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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Vanbursta

  1. Why does your wife have drop links fitted? Surely they'd be better on the car!
  2. LOL :16: Yes in this order 1) Yes I can tell you at 3:40 tomorrow. 2) If you've done something wrong (and been caught out) - probably, if you haven't (or haven't been caught out) - probably not. 3) Eventually EVERYTHING comes back into fashion. Spooky!!! Impressed or what? :lol:
  3. If you could find a member near you, it might be possible to try your C/L /Alarm box in their car, so you would at least know if it's working or not. Not all Gals are fitted with alarms, if the box has 3 connectors and you have the sensors on the B pillar, then you have the alarm, if your box only has 2 connectors then you don't have an alarm. I have tried for many months to get a wiring diagram for the control box (I even asked the manufacturer) but Ford will not give permission to release it, it's a shame because if they did the control boxes could be fixed for pennies (as I am sure you are aware the total cost of components is about
  4. I have seen a number of requests from people wanting to know the colour of their Gals recently, if you need to know please feel free to PM me and I will help you out - It's free and I can tell you as soon as I get your message, there may be a VERY few instances in which I can't tell, but generally not a problem as long as you supply your reg no in the PM. please DO NOT post your reg number on site for obvious reasons. If you are specific with your question I can tell other things as well such as "does it have heated mirrors", "where was it built" etc. I can however, only give the answers as it left the factory and I can't do it for the Sharan or Alhambra. I hope this is of help to someone in the future.
  5. Is it an auto, if it is the pedal is fitted with a sensor and if you push the accelerator slowly it will accelerate at a sedate pace, if you push the accelerator to the floor quickly it switches into "sport" mode, then acceleration is brutal to say the least!
  6. HMMM like you might trap the hand of the theif who is reaching through the open window when you return to the car. More like a Fraud cost cutting excercise!!
  7. PM me your REG NO and I can tell you exactly. DONT post it on the forum.
  8. Easy to test the alarm. 1) Wind down drivers window 2) Sit in the drivers seat 3) Lock the car using the lock on the drivers door through the open window 4) Wait 40 seconds 5) Pull the bonnet release cable If the alarm sounds you have one, if not then you don't or there is a fault.
  9. Nah - they are takng the mickey, the colours they are quoting are shown on monochrome (black and white or 2 colour monitors), although I am worried about the flowers - is that similar to the little voices :)
  10. Whoops - my apologies. Although in my defence the ones I posted are in PDF format with boxes you can tick as you do each item and room for comments. - Sorry
  11. I was just asked to post full service schedule / items, I have done so and each service listing can be printed off seperately, they contain a list of items with space for comments and a tickbox whic you tick as you go along. Here's the link in case they get buried. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...st=0#entry75396
  12. Here you go, complete service schedules and each printable with a tickbox for each item, and interim details all with spaces for notes and correctly formatted, just print em off and tick the boxes as you do the service(s) I did add them in order but for some reason they got posted out of order, but they are all there. 15_000km_12_months.pdf 30_000km_24_months.pdf 45_000km_36_months.pdf 60_000km_48_months.pdf 75_000km_60_months.pdf 90_000km_72_months.pdf 105_000km_84_months.pdf 120_000km_96_Months.pdf 135_000km_108_Months.pdf 150_000km_120_months.pdf 165_000km_132_months.pdf 180_000km_144_Months.pdf At_72_Months_then_every_48_months_regardless_of_mileage.pdf Every_24_Months_regardless_of_mileage.pdf Every_48_Months_regardless_of_mileage.pdf Every_144_Months_regardless_of_mileage.pdf
  13. I have never seen the book, but the TIS has all you need manual wise. I think Microcat has the service schedules and items required built in and it can be printed as a seperate form, unfortunately mine doesn't quite go to 2000 but stops at 1999, of course if you can find someone who has a later version..... It also tells you in the service handbook that came with the car (or at least mine does) and I beleive there's a generic one in the Haynes manual. Failing that you might have a word with your friendly stealer. PS CAPS LOCK is considered to be "shouting" and can offend some people.
  14. Thanks Steve. I read somewhere that the Ultima version was a very limited run (4 months I think) and most people try to tell me I am refering to the car wrongly as an Ultima doesn't exist. I am glad to hear from another person who has one, as I have often thought I (or my log book) may be wrong! Cheers for the reply. Perhaps we have the only 2 left :-)
  15. Thanks - apologies for asking again I did a search bit it didn't turn up anything (probably because I searched for roof bars (DOH) - I guess that's what happens when you are tired!
  16. If they are fitted the interior sensors are Ultra sonic and are located on high up on the B/C pillar (where the top of the front seat seatbelts are bolted on), there is a pictue of them on here somewhere but I am not sure where.
  17. Ford quote 6.5 hours for dash out, most people are of the opinion that it takes a couple of days to get the dash in / out, if the heater matrix is what they are refering to then it is a dash out job, even to access some of the control flaps you have to remove the dash. Try to get at least 9 hours labour off the price, or ask them to do it before you buy it.
  18. I just spotted this, I know someone was asking for one but I can't remember who. Just to point out it is nothing to do with me. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...:MESE:IT&ih=007
  19. Can anyone tell me if it's possible to retro fit roof rails, I mean are all the mounting holes there or would they need to be drilled, does the trim need changing in any way, and how do you get the old trim off if necessary? I assume the headlining would need to be removed to allow access to the new roof rail bolts? has anyone done this and if so how difficult was it?
  20. The pre mix should contain distilled water, it is also a legal requirement for the manufacturer to plainly state the contents on the packaging, so you should be able to tell quite easily.
  21. You shouldn't use fairy liquid as it is corrosive and will eventually rot the screen rubber, plain water is ok but it's always best to use distilled water as it is pure and doesn't contain any of the minerals you get in tap water (even in soft water areas there are still minerals in the tap water), minerals will eventually condense and block the jets. Any proprietary screen wash is fine, the reason it starts to smell is that the same minerals in the tap water react with the alcohol in screenwash and it turns the water stagnant, again this can be avoided by using distilled water. If you use just plain water it won't cut through the greasy film that is deposited on the screen by spray from other vehicles, this happens mostly after a prolonged dry spell when the road has a chance to build up a film of greasy muck (mostly dust mixed with heavy hyrocarbons from diesel and petrol exhausts, but also containing other contaminants). Lastly if you don't use screenwash the water will freeze in the winter, as water expands when frozen it can damage the pump / pipes / jets, not to mention the damage done when you try to use the pump dry as it is normally cooled by the liquid passing through it and can quickly overheat.
  22. Yup, buy a bottle of Milton baby steriliser fluid from the local chemist, pour it in and leave for 24 hours, drain and refill with 50% distilled water and 50% proprietary screenwash. Cured the problem fro me last year and it's still smells OK.
  23. Perhaps I shouldn't mention the fact that I also managed to break the drivers side as well, this was because I thought there might be a spring (or something else) that had fallen out and tried to remove the drivers side glass to double check and compare. The only good thing today is that Ford actually had BOTH sides in stock! In case anyone is interested
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