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Everything posted by Gteuk

  1. It is as far as I am concerned to do with ADSL max, I was on 2mb line for 2 years with f2s.com no problems, I moved to pipex cos I wanted free phone calls but they put me on adsl max and since then I was only doing 15kbs very, very, very slow so I move back to pipex and again adsl max, my old package no longer available, and I still to this day have a problem of only 15kbs at home, in work (retail outlet) 7mb no probs. keep on at them as I know this is a BT wholesale problem nothing else, an engineer was meant to call in at my address yesterday between 1-6pm (one of many times) and at 1pm my speed shot up to 2.8mb and now back down to 15k yet another visit form engineer.
  2. Can you let me know what your unit usage is, I work it out at about 7000 Kwh per annum which is quite high. Things to look at when trying to reduce electricity bills. - Tv's are they tubed or TFTs, TFT uses considerably less between 200 - 300 watts - Electric Lights (you have allready said they are low wattage) - How many meals are cooked a day (a large amount of electricity) - What wattage is your microwave, tumble dryer, hoover, kettle etc Most people go for the highest wattage which does not do things much faster or better. - Is your shower electric or do you use pre heated water (how many showers do you have) If your combi boiler has the facility for detecting preheat water then you can use solar heated water through it, I am estimating a cost of around
  3. The thing is, if 1 houshold on every street made their house self sufficient this will make no difference in the slightest when it comes to electricity, the powerstation will still burn the same amount of fuel if it is providing for 100,000 houses or 200,000 houses. So If I was doing it to reduce CO2 emmisions I would be wasting my time, I am doing it to save me money, I would like to say I am eco friendly and doing my bit for the environment but I would be lying. I look at the rate of increasing bills at the moment and see that the payback time will be less than originally thought. I have a slight benefit though as I got a free sample water heating system from a company which I will put in my house so it pays for itself immediatly. All I need now is 18 sample PV panels and I am away.
  4. You are right you cannot get enough power for on demand energy and storage is limited, so being off grid is not an option. What I mean by it is I will use a green energy provide, sell excess electric to them in the summer and draw it back in the winter so I won't have any bills, so to speak. There are some electricity providers, very, very few that will pay you the same rate for your electricity as you pay them. Hot water will be generated from solar vacume tubes and air heat exchanges, yes air heat exchangers and solar panels will work in the winter (just not as well). For my household I can get away with a 2 - 3 Kwp array of panels for electric which should in theory give me profit at the end of each year (but lets wait and see) I could go one step further and get a turbine but I haven't got a lot of land and doubt planning permission would be forth coming. The house should basically be self sustaining putting more back than I take out, more so as of next year as all kids in full time school and misses working which means less use of resources during the daytime. What you may not be aware of is panels have greater output capabilities now, so less is needed, they also work when there is no sun (just not as efficient) so its only when there is major snow there is a problem.
  5. Have a look here http://www.parkers.co.uk/cars/used-prices/...mp;buysell=sell
  6. Just in case you throw your payslips away or you have been given an offer of emplyment and need to know your actual take home pay this site gives you the answer. Just enter your gross pay, select yearly / monthly / or weekly it will give you a breakdown of your pay and how much NI and TAX will be payable in that time. Tax and wage calculator
  7. Bio fuels is nothing to do with CO2 but to do with using renewable fuels, but then if we all start using bio fuels we will drain the the soil of its goodness so again in 100 years our children could be having a debate about using different methods to power vehicles. I am having to learn a lot about the different ways of heating our homes and providing energy at the moment and I only see two logical choices, solar PV, Solar water (I class these as one) and airbourne heat exchangers. Me saying air heat exchangers is good is weird as I do not sell them :) but certainly better than GSHP and the use of any other fossil fuels. Within the next year my house will be run totally on solar for heating and electricity.
  8. Yes I saw it, in bits, and some I agree with CO2 is a natural cycle of life throughout and it does take about 100 years for change to be seen. one thing you have got to look at though is we as a species have been doing unnatural things to the earth, cars, electricity, basically industrialisation so we are creating excessive fumes and toxins. we cannot say we are not causing harm to the environment, because we are, whether this change in climate is anything to do with what has been going on over the last 20 - 30 years is another debate. We are now trying to be green and using other forms to heat our homes, but this has also been investigated and some methods are not as green as we would first consider. There is a theory that Ground Source Heat Exchanges are causing damage to the plant life around them, 1m below the earth is meant to be at a constant, but the heat pump forces cooler water through to be heated, this will surely cause a cooling effect on the ground. I am no expert on this technology but I am sure someone will tell me if I am wrong, I am looking round the web for the details but cannot find it, I was told by a German ecologist at one of the tradeshows, who said that "GSHP may be banned in Germany".
  9. The internet hangs around for nobody ;) bought it and set it lol
  10. If they are always broke, more reason to impliment some rules, they obviously have no idea of the value of money. Friends have been in similar positions, the fact is no-one can get accomodation and electric and food for only
  11. I will sort it out on saturday with you just tell me now if you want it or not :16:
  12. Housing market as it is, it is difficult to chuck em out, but at the same token they need to learn the value of money, single and nothing else to spend on I would say
  13. Just checked mumof4.co.uk is available lol
  14. get your own email addy for less than
  15. Phone up and say you are moving, they may not charge the cancelation fee (live in hope) as nik said register either with a different provider or get hubby to sign up, these days it does not matter which provider you go with the equipment is exactly the same, DSL Max is a BT wholesale product the only difference is some providers do port blocking as others don't, but its all on the BT Wholesale network where the providers have no control over the LLU unlike they did with the likes of 512k 1mb 2mb packages before :16: I agree since BT openreach been involved it gone bad, I still not got my two lines I asked for in december 2006, what a saga, I have had slow broadband at home for months now and finally an engineer is coming on tuesday (well if he can find his way)
  16. I would agree local papers or papers in general are usually easier to buy space in at cheaper rate as the production cost is less, I normally get a lot of last minute deals, I will only advertise in ABC audited mags unless there is a good reason to do otherwise i.e. exhibition manuals etc. It is a long time since I done a local or regional advert but the best time to negotiate in all cases is day before print. I have also got to say once you start advertising be prepared for the mass of phonecalls afterwards from other publications trying to get your business, don't dismiss all of them some will bend over backwards to get your money, plus you get loads of free mags as samples.
  17. Advertising rates in national magazines vary but what can you get an advert for? Most national ratecards will be between
  18. In this section you are able to tell us a bit about your company and what you do, you are also allowed to promote any offers you may have. The rule is simply this 1) It must be in line with AUP 2) You must have over 20 posts Because of the nature of the beast, this section is moderated so we have to authorise all posts.
  19. All for free, don't be silly, the right person would pay a fortune for that, I saw som polished tree stumps that resembled chairs go for
  20. Just carrying on from another topic, should we have a business and networking section, which can cover business practice and the law, best ways to advertise inc how to blag free adverts, business promotion on this site (networking), free advice to end users from people in the know. For example I am in the underfloor heating and flooring game as you have probably guessed so I could offer forum members deals from time to time (god did I just say that?????). But I am sure others could do the same. I consider myself very strong where it comes to internet law, consumer law, marketing and procurement (buying) so you may as well add import / export to that as it is part of the process in what I do. Any thoughts on this anybody Beats getting up at 6 in the morning to go to your local BNI meeting on a friday
  21. I did prune the members last month based on their last login date and having more than 1 post, so far I have deleted over 2000 members based on this and at the end of this month I would estimate another 500 will be pruned. In the archives I will prune a lot of the membership as it is not needed as it is read only.
  22. I don't envy you, don't know what it is like in huddersfield but around here it is a very cut throat market. I have been in the computer industry since 1990 when you were lucky to see one in an office. I moved out of the mainstream computer industry about 6 years ago to specialist networking and server configurations as well as setting up a few servers in datacentres for hosting websites. I am nearly out of the computer game now (by choice) limited it to my job and a few of my favoured customers holding a few websites for em. Good luck, and as said before any questions just post em. I am sure there are loads of knowledgable people on here who can help.... Hmm might set up a business and commerce section
  23. Don't forget to plug the site as well as your new business, :lol: Any questions you have about marketing etc, or even how to go about things there is a lot of self employed peeps as well as upper management types on this board so feel free to post anything. Be aware of unfair contracts as that is the one that catches most out, if you sign anything on your premises make sure you read the smallprint, most will say you cannot cancel even if the ink is still wet. Business to business is a pain as you are not protected by the sales of goods act most of the time.
  24. I would stay away from anything that says they are making a calander, diary, menu, handbook, etc. usually along the lines of charities, NHS, Council etc. I always get calls saying "We are ringing from [high end company, eg Flintshire County Council] and would like to give you xyz" I always ask the question do Flintshire County Council pay your national insurance contributions, in other words are you on their payrol, some will still try to blag it so I say not a problem what is your extension I will call you back. Usually they slam the phone down at that point...
  25. Good Idea in theory however implimenting it is another thing, we could set it up and post on ebay, cost involved for posting, Getting payment via paypal, fee involved., Search google, it brings you to this site for free, The site is not breaking even by any means, I have tried donate button, banner ads and now on google. Google does not seem to be working on this site for some reason, its just not picking up the right adverts to go with the topics which is annoying, It worked great for a couple of weeks but now its up the swanny, Anyway the site will still go on, one day someone else will foot the bill for the privilage of advertising on the site, which is my next project ;)
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