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Everything posted by NikpV

  1. ok I'm a post behind here all the time :lol: with the door card off and the handle free does the lever return to its normal position?? --
  2. are you saying the lever is not in the correct position or that the surround (which holds the lever) hasn't gone back flush with he door card
  3. guessing based on other cars - usually a black 4/5 mm diameter cable running from the door lever (operates the door from the inside) and the locking mechanism - its mechanical like the cables that operate bicycle brakes with a thin stell wire sliding inside it..
  4. have you disturbed touched the cable release from the catch to the lock ??
  5. Could try Fords ....... Maz you need two keys already coded to do more so needs coding from scratch ps your caps lock key is stuck on ....
  6. funny - but I did know that :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Its a job related thing ......
  7. appears to be a typical misconception here - a cubic meter of air actually has a mass of about 1.3Kg (more than a bag of sugar - it doesn't feel like it because it is 'floating' in more air - odd but true :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. have a look here for a recent thread on it this forum is a bit of a madhouse (please do not feed Mazhttp://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/uploads/monthly_01_2007/post-555-1169810246.gif - the e numbers give her fits) - most of us are friendly click on the link in my signature to get to the faq - please be aware that the way the forum is set up means that you can reply to posts anywhere, but only start topics in new member introductions and trainee help - if its a technical topic it will be moved to the relevant section. You will not be able to see pictures in threads yet either - if you click on 'options' on the top right of a topic and select 'download topic', open - you will be able to see the images. When you get to 30 posts then these restrictions will be lifted. Hope this helps
  9. I don't think that the wireless remotes came in until '97 so if you haven't got the domes then no remote locking, BTW The B pillar grills are to fo with 'volume sensing alarms' not wireless remote locking - HTH BTW welcome to the forum :lol:
  10. NikpV


    given that I am 47 and have taught 13 - 18 year olds for 20 years whose reason for being is to get a rise/make me lose my rag I feel that I have developed enough of a sense of humor - no single mod decides, it is a joint decision betweeen 2 or more mods (provided it is not a clear breach of AUP) the concept of a team approach should be evident.....
  11. several times round Norwich it appears :lol: :lol:
  12. out of interest, why not ?
  13. usually where the loom goes through the rubber boot in between tailgate and frame - iirc RHS I think
  14. Welcome to the site - if you click on the link to the faq in my signature you can recognise many of the symptoms/solutions then :lol:
  15. as wolfie says inhibit switch, if it doesn't respond try moving the selector lever away and back to park (will it start in neutral - never tried) and try and start, I am assuming that you get no reponse from the key turning
  16. click on the link to the faq in my signature below then its the first link in the faq ;)
  17. cheers for lettimg us know - if gemguy gives more detail I will try and assemble it into a thread here ;)
  18. apparently not - if you post what you like to go in your sig I will do it for you
  19. Welcome - tis mostly friendly here ah another reference to Mumof4 :)
  20. does this belong to a thread or is it an orphan???
  21. Cheers LD - I think the op needs to check this I wonder whether normal circulation on the journey back from nottingham until extra load put on going over the pennines from scotch corner to penrith - impellor loosens/stops and so overheats. Overheting causes expansion and loss of coolant through overflow? This can now occurr (impellor now loose on shaft) intermitently causing slow heating (cabin die to lack of circulation) and occasional coolant loss from local overheating
  22. the spewing out could be as a result of overheating, it appears to be an intermittent thing (cf. the journey back) the water pump impeller springs to mind but can' t think of circumstances where it may be intermittent(not taken one apart), it would delay the heating effect if water was not flowing, if it suddenly stopped flowing I can see the overheating message occuring - is it possible that the water pump impellor can become intermitently loose on its shaft? Would be worth ruling out the aux heater though, on a cold morning (
  23. and yes - before anyone else asks it is added to the faq :)
  24. I think that when I was looking millers had only just had theirs accepted as fitting the spec (a few months anyway) :lol: memo to self: - must get out more :)
  25. blimey - that list is a lot longer than when I last looked which was a couple of years ago
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