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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by iainkirk

  1. OK, Me being a thicko... How many belts are there on a Galaxy TDI down the left hand side of the engine (viewed from the front)? Is the cambelt visible or completely covered?
  2. waiting for the postman then :D Ah well, wonder if we will get the big discussion when i thought id got zapped?????....hope your clear..but if not..dont 4get to let your insurance know or it will become invalid in the case of an accident or claim!! :D Not necessarily true. Depends on your insurer. I'm with Liverpool Victoria and only have to tell them between renewals if I get a ban!
  3. So, someone with VAG Com could get the immobiliser code out of the car then and add the new transducer???
  4. Oops I see a fair bit of 'user' info has disappeared with the new forum software! 53 Reg 115PS diesel. 82000 miles now as well!!
  5. OK, help me with this one. How can I get a transducer key programmed in, without going to my Fraud dealer?? I've got one working transducer key and a spare fob from someone else. Can anyone advise if a locksmith or similar can add the transducer, or do I need to give Fraud dealer a large fortune? Then I can just get a new key blade and Bob's your aunt's husband????
  6. Thanks everyone, it was the key that was dead, not the car! At least I suppose a new key, programmed at the stealers, will only be about
  7. OK I've not been here for a while, but I'm in need of your help: Went outside to start the Gal today and this is what happens: Engine turns over, fires up and stops within 2 seconds (guess this is the ECU stopping the engine??) Leave ignition on and glow plug warning light flashes on and off constantly after a few seconds. Display on dashboard says "Garage Repair" or something. I reckon it's used a large amount of oil this week as well. Any clues anyone??
  8. Didn't have the time to do my brake pads myself. Having all 4 corners done on mine cost
  9. Mine does the same and always has IIRC. However my windscreen is full of bullet holes and will be receiving a little aggression soon, if you know what I mean!!! :)
  10. IIRC you press two of the buttons on the aircon unit. Don't ask me which ones, but a reply will surely be along soon... Doing this also changes the outside temperature reading from F to C on the trip computer at the same time.
  11. My alloys are all completely fooked with lacquer damage. Must get them refurbed soon!
  12. My old V6 Gal suffered from engine trouble at 100,000 miles. Arranged for a 'temporary repair' and sold to a taxi firm. Engine expired terminally about 3 months later <G>
  13. OK, just had my first set of replacement brake pads all round at 65000 miles. Is this a record?
  14. My 40k cambelt change 12 months ago was
  15. I've just put some 'Tornado Alpha' tyres on my Gal.
  16. My doors lock and the alarm goes off when I use my Bosch pressure washer, but not with any other pressure washer!
  17. Can anyone post the part numbers for all the chrome bits for a MkII? I specifically want the chrome bit for above the rear numberplate, as my machine silver bit has succumbed to a ding, but might go the whole hog and replace a few other bits, as my front radiator grille seems to be deteriorating. Fraud man couldn't find it on the TIS. Even the picture of the un-facelifted MKII part was wrong!
  18. Not been here for a while, kinda busy working on the Isle of Lewis, but the time has come for the last service before my 2 year Ford Europe warranty runs out on the Gal. Bought her from Motorpoint ya see - she's Belgian! What should I ask the garage to check when they do the 60,000 mile service? The aircon is fine...brrrrrrr! The drop links were done at 40K (ok they might be needing another repacement?) I've already had two spare wheel winches. Any suggestions as to what might need replacing under warranty? The heated rear window has two elements out. Is that covered? All suggestions greatly appreciated!!
  19. Doesn't the Zafira diesel engine use more oil than diesel? Have you checked to see if your spare wheel is still there?
  20. Drove the Galaxy from Carlisle to Ullapool last week. Two bikes on the roof and a boot full of stuff (although 2 seats left in garage) My normal average mpg from the computer is 35 ish (lead boots)... On this journey I acheived...... 26 mpg :huh: EVEN though about half the journey was on single carriageway 60mph scamera-infested A9 etc So, the moral of the story is: If you want your TDI to have the performance and fuel consumption fo a 2.3 petrol, fill it with stuff and put two bikes on the roof :huh:
  21. Not seen him for yonks. No longer a Galaxy owner and residing en France.
  22. These old posts mysteriously re-appear from time to time! Almost 2 years and 2 months between posts...is this a record for this site??? And NO, don't go and artificially reincarnate some older ones for the sake of it!!!
  23. Don't just look for older models. As you're looking for something with upto 60,000 miles on it, your
  24. I'd take it to an independant VW specialist rather than a VW Main Stealer as it's 7 years old if I was you, unless you've got money to burn!
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