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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by csj

  1. i put remapping into search before i posted but nothing came up . thank you
  2. hello have a gal 115 bhp xreg ghia diesel and was wondering if anyone had remapped the ecu on one , if so what were the benefits and drawbacks eg power and fuel consumption . and does it do any damage . thank you
  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah feel sick
  4. thank you
  5. do you know how you get them off ?
  6. hello does anyone know if the heater in the mirror doesnt work but the other electric movement works ,do i have to replace the whole lot or can the heater be fixed , thank you , pasenger mirror works fine
  7. ^_^ nice day out though lol
  8. got rheumatoid arthritas in my hands after a while holding spanners kill .
  9. any body in the york area fancy earning some money by helping me change glo plug in booster heater would really appreciate it , cheers
  10. hello . just a short one read a few posts about turbo vanes and car going into limp mode which mine was all the time i accelerated . did what someone suggested and filled up with ultimate so far after 4 days car not gone into limp mode at all . THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HELPED ME
  11. also pull the fuses now whilst its still working else it'll generate a fault condition and shut down requiring the fault code to be cleared. would love to take to bits myself but have arthrtas so messing about under the car kills my hands , also scared of snapping bolts again willing to pay and help if someone wants to do , think will need fault codes resetting as well . cheers
  12. thanks for that feel a prat now for spelling it wrong . aaaah
  13. thanks for replies . booster heater not working . bought the glow plug for it but garage doesnt want to do it . so smoke coming from normal exhaust , anyone in york area that wants to earn some money can change glowplug for me would aprecite it . thank you
  14. been reading about turbo veins but cant find any piccys to show how to lubricate , think this could be causing limp mode , if put in search comes up error . sorry if this is posted in wrong place . thank you john
  15. if injectors are faulty why when warm stops smoking ? also if boot it goes into safe mode . been looking into veins but cant find any pictures any help please
  16. hello when my tdi 115 bhp galaxy 2001 starts and runs when cold loads of grey smoke emited from exhaust , smells like diesel mpg gone down to 26 ish . only noticable when cold does anyone know why it does it thank you
  17. hello its a2001 tdi 115 bhp thanks
  18. hello looking for help . can anyone tell me why my galaxy keeps going into safe mode or limp mode (not sure on technical wording sorry ) . can reset by turning ignition off then back on . but doing it more frequent now . pain , thank you john
  19. so do i <lol~>
  20. will try and get a re gas , see what happens then thank you
  21. hello again just aquick one . does anybody know why the climate control panel flashes on start up , air con doesnt work .. thanks john
  22. playing around with it turning key on and off it must have a prime pump as buzzez when turned on and it does sound like theres air in somewhere .will check out more tomorrow . thanks for reply hello put car on test machine and came up with fault code crankshaft position sensor . would this stop it starting ??? . and does anybody know where it is . thank you
  23. playing around with it turning key on and off it must have a prime pump as buzzez when turned on and it does sound like theres air in somewhere .will check out more tomorrow . thanks for reply
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