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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by daddyfixit

  1. so what would be in at 146k miles ????
  2. i've done brushes on my run on pump , i had to file them by hand on a sheet of emery and it does work !!!!!
  3. drop links ! dont buy crap ones either, my
  4. friend has a box out of a gal at present due to reverse gear fault; he priced up new clutch & dmf---gsf,euro carparts, partco and CES, ces where cheapest for the luk kit and also an luk dualmass !! it worked out cheaper than a solid conversion. the gearbox is away being repaired .
  5. check the arm that comes from the wiper motor and attaches to the spindle, could it be bent due to the sezed spindle ?? would need bending flat again ?
  6. snap on scanners dont recocognise ford galaxy !!! enter it as a sharan and then select your engine code.
  7. if its a mk2 diesel, and you havent done them before put aside 3-4 hours. the diesel filter is easy if you take the "surfboard" out---------while its out you can do pollen filter as well, held in by 2 x 10mm bolts near each bonnet hinge and 1 dead centre above the engine/under draught seal for bonnet. car will be hard to start when you have done the filter---it's o.k the filter has to fill up first and then bleed itself, and will probably stall when you least expect it !!!! just keep turning it over till it goes, no need to press accelerator. 2 pipes to undo and centre "banjo" held in by a clip referred to as "mickey mouse's ears"-if you drop this clip you have to remove undertray to search for it------------be warned !! pollen filter; i made mine a bit more awkward as i removed the whole wiper linkage assembly,wiper arms--the lot!!! as i used the chance to yet again drown the wiper spindles in wd-40 type stuff. if the wiper assembly is out the pollen filter cartridge just unclips, slides to the left and falls out !! there are guides on the site , giving step by step instructions. while you are there, hoover all the leaves that will be around the bulkhead. also clean out the top shock absorber mounts of crap then fill them with wd40 or thin engine oil, as they will be rusty with age and at some point may need to be undone.
  8. 75 inches to rear edge of carpet, 44 inches at narrowest just behind centre row of seats (where the 2 bulges for rear wheel arches are )
  9. as said; wiper spindles seize up and eventually stop !! take the whole thing out so you can dismantle it, clean the spindles with emery paper and re-pack with anti-seize/copperslip. i also drilled some holes right through the sides of each aluminium spindle housing so i can drown them with wd40 through the straw applicator on the can whenever i go under the bonnet. doing the pollen filter at same time is a definite must-do job as well.
  10. just to add more confusion ??? i had a similar smell now and again, became pungent as days went on......then i took car off the mrs to look myself, only found it when using the screenwash !!!!!!! the cheap screenwash additive had gone off !!! causing water in the bottle to become stagnant. had to prise pump out of the bottle behind nsf wheel arch liner to drain it all out---------it stunk the place out.
  11. i think you will find they are tiny allen keys.....inserted to make stealing the radio take longer!!!
  12. are the 4 speeds working? if they are i would check the pollen filter-----its a pig to change so sometimes they are left ! if its blocked then it wont let air into the heater assembly to be blown around.
  13. as mirez said, the system has a fail-safe that prevents the compressor from kicking in if there is little or no gas pressure. i have had mine re-gassed 3 times in 6 years, costing around
  14. is it a mk2 ? if its not the tailgaet wires......... rear wiper spindle gets rusty and starts to seize up; causes working/not working/ going in stop-starts across the screen? sgaf website shows how to dismantle/clean and repair---------i done mine a few months ago as its always worked badly!!! now its perfect and very quiet when working.
  15. MAF sensor ? mine wouldnt do over 55 mph when it went..........GSF had genuine bosch ones for about
  16. as i have said to another espace owner, think of all the new friends you will meet in the service reception area----all regulars, waiting to see if the latest gremlin has been caught!!! :lol: be very,very wary of cambelts, girl in work has just seen off the head on hers when it stalled !!!! :lol:
  17. is the smoke from the exhaust at rear of car, or look under the passenger back door----is it from a small,straight exhaust pipe??? if so its the auxilary heater doing its thing !! you would see it do it if its a cold day and the heater switches itself on to help warm up the car for you.
  18. i thought it was our internet!!! unable to access the site since last week i have been phoning virgin daily complaining, being kept on hold,ranting and raving-------today they sent a new wireless router as they said it was faulty ??????????? either way, i can now get on the site thanks
  19. if there are 2 slots? that an exhaust clamp fits around---try elongating the slots like a spiral (like on the cardboard tube inside kitchen/loo rolls!! using a hacksaw cut it so you can literally peel the outer piece of exhaust off the inner on, the re-shape with pliers to put an exhaust clamp back on to re-assemble.
  20. igniter is in the airbag! DO NOT TRY TO USE A MULTIMETER TO MEASURE RESISTANCE !!-----the battery in your multimeter may be able to set off the airbag, i am not at all familiar with the airbag loom on a galaxy, or where its earth point is. but i do know that measuring air bag loom wires can result in a mouthful of earbag/burst eardrum/smell of poo !!! follow the aircon pipes till you find what looks like an oil pressure switch attached with loom going to it?
  21. have a read on how to change auxilary water pump brushes............i have taken the motor out of my heater and the brushes use the same set-up. 2 hairsprings push tiny brushes inwards to commutator and when they wear thin, the spring jams them up!!! i reckon a steady hand and donor brushes sanded by hand on a sheet of emery paper could be soldered in, got to be worth a try???? especially as i was quoted
  22. used to use the comma pd stuff till i found that the oil from vw was
  23. over past 6 years we have gone through 16 michelins!!!! punctures/damaged/clipped kerb/etc....at
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