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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Gteuk

  1. Added more memory to the server to hopefully improve performance :( Enjoy
  2. I have recently purchased a mondeo 2007 model which I am happy with, I got the 6 speed box 130bhp version and I can say it is really the car for me, compared to the 5 speed 115bhp it is like a race care, I can accelerate up hill without the need to drop down a gear. And I would assume it can get really close to the clocks top end speed (not that I have tried that as it is against the law :( ) I have had a few problems which are common place, noisy pully wheels does not effect the performance but is annoying on tick over, Cannot believe there is no factory fitted dash light adjustment, Very sensetive alarm on double lock, Stupid hazard light switch positioning Gear stick to radio volume distance questionable as i often turn the volume up accidently Good points are It's rapid (feels like a petrol), it's comfortable, very economical for my style of driving 54mpg (may get it chipped) As with most mondeos its got plenty of room, smooth gear changing, Anyway that is my first thoughts of the mondeo
  3. codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="468" height="60" title="loan affiliate"> name="movie" value="http://www.creditplus.co.uk/affiliate/affiliation-images/loan-affiliate.swf?clickTAG=http://www.creditplus.co.uk/?src=citroenp" /> name="quality" value="high" /> name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> name="allowFullScreen" value="false" /> src="http://www.creditplus.co.uk/affiliate/affiliation-images/loan-affiliate.swf?clickTAG=http://www.creditplus.co.uk/?src=citroenp" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="468" height="60"> Current Sponsors of the forum Area where you can get an instant decision on a car listed on their site. Simply find the car that you want add it to your hot list and apply for the car finance. Bad Points : You cannot get a deal on a car with over 100,000 miles on it (why would you want to) If you want a full term deal it has to be on a car 5 years or less (full term means more interest) Higher interest rates for those with poor credit history (only to be expected) Good Points : I think they accept anybody or nearly anybody It is Quick and you can have the car in days Cars are all over the country so you don't have to travel too far You can part ex (dependent on dealer) You are covered under the consumer credit act Current Galaxy deals ordered by cheapest first Disclaimer : I do not personally endorse this company, and this site and myself cannot be held responsible for any financial or motoring problems that may occur by using the services published on this site. All companies using the facilities of the sponsors are goverened by their industry regulators. Before purchasing a vehicle it is important that you view it with somebody who has a good knowledge of cars and can advise accordingly. Disclaimer for the accompanying person: the person advising you about the car cannot take any personal responsibility fo any problems or defects that may occur over the next 20 years.
  4. Changed the flywheel on a transit van in work to a solid as when the floating flywheel went it took the starter out with it, it drives like a dream but is a total different engine.
  5. maz check your email lol
  6. All fixed and chat room works again lool, only 5 users at a time though lol
  7. A few minor issues means I got to break the forum again lol
  8. yeah I need to revamp the site to improve its status, I have neglected it for a while but been very busy, I am sure i can improve it over the next couple of months to ensure the premium services are reapplied
  9. Well as of tomorrow I am back to the for community, alas it is not a galaxy but I have gone for a mondeo CDTi 2.0 (130 hp) with the 6 speed box, not new and has a minor scrape but its a start after having a crappy American Chrystler, Well I say crappy, it was comfortable and for its age done well but when you got to pay
  10. Lol yeah, my busy life does not give me much time now, Thanks for the donation, mostly appreciated.
  11. Don't want to cause a ripple but the piccaso forum guys are being very generous ;)
  12. Hey all, Not often I come on here other than to tweak / break the website, I am writing on a plea to help someone I actually know with a charity fund raiser for a little boy called Mikey and many others like him who have a rare disease called Perthes Disease which is a condition where the top of the thigh bone (the femoral head) softens and breaks down. It occurs in some children and causes a limp and other symptoms. The bone gradually heals and reforms as the child grows. The aim of treatment is to ensure that the femoral head reforms back into its normal shape so that the hip joint can work well. This is not the half of it as Mikey also has a heart condition detected at a very early age :D I have not really exploited this forum for my own gain, other than to cover costs of the server and upgrades oh and the odd plug for the company I work for. However I have never had a child so close with to me that has only had bad luck so early on in life. This time I am asking for your assistance to help a cause for a deserving child who can have a better quality of life with a few bare essentials for a youngster in his condition and possibly a few creature comforts on top. Mikey's mother has always fought to help others with no thought to herself, this is now her time for others to help her and I want to be one of those people who can spread the word to help her and others like her, THE TARGET FUND IS ONLY
  13. Ah i am a Buckley Guy, but alas I have never owned a Galaxy lol
  14. Whilst I have been away this week the server decided to have a fatal heart attack, so it was not here for some time, Sorry about that :wacko:
  15. The site has now been moved to another server, there is still issues with DNS ghosting which will only affect a small amount of users., Problems you may see Sign in being a pain and logging you out or not logging in This is because you have cookies for old server, goto the bottom of the page and clear cookies for this site and you should be OK If you get errors please let me know what they are here, what the error is, were you logged in, what browser are you using. Cheers Glen
  16. Well this site in the running for some changes first, I am just backing up the bulk of the site and work will commence. This means from time to time you may see errors or the forum will be locked dependent on the update I am doing at the time. All going well there will be a few errors gone after this.
  17. this may not be as easy as I was hoping, 24 hours of working on the new server and it will not accept the backup databases, it is really pull your hair out stuff. that is what I get for choosing a 64bit system lol I may have to rebuild the databases from scratch so may take a little longer but I will work on sorting out other issues over the weekend then come back to the transfer to different server again -_-
  18. Looking to update site try and sort some of the issues this weekend, if all goes well it will be on a quad core state of the art server complete with latest updates, If all else fails it will be here but a bit faster and with latest updates Cheers Glen
  19. Speed seems OK to me at the mo, will look into it though Games are up and running, had to wait for stable version of arcade to be finished :D
  20. Well Gregers your not on your own as I do not fully know how to navigate. Changes that you will notice. Profiles have completely changed and look like a mix between facebook and old profile Face book integration where you can link to your facebook account then like topics (this site has been added as an FB app but needs a lot of users before it goes fully public) Hooks which enables lates topics, watched topic, facebook status, forum status, etc. Similar to facebook you can broadcast your status on this forum only or to both the forum and facebook Ability to change profile picture to be different than your avatar Uploadable files have changed but may be restricted A more options for posting, etc. A lot better google, banner ad function (not good for users but I am happy :) ) Admin part of the forum has got wors instead of better as I cannot prune old private messages so can I ask all users to do a bit of spring cleaning or I will have to do a sql clean which will remove all PMs
  21. As you are probably aware a quick site upgrade has taken 1.5 days, this is due to the conversion of PM messages, god you guys must talk forever over PM, Anyway the site has now been updated, I will still have to add some tweaks for it to be totally satisfactory. Due to the mass amount of data I will be pruning old PMs and stuff from the database.
  22. Database server crashed taking out half the databases with it, I have manually re-entered all the field data that was corrupted and hopefully all is OK again, This took longer to get the sites up but at least no data has been lost,. Cheers Glen
  23. Sorry for downtime but this site has now been successfully moved which is not easy when it is 2GB in size
  24. Although I have quite a busy schedule I do look to change the site to another server with later versions of software on, due to the size of the overall group of sites this will be done bit by bit and may take some time over the next week. As you can imagine the sites are quite huge and I think outgrown this server. Sorry in advance if I break things. Good thing is the site should become faster.
  25. I don't really want to add a reward system on the forum as it will promote an elitist sort of attitude, as gregers said a thank you is really all it needs, and where possible the topic should contain the problem and the fix to help people in the future that will probably have the same problem down the line. Glen
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