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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. Was that something to do with seat belt retractors Dave?
  2. This is just probably the bendex gear on the starter motor sticking. Disconnect the battery and remove the starter motor making a note of where the cables connect to. Use some WD40 to clean the bendex gear and spline until the gear glides up the spline freely. Do not lubricate it as this will attract dust and cause the same symptoms. Hope this helps
  3. The second fan should only operate when the A/C is turned on and not in ECON mode.
  4. Happy Birfday for yesterday Maz. Hope you had a good day!
  5. Not sure on why your blowers aren't working correctly ...isn't there a module that controls the radiator cooling fan in conjunction with the aircon? Your wiper problem is probably due to broken wires within the rubber boot that goes into the tailgate. There are plenty of posts that explain how to sort this out.
  6. Although the other is working I would suggest you change this as well as the one that has blown. You may find this is drawing too much current and its power rating needs to be checked.
  7. NAFC Dipso ..... I would tend to go for removing the inner CV first rather than disturbing the sub-frame. Would be interested to know how you managed in the end.
  8. This sounds simply like a MAF problem to me although Insider is also correct in his diagnosis of your symptoms.
  9. Brawlski ...... if 200mA is the figure that's being bounded around then you probably don't have a drain problem. I suggest that your battery is on it's way out and obviously with all the short trips and the number of starts involved, then you're probably better off buying the correct battery for the car. I know they're a little more expensive but worth it in the end.
  10. By the sounds of it I reckon you'll need to start checking the door and tailgate looms. You're probably aware that the wires in the doors and tailgate have a tendancy to break and chaff so there's a possibility. Another thing to check is the main cables from the alternator to the battery via the main fuse box. These are also known to breakdown in time causing a high resistance and possibly short through the alternator.
  11. Good result then .... well done mate!
  12. One minute you're saying it hasn't got DUAL now you're saying it has! .... Sort yerself out man ....... :D No seriously ..... sounds like the condenser to me as Big J suggested. LP or HP side would have been useful ....
  13. Yea it should do as Sparky mentioned. I've used a blow torch and a socket, the same width as the outer race, to drift it out. Worked for me but to be honest, I would take the hub to a garage and get them to press it out as previously suggested.
  14. Nice one Brash and thanks for the info.
  15. Usually you'll find that the blower will only operate on a particular setting ie on position 2 if a ballast resistor has gone. If yours is not working on any position then I would try fuses first before looking at changing the fan motor.
  16. Good result 7up! I'll have a listen to mine ....
  17. Well, now having got rid of the ST for a Mk 3 Ghia and having owned a Mk 2, I can say that the MK 3 is a far superior car to the MK 2. One noticeable factor is the overall handling, in particular the lack of body roll and the sharpness of the brakes. Although I opted for the 1.8 (125) TDCi, the response and torque from the engine is very good for a big car and comparing it with the 1.9 (115) Tdi, much more refined and easier to drive. The interior is fab with all the toys except for the Navigation Unit and the seats are a doddle to fold down. These do not fold into the floor but onto it and in effect produce a second floor. My major concern is if a heavy load was placed on top of these folded seats, would it damage them? Overall, dead chuffed with it considering I wasn't too happy with the shape when they first appeared.
  18. Another thing to check is the shock absorber top bushes which can become corroded and can cause a similar noise. Just jack the front of the car up just enough to get both front wheels off the ground and turn the steering from lock to lock and listen for a grinding sound without the engine running. Good luck
  19. IIRC it's an all purple wire and called the GALA signal on these.
  20. Before you start to replace the turbo it might be worth checking all the hoses to and from the turbo/intercooler. Has it failed? Is there horrendous white smoke pouring out of the exhaust? The 'whistling' is usually noisy bearings which can be replaced by a good recon-company. Lack of power could be down to the ECU being in Limp mode caused by numerous things. I would start by checking all the hoses as suggested, then checking all the vacuum pipes to and from the boost control solenoid and the VNT mechanism.
  21. Cracking post there SwFsnapper! ..... thanks for your time in putting some great info on this site.
  22. Have you tried Flea bay?
  23. Try ARB Drop links as well as Daves suggestions. Not expensive and pretty simple to do ...try a search as I'm sure there's a good post with piccies.
  24. Many Happy returns you ol git! :lol:
  25. Go on! Have a fag girl and lose a few pounds at the same time! :(
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