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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by adrianf.

  1. The first convertable Galaxy :lol:
  2. Sounds to me its the sensor. I had the same problem a while ago with one that didnt tick. Feplaced it and all was fine. You could try swaping it over with another one just to make sure. Just carefully prize the black bumper trim out and you can then swap them about.
  3. So you could really answer the original question in a strange way. Is there much difference between the 150 MKII and the 140 MKIII or has he nothing to worry about
  4. Im not even going to answer that. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . But big ones are best
  5. I just phoned Seat to ask about the price of mudflaps A complete set front and back they want
  6. Hmmm i wonder where they get that from then :16:
  7. I removed all four door cards a couple of weeks ago to change the speakers and bought 10 of the yellow door clips from Ford for
  8. Anymore thoughts guys and gals before i go and spend my hard earned cash.
  9. Cheers guys. The only problem i can see bleeno is the funds wont allow big spends at the moment so i dont want to ditch a crappy HU just to by a new cheepo HU. I understand you get what you pay for so i cant expect wonders if only forking out about
  10. Ok, going back a couple of weeks i decided to change my four door speakers in favour of some Sony Xpod or whatever they are called. The result wasnt what i was hoping for. Yes they are better than the original ones but to be honest the improvement wasnt really worth the hassle of fitting them. They just dont seem to have much bass or treble and sound a bit flat if that makes sense. The head unit i have is the standard Scala unit which came with the car and my question is--------------is it any good. Im thinking about changing it but dont want to waist anymore money on this project. I have always thought that no matter what you put into the speaker it will only sound as good as it can with whatever unit you use or am i wrong (goog chance i am) So if i pop off and buy another head unit will it be any better than the Scale or have i just made a bad choice of speaker. Also thinking if i change the unit will i still be able to use the multi changer as most of the ones ive looked at in the shops have the single slot cd setup Sorry to go on but not really up on this subject so thoughts and opinions please folks. Adrian
  11. or for the ladies, you will look like youve never had kids and yer boobs will point out instead of down :rolleyes: Ive got the wife out there in the rain lifting them in and out as we speak (type)
  12. This may be of interest to some of you, i went into my local Halfords today and i see they are doing the Super Brilliance bulbs buy one get one free . The H7 to fit mine are
  13. If you go to the bottom of thier page and look at the small pictures for the different types of car they sell you will see they have a piccy of a red Ally for the mpv & 4x4 section. Best car they have ever had :rolleyes:
  14. They have some nice Gals there at the moment. The red petrol one was there when i bought mine and thats nearly 4 months now.
  15. Its obviously been used as a taxi or airport runs but it beets me how they clock up that sort of mileage in a year. Most likely in use 24/7 Had it been there when i bought the Ally i may have been tempted. I only do averege miles and it should be good for another 100K
  16. Anyone fancy it www.autochoicebristol.com Same place i bought the Ally from
  17. So theyve told you April eh I bet its April 1st ;)
  18. Ive read and heard about people moaning the seats on the new Galaxy are a lot thinner than the old ones so this may be why Ford have not fitted them on the new ones. I think its to do with them holding into the floor.
  19. Brilliant ;)
  20. There is a flap on the inside of the front wheel arch. Remove this to gain access to the side light bulb but i think you need small hands to get into it. I have allways changed my headlight bulbs with the headlight fitted. Its a bit tight but can be done
  21. Nice one bleeno old son, your spot on with the missing screw. I have a spare one to go back in if this effin rain ever stops Cheers Adrian. Ps. Hows that crappy old Ford going
  22. Ever since ive had tha Ally ive noticed the nearside rear outside door handle is loose. In other words it will slide foward in the door panel enabling you to pull the rear part of the handle out of the door panel. This hasnt bothered me until my heavy handed 5 year old pulled it so hard this morning it almost tipped the car over and he managed to pull the handle out. It went back in ok but im wondering if there is a clip or something broke or if a good dollop of strong glue will do the job. Thoughts & opinions please Adrian
  23. I would have thought you should be able to remove the filter as long as you let it stand for a while to allow the oil to drain back down. Why did you have problems with the engine tray? Go carefull with the filter wrench as it only a plastic filter housing Im sure you can buy the proper tool for the job but ive managed with a wrench up tp now.
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