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Everything posted by Gteuk

  1. Tried to impliment new software which does not agree with the server, 5 mins to install an eternity to get rid of :rolleyes:
  2. I change the layout to save costs on bandwidth the more forums there are on th index the bigger the download, the exercise did save quite a bit of bandwidth but a lot of you didnt appreciate the new layout so I put it back to the old way :lol: :rolleyes:
  3. Instead of me doing it look at this instead, no point in reinventing the wheel http://www.winxptutor.com/schsd.htm
  4. I will sort out a batch file and put it in the download section to show you how to schedule a shutdown proceedure, the problem is they can restart it, but you could get a time switch so it shutsdown at 7 and the time switch turns power off at 7:05 pm so if the batch file helps let me know
  5. This can be done through most routers, unless you just want it on that PC while others have access, its down to a proxy server again. Lansuite 602 is free for 5 users Set that on your PC and then route all other PCs through it except yours (if seperate from kids) this way you can see all the sites they visit in real time, set up filters and firewall as well as switch it off at certain times.
  6. Depends on what you want to control, I had a keylogger and MSN sniffer on my pc so I can see what was being done on my PC but AVG picks it up as a trojan, But have a look at family keylogger pro, the other way is use a proxy server and blacklist URLs a long process getting all the URLs though.
  7. This seems alright to me. Do I take it that it is to be accessed by all or was the password there to stop ppl getting into it, i.e. if after putting a user and pass in were you able to surf the rest or did it come up every time. Your version of firefox sounds slightly different to mine :46: But basically what you have done is similar to trusted sites on IE
  8. Another few questions? Does work know you have installed Firefox, if not IT may have put a security policy on it Do you run through a proxy and is it set to the right ports and server
  9. Do I take it then bart is the name of the server within your local network ? Are you using point to point access with another site? I take it clara.net is your companies ISP, and I also take it that all is OK with IE, If this is so then its an odd one
  10. This might help http://members.tripod.com/~Barefoot_Lass/carpet.html
  11. What game and is he running the server for the game ? there is a way to sort it just need more info ?
  12. I would suggest you use 128 bit rather than 64 bit unless you're already using 128 bit and just got an excellent memory 64 bit =10 letters 128 = 24 letters
  13. moved to here http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...ail&f_id=10
  14. Eh? AO-Hell is never secure ??
  15. That maybe so, but at the end of the day sites should be designed to be viewed by all, percentages are great for some things but not for others. And as websites have to validate more to get a good search engine ranking, it is harder to bodge up pages with DHTML or Javascript
  16. Here goes then I want to get from work on time tonight WEP = Wired Equivilant Privacy is one of the most secure of all the security measures, but alas it is actually not that secure and has not been for a long time, hence the introduction WPA encryption, the problem with WPA is 1) not completely compatible yet 2) it still uses the same RC4 ASlgorythm as WEP so is still hackable. With the right tools (software) someone can access your network within 2 minutes. MAC ID = Allow only XYZ computers into the network, just to let you know there are two types of attack 1)A Passive attack 2)An Active attack 1) A passive attack is where sombody monitors (sniffs) the data being passed from one device to another, this is done by capturing the packets transfered, this can collect data such as your email login details etc, ALSO your MAC ID 2) An active attack, from using method 1 they can now spoof your MAC ID and to all intent and purpose they become you on the internet, the have full access to the network, and do things over the internet in your name. Using both methods = Safer than 1 or 2 alone but still not secure. I have a firewall thats all I need = More fool you, a firewall will usually allow you to have access to an ip range and its subnet i.e. upto and also people in that IP range have access to you, so really offers no protection. You will unknown to you have ports set to be open by different types of software which in itself is a risk. If the firewall is on your router it is guarenteed to let people in no matter, firewalls on routers are very basic unless you go into the realms of cisco pixs or the like. If you rely on only a firewall to protect you and your network then do not be suprised if you are hacked, or worst case scenario police trace an internet fraud to your address due to a toerag ordering goods with a stolen credit card through your router. What is a WEP Key = from the explainations above you should now be thinking how do I do this I need to set this up now. No worries when I get home tonight I will add a tutorial into the downloads section of how to set up your network a bit more securely with a few other tricks using DHCP config and the like. The best way will always be CAT5 connections and turn off the wireless
  17. No matter I see all no matter if they annon or not :( anyway back to the thread
  18. Wolfies writing an essay
  19. I will go through what it all means a little later, as well as how good or not so good the different methods are, I think Nick knows where I am going with this one :(
  20. When we have enough answers, I will go through the merits of each one so you can make an informed decision as to whether you are secure or not :(
  21. I would like people to be totally honest here, it is a fact that most wireless routers are not secure, I have nothing to hide you may think.... Your neighbours could be getting free internet in your name They could be doing illegal stuff with your IP People can park outside and capture your data as you send it And a lot more So come on be honest in the poll, it is anonymous so no one will know who you are, then you can lie about your security in the thread :(
  22. I have made a few minor alterations to the server to try and improve speed, Is there any noticible difference, I finally got broadband my new office today so can't tell.... Still no new phone lines in HQ though :)
  23. I have added a download section on the site, this is for tutorials of any nature, software of any nature and so on.. The rules are No pirate, copyrighted material can be uploaded Anything under free to distribute license must be to the authors specification All software / Tutorials will be checked for viruses etc, and also to complience of the site This site will do its best to ensure that any software made available is stable and should not harm your computer, however, all computers are different with differing configurations, therefore any software downloaded or tutorials followed you do at your own risk, this site will not be held liable for any problems incured. So if you have tutorials that will help users or software that is innovative then feel free to add it. Please note Do not add software that is readily available everywhere i.e. AVG, Firefox, Norton, blah, blah, as you can just link to them. I am looking for stuff relevent to the site i.e. towing instructions for the gal tyre presure, etc. How to do this and that. Freeware software that helps with this and other ford models. Software and tutorials that will help other with anything. I may even publish the script for my all seeing eye :)
  24. But what happens with those running on 800 x 600 or yet 640 x 480 resolution ??? it does not matter which way you drag it on this version it will cover at least 98% of the screen as that is now what it is set to do... Personally I changed my skin to silver blue at the bottom of this screen and it is IMHO far better :rolleyes:
  25. You must remember some people haven't because your eyesight is good and you have a monitor over 15" you are luck others are not so .. HTML standards recognise 800 x 600 as the standard and that is why a majority of sites are written to conform to that.
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