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Everything posted by Gteuk

  1. Cheers for that and sorry for my late reply I did look on fleabay a couple of days ago and nothing, to my suprise today they have some which is good news really as th leak offs have really given up the ghost and spewed about 2 litres of diesel today whilst using the compressor to pump up my newly acquired puntured tyre and another litre going to get it fixed just 1 mile down the road. Went to my loacal checkpoint auto spares to find out they have employed men with many words of which none make sense, after he tried to sell me wiper fluid pipes and didn't understand the concept of leak off pipes In a fit of desperation I took the wiper fluid pipes and then asked for tie wraps as the appeture was too big and i needed to bodge it for now, to which the reply I got was "wouldn't it be better to buy the proper pipes" if they stocked em I would have bloody bought em'. Looked at 247 but they want too much detail before you get a price, don't like giving out my info at the best of times, and its pointless giving out my number as I never answer the phone anyway unless I recognise the number. Anyway I have bodged it for today with the use of washer fluid pipes, tie wraps and my lighter (bloody thing still wouldn't go on fire, although my mate ran a mile as I held the lighter over the injectors :ph34r:)
  2. I know as the admin I should know better and search because the answer may be here somewhere but I am in a hurry as I am spilling liquid gold everywhere. I know also this is not a chrysler forum but it is an MPV and similar room. I need to find a company that does gaskets, leak offs, etc. My heap has been spewing what I thought to be just oil all over my drive now I find after giving the engine a steam clean to find the leak I am also spewing diesel all over the place and the rocker is held on with blue tack. Now I find its a bloody boat engine and usually main dealer only, this one has got me slightly baffled as because the only gaskets I can find is a full kit at around
  3. I used wire wool on one of them today and lots of water and soap, the wheel did start to come up well in areas but I can see this is a project of labour and many hours of it :angry2:
  4. My car is not a Gal but pitted wheels are pitted wheels, Just wondered if anyone had any ways of making them look better, I know I can get them refinished by professionals at a cost and I have seen some other sites showing how they restored their own. Mine have the complication of being machined so they have those little groves all round similar to an ols vinyl record, So far I have as a test tried cement powder on a cloth, after 30 mins on a small part no real change, I used 200 wet and dry with better results. I know I can use my mini drill and take away all the surface of the wheels then smooth them down with gradual changes in head (or I could just go and buy a new set) but thought it would be nice to keep the originals on it. Any thoughts ? Cheers Glen
  5. Here is the Igoogle link for this site http://buttons.googlesyndication.com/fusion/add.gif I will add this button to the site at the top soon
  6. You can make it display what you want it to on the entry page, i.e. Feeds from your favourite sites so you can quickly view info from a number of your favourite sites before logging into them, also thing good for me but not others is webmaster tools so you can monitor aspects of your site and change the site if needed. Mine shows top last 10 posts from various forums that have RSS feeds enabled on them. The only reason I ask is to see if it is feasible to put a button on this site that will allow you to display the feeds on Igoogle if you use it. This is our RSS feed on feedburner but many other readers out there http://feeds2.feedburner.com/FordGalaxyOwners
  7. Who uses Igoogle out of curiousity, I use it all the time for all sorts of reasons but just wondered how popular it is ?
  8. My teenage not very good but here is my attempt at the language yah C it' lyk dis, da floor insulated 2 the max b4 ya lay da heaing dan, na need ta dig the floor, da temp so low I get na wiff od dat body belo. Now in English You do not need to lift up the existing sub floor be it concrete or wood, you simply lay down an insulation over the top which will not let any heat go downwards, all the heat is reflected into the room giving a nice warm feeling. because of its low working temps it goes under any flooring. If you phone environmental health they will help you remove the body, however if it is an adult sized one they will probably bring the entire metropolitan police force along to assist and show you your new home, if that is the case you will not need underfloor heating really. You will have either an axe murderer called Bruce to keep you warm or an axe murderer called Bertha dependent on your gender.
  9. maybe worth having a look at this also, It will explain in brief how savings can be made even in an old victorian house. http://www.solar-specialist.co.uk/Reduced_running_costs.php
  10. Yep I have fitted it in the good old days, saying that I also fitted it in the sales offices over the christmas break, The office is 70m2 with 8 desks and all the usual office gubbins, i.e. computers, filing cabs, etc. Furniture out 1 day, remove old carpet & carpet underlay then prep floor (it was uneven and we were putting laminate down) 1 day Lay insulation and heating mats, test and wire up 1 day Lay flooring on top 1 day Furniture back in 1 day In all fairnes this could have easily been done in 3 days but we are lazy over the christmas break, move 2 desks, 1 coffee break, Lay 2m2 of flooring then coffee. A standard room can be done in a day under laminate, carpet, etc (dependent on floor fitter) under ceramic, slate and stone a bit longer due to adhesive curing times and tiles are more tricky to install. Depending on the project in mind it is pretty much straight forward, our staff offer a free planning and design service, plus you get full technical backup from me and the guys on the support team,. The only thing you don't get from us is problems (oh and discount (such a horrible word) ;) ) The company is a contract flooring company also and can advise on all aspects from start to finish, and if there is a flooring you like on our website we can advise and send you a sample. Hope that helps And if you have any specific questions feel free to ask on here or through the company website (which has just been revamped by me over the last 2 days). Cheers Glen
  11. Now think I fixed it ;)
  12. I have made a new site which may interest some people, it is an energy forum covering most aspects of renewable and non renewable energy, the overall focus for me is for money saving as well as energy saving. Anyone who wants to contribute would be most welcome to get it moving and help others save or give information of where to steer clear of new site http://www.energyforums.co.uk
  13. Just looked at permissions and now I am confused as guests cannot post :unsure:
  14. I do beleive this is an error in the forum setup, I will look at the permission fields and fix Glen
  15. Sorry guys, Away in china till 1st, will look at it when I get back Glen
  16. You probably wont notice many changes but the site has been upgraded without any problems,, er well I not noticed any.
  17. Next week I will be closing the ford galaxy forums > > > > > > > > > > > To upgrade it to the newer version of software Possible downsides I break it > Nothing new there Arcade will be missing for a short while Chat will go missing for a short will Probably loads of bugs Possible Plus side Better Anti spam measures Hopefully faster page display many bugs fixed.
  18. The site is slow because I am making updates and archiving log files, the log files are large and there are loads which will slow the server down but it will create additional space and hopefully speed it up a bit. Cheers Glen
  19. Arcade now fixed, it was a bit of a complexed error but now you can have fun again :rolleyes: Sorry for the probs
  20. Hi all Sorry about the site outage, the was a recent update by the company that holds this server where they changed the passwords for the dedicated servers as a security measure, the problem being the software they used did not send or store the new password ;) :D Anyhow I was not able to access the database without the password and therefore not able to fix the affected table in the database, this would usually be resolved a lot quicker. All is now well though
  21. cheaky bugger, I have been working all over the place with little to no internet access :lol: When I get home I too tired to look at PC most times...
  22. God my feet are killing after that show, 10am till 7pm for 3 days solid then 2 hour drive after disassembling the stand and loading it into van. Nice to meet you both though, I will have to arrange something where I can be more sociable the next time..
  23. :P :lol: :P :lol: Whilst exhibiting at Grand Designs I met NickPV and other half, all be it brief, I thought they was coming back and was going to take him and loverly wife to hospitality bar :o Ah well maybe next time NickPV is the first person to prove there is a forum god. :P
  24. Who moved you last time? did they do a good job? are they still around? Pickfords and the like sell the brand and not the service these days, Boxes, go to your local grocers or the like and ask them if they can keep boxes for you smaller shops will do this as they pay for bins to be emptied. get as much bubble wrap as possible again this could be gained from local retailers, its just having the nerve to go and ask them all. Could even go around the local industrial estates and ask for boxes the do not need. Most removal companies charge for boxes and then have the cheek to ask for them back now you dont need them.
  25. PS if you want different designs just let me know I will post the dimensions required for them. I.e. your own name & nick name, etc
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