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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Vanbursta

  1. TECHNICAL SERVICE BULLETIN No.168/1996 Car and Light/Medium Commercial 27.03.1997 Model: Galaxy, built from 18.02.95 to 25.05.96 (build codes SC00255 to TC47697) inclusive Markets: All Subject: Difficulty in moving the spare wheel retainer Labour Time: Remove and install the spare wheel and remove the plastic washers 0,2 hours Service Instruction This bulletin supersedes TSB 168/1996 dated 29.11.96. Please destroy the previous edition of this bulletin. Please note that only the tool supplied with the vehicle or a reversible ratchet and socket should be used to operate the spare wheel retainer. If there is a concern that the spare wheel retainer is difficult to move then this may be resolved by removing the two plastic washers fitted at the spare wheel retainer pivot. To do this, remove the spare wheel, slightly push together the spring housing on the spare wheel retainer using molegrips, cut through the plastic washers and pull them out. Refit the spare wheel. See below for an illustration of the spare wheel retainer. Spare wheel retainers without plastic washers have been fitted in production since 26.05.96 (build code TC).
  2. I have had a look for you and it seems you need the following:- Cover - Support, LH Finis no 1107712 approx
  3. I'm begining to think you may need a degree in chemical engineering to understand this site, my head hurts I'm going for a lie down :-) Seriously some very interesting stuff there, who would of thought that car batteries could be so diverse (Oh no i'm slipping into anorak mode - I really must have that lie down)
  4. OK thanks for your help Arrgghh so there are more different colours!! The question remains should I flush / refill and is this purple stuff any better than the cheapo blue stuff? Thanks for the tip about the CD-V6 (VW VR-6), I did already know as our local VW garage is MUCH cheaper than our local Ford garage, but thanks anyway.
  5. Hi all Got a small problem with some new antifreeze I bought from the local Fraud dealer this morning, so any advice from the sages on here would be most welcome. Heres the story:- ;) When I first got my '97 2.8 v6 she only had plain water in the cooling system, so I flushed and replaced with the orange stuff that Ford were selling at the time (G11), the car was in a non Ford garage last week and they changed the orange stuff for some ordinary cheap nasty blue stuff (the car went in for an exhaust but they decided to replace the anti freeze - no idea why - they didn't even charge me for the privelege! but there was also an indentical Galaxy in at the same time so maybe they got mixed up), anyway I moaned and they paid for 6 litres of new antifreeze and 10 litres of dizzy water from the local Ford dealer, I picked up the antifreeze this morning and it's purple, I asked about it at the service reception and was told this is now the correct antifreeze and they use it in all vehicles. IE it superseeds all others. The guy at Fords reception reckons the makeup of the 3 different anti freezes is different and that the new stuff is an O.A.T. antifreeze which Ford have replaced all others with (what is an OAT antifreeze anyway - sounds like something to stop your horses feed from freezing!). I was going to reflush and fill the system (there are no problems with it, I just don't want to cause myself any grief later 'cause I used the wrong stuff and then get told it doesn't stop the internal corrosion etc), but to be quite honest I really don't know what to do now, should I flush and refill with the "proper" (purple)antifreeze Ford supplied me with this morning, should I try and source some more orange stuff, or should I just leave it with the blue cheapo motor factor stuff in! Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated, as I haven't managed to knacker the car yet and don't want to start today! I have attached a picture of the bottle and the cap, the cap has some antifreeze in it so you can see the purple colour (looks like Meths!).
  6. The trick with car ramps on gravel (or any surface) is to cut a long thin strip of carpet and wrap it round the 1st "rung" on the ramps, that way when you get the front wheels on the carpet the ramps will not slip (I'm told it works with sturdy rope as well, although I haven't tried it.
  7. Is this what you want?Air_con_pt2.pdf Air_con_pt1.pdf
  8. HI all Does anyone have a spare new/used rad fan for a 2.8 v6 MK1 please? I am willing to pay a good price as one of mine has died and we are supposed to be going on holiday next week. (Typical) The Gal is now getting dangerously close to overheating as it's the one that comes on with the A/C (although they are both the same). Thanks to anyone who can help and my apologies to everyone else (just getting desperate as Ford can't get me one until mid next week)
  9. Help please, where is my '97 Galaxy V6 2.8 fuel cut off switch! It says in the manual it is under the passenger seat, the mounting bracket is there, but there is no sign of a switch. Looking at the paint on the bracket it's obvious one has never been fitted and the wiring loom supports this as there is no loom attached that isn't used (I had the carpts/matting out and there is no sign of any "extra bits" on the loom). Also what is the grey relay in the well under the passenger seat for, it says in the manual it's a fuel pump relay, but I pulled it out and the car kept on running!!
  10. OK here's the definative answer, don't bother with the instructions to turn the key in the drivers door with the infra red remote - it doesn't work, this system was NOT designed that way!! I have now managed to get the correct instructions for the infra red version, which are:- Hold the remote control in the direction of the vehicle, press the UNLOCKING button 3 times within 5 seconds, the control light on the drivers door will then illuminate (the system is in programming mode), within this period press and hold the unlocking button, then press the locking button 3 times, if the control light in the drivers door flashes then the system accepted the remote, you can program all further remotes within 20 seconds. It didn't work for me to start with, then I discovered that despite the fact that the LED came on, on the remote, it wasn't putting any signal out, after I replaced the remote, it worked perfectly. BTW Infra red light has a spectrum band, and whilst it's true that some bands (or frequencies) are stopped by glass, not all of them are and that's why the remote beam (actually it's pulses) are able to penetrate the glass.
  11. Can somebody please tell me (or have a look in their manual and let me know) how to program the Remote key to lock/unlock my 97 Galaxy please. I have tried the instructions for turning the key in the drivers door 3 times, but the system won't go into programming mode, I asked my local Ford garage while I was picking up the new pollen filter kit and they told me it has to be done via their computer, can someone please confirm if this is correct, or if I can in fact do it myself. The system is the earlier infra red version NOT the later ultra sonic, the alarm is working OK and the LED flashes as it should, please help if you can as it's driving me mental!! PS Fitted a new alarm / central locking control module today, got it brand new from a dalr for
  12. I have just bought the kit to stop water getting in (cost under
  13. Thanks for the answers, I have tried looking for all the alternatives, Sharan, Alhambra etc, I have tried all the local scrap yards and even findapart.com, also eBay etc (the chap that sells the repair kit says that it doesn't cure the problem with the alarm or the interior lights, but just give you your central locking back) but so far nothing. That's why I think I am going to have to bite the bullet. How would I contact the other member who was selling one please can someone tell me as I am new to this and don't want to upset anyone. Thanks again
  14. Can anyone help me please, I have the usual problem on my 1997 Galaxy Ghia Ultima in that the central locking control box has got full of water, I am going to order a new one as I can't find a s/h one anywhere and have unplugged the old one at the moment, however I have a few problems which I am not sure the box will cure. 1) There are no interior lights (they work fine if switched on manually but don't come on when the door(s) are opened. 2) The instrument panel lights are always on, regardless of the position of the light switch. 3) Cruise control doesn't work, so far I have tested the pump (working fine), the brake switch (working fine) the stalk control (working fine), but cannot get any response to the stalk controls, as I didn't get an owners manual could somebody please explain how to use it, there is no light on the dash nor is there any clicking relay sound. Where is the location of the cruise control relay (and which one is it) and which fuse does Cruise use ? (I am sorry to ask but I didn't get an owners manual and the Ford documentation makes no reference to them. Is it possible the above are all connected to the central locking / alarm module and if so does anyone know if fitting a new one will cure it (approx
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