical service bulletins: 67/2002 In order to provide an additional service to Ford customers and also avoid expensive repairs (e.g. compressor damage), an A/C Check and an A/C Service are being introduced. They will be implemented for all models, current and past. The A/C Check will be added to the Extended Period Maintenance, to be carried out every three years, and will include: a temperature check at the evaporator outlet tube and a visual inspection of the lines, hoses and connections. 112/2002 - Galaxy Specific Should a customer express concern that the air conditioning system is inoperative or there is inadequate cooling power and there are leaks in the air conditioning system, the probable cause is a corroded/damaged aluminium cover on the air conditioning condenser or a damaged O-ring. To rectify this concern, a new air conditioning condenser should be installed.
  6. I was recently watching someone trying to change the wheel on a Galaxy. The locking wheelnut needs an matching adaptor to undo it. This was used and as soon as force was put on the nut, it came apart. The locking wheel nut consisted of two parts, the nut that goes into the wheel and the part with the "secure" shape cut into it. The part with the secure shape cut into it fits into the main nut body using a spline about 10mm diameter and a penetration of around 5mm. This spline just kept slipping out as it appears to be insufficient for the job. I would have thought a single casting would have been more sensible. Has anyone else experieced this and what did they do about it? As an aside do all Ford locking wheelnuts use an identical adaptor? If so there seems little point to them.
  7. No doubt then the government will set up a committee to review Netwon's laws of motion then rewrite them to make driving safer.
  8. With the Galaxy front tyres having about half the life of the rear, wouldn't it be a good idea to roate tyres around the car as used to be done in standard car servicing some 20+ years ago?
  9. They are programmed to ignore constant warnings from the side so that when you are parking parallel to a wall maintaining a constant distance, they will ignore the wall after the initial warning so they alert to whatever you are heading towards. I have not heard them coming on with nothing around. As with any set of simple rules, there will always be situations where they get "confused". They are connected to the central controls of the car so if you have an ODB-2 interface you can actually read the distance of each individual sensor at the front and rear to the nearest object in rage.
  10. Not that much, but occaisionally I have had childish urges when boy racer in his clapped out Nova sits there at the lights in the next lane revving his engine. It must be the ultimate sense of failure to Nova boy to be beaten from the lights by a middle aged man in a people carrier.
  11. The galaxy glass all has a layer of black dots on the inside of the glass at the edges. Do these black dots do anything other than enhance the appearance? I would like to remove a very small area of these to fit a small optical rain sensor. Has anyone any experience of removing any of these dots? Will they scratch off or dissolve off with cellulose thinners or are they embedded in the glass?
  12. I went for the 6 seater after having the 7 seater with the middle row, middle seat with only a lap belt which I viewed as unsafe. Later on I found the newer Galaxies had a full three point belt in the middle. However now I have a cool box and I am thinking about putting that in the middle row between the two captains chairs when required. The middle armrests would certainly be able to stay but I am not sure if the outer would catch the door. As an aside, I was getting sick of the difficulty in tilting the back row chairs. The handles on the sides were against the CD player and Air-con respectively and you could not reach them. I had to rely on the red pull chords. However today I discovered that the tilt handles were only held on by two clips and a weak spring, so I swapped the handles round. They are now between the chairs where they can be easily reached.
  13. Copyright and Ford have started getting shirty. See Copyright Material and I have just received an email from Ebay advising me not to bid on Ford material.
  14. Maybe I need the VW Sharon equivalent of the TIS, whatever that is called?
  15. I have searched these forums and these details are not answered. I have a Galaxy 2.8i which is a Volkswagen engine which can be accessed with VAG-COM. I am not sure if there are any proprietary Ford controllers on the Galaxy.
  16. Does anyone know if all the car floors are cut with the floor slots for all the seat positions? My car is a six seater and for the middle row there are 8 mounts on the floor (4 per seat) My old seven seater had 16 mounts for the middle row.
  17. Has anyone any idea which controllers are available on the Galaxy ODB-II management system? I have been using the shareware version of VAG-COM and even with the shareware limitations, there seems to be far less modules available than on the list for the Sharan. I can get: 01 Engine 02 Transmission 03 Brakes 08 HVAC 09 Cent Elect 15 Airbags 17 Instruments 19 CAN Gateway 33 Unknown protocol keyword 0808 3F No name 76 Parking System Has anyone seen a list of the block measurements for the Galaxy and what each one is and what it should be? For example 01 (engine) block 001 = RPM + Temp+Air Mass+Throttle Angle (I made the contents of that block up). Also where can I find the procedures for various tasks, they do not appear to be on the TIS?
  18. Yes the engine has always done this, and I am probably just being cautious as the vehicle is coming to the end of its lease and I am going to purchase it as long as there are no major issues in the next two weeks. I don't deliberately rev the engine, the engine management system does it for me when the engine is very cold. It actually starts at a very low idle then after about 20 sec it goes to fast idle then it drops back to the low idle after about two minutes. When it is doing this the exhaust is as if a choke on an old fashioned car was in use. Incidently if I put on the heated screens, lights and air con at this stage the roughness seems to go. I don't get any grinding noises, but if I am in a hurry to go off and put into drive when the engine is at fast idle, it will drive off at more than walking pace unless I keep the footbrake hard on. Are you sure the grinding noise is not the handbrake? At fast idle and in drive, if the handbrake is not hard on, the car will edge forward and the rear brakes creak as the car edges forwards, particularly so if the car has been left in the wet overmight and they have a rust coating.
  19. There must be more cost effective ways to improve performance. There is, take the seats out when you don't need them. Take 5 unused seats out of the Galaxy and you will notice the difference in driving.
  20. Has any other V6 owner experienced a lumpy feeling to the engine when slightly revving it under no load? At normal idle ~750rpm it is perfectly smooth but at fast idle ~1500rpm, such as when first started when it is cold, it seems a little lumpy. I feel the lumpyness through the car, the exhaust note is normal as in no misfires. Under any load, including just putting it in Drive, it again is perfectly smooth. Could this be something to do with the Auto as you are not supposed to run the enginer at high speeds in Park? There are no faults at all reported on the engine management system, including a zero misfire count when measuring live.
  21. It is a very similar size to the mains Sky/hifi/shaver plug and I managed to get one to fit by drilling out the holes in the plug moulding to take the slightly larger pins. The metal sockets in the plug open enough to make good contact. I now just need to paint the plug, one half red one half blue so I get it in the right way round for heating or cooling.
  22. There seems to be some heavy tyre wear here. I am on nearly 24,000, the front tyres are half worn and the backs are hardly worn at all. I don't drive with a light foot. I have the original Michelins and they make a terrible amount of road noise.
  23. OK the polarity decides if the box is a warm or cool box. However I need to obtain a replacement cable and Ford only sell them with a new lid for
  24. I believe they are on the motor itself which is behind the trim on the boot. This trim is tricky to remove due to the strength of the clips. On the facelifted Galaxy there are two retaining screws, one under each panel at either side of the trim that allows you to access the reversing lights. You will also need to remove or loosen the plastic hole/handle you use to shut the boot. Now the tricky part is to pull the trim panel away from the glass and sliding it around 5-10mm down the door at the same time. Sliding it down the door releases the lower edge (by the lock) from the metalwork and from the upper part of the trim that runs up the side of the windows. The edge by the glass is held on by four clips that plastic tongues with wedges on the end fit into. These clips have a pretty good grip and I assume it would be easy to break the plastic tongues. With me I pulled harder and harder until it came away, I nearly fell over and the rough edges took the skin off the back of my knuckles. Maybe wear some fine gloves. With this trim off, you have easy access to the wiper mechanism.
  25. Does anyone have the pin outs for the plug that fits into the Galaxy Cool Box as I need to make up a new cable. I don't know which one is postive and which one negative. This is for the coolbox plug, not the cigar lighter plug on the other end of the cable. Better still if anyone knows where I can get a replacement cable at a sensible price.......
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