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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

broom broom

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Everything posted by broom broom

  1. the longer the bettera nd the more quiet and less complaining person the batter..... not like myself :lol:
  2. i recommend it just try not to look at them too often or laugh cause it gives the game away too early!
  3. i do it all the time .... its great when folk get in that don't know you have them and are too polite to open a window or ask you to turn the heating down
  4. i did that to my ex on a really hot summers day took him nearly 2 hours to realise why he was sweating so much....... i love being cruel!
  5. as hard as i've tried maz i cant even come close!
  6. just need to see if gregers does the same if not he has a great memory!
  7. at least were honest! :blink:
  8. lol i cheated too i had emma writing the sequence down and was saying it back to me i still didnt get far lol
  9. aww don't say that gooner you seem to be good at simon though :blink:
  10. oh yeah the walls what a silly place to put them! on the nokia snake2 game you use to be able to go through them now if i could do that the rest would be easy lol
  11. aww fankoo gooner i sat here all day yesterday playin it just to get the top score again :blink:
  12. ohhh heated seats i didn't know what i was missing till i got them! but i know what you mean about the weather but am in scotland am use to it lol
  13. both my rear ones went we've had the Gal for 5 and a half years and its the first time we've had trouble with them the car came with reciepts for all the work and it doesn't show that the previous owner who had it from new had touched them either
  14. wiring loom at door post?? thats what happend to mines
  15. probably a broken sensor ring or it could even just need cleaning
  16. post! not pose don't know what i was thinking there ;)
  17. god luck maz!! right who's gonna be first to pose a nuse pic then hmmmmm ;)
  18. i've had this problem and it was a broken sensor ring replaced the cv joint as the sensor ring is part of the cv joint you can't buy them seperatly ....... you just need to check them all to see what ones broken
  19. right it was off for about half an hour that time :wub: hopefully it wont be like this all day ..... i might just need to go tinker with the car instead!
  20. well i didnt cause we had a power cut! what a waste of gettin drunk! i went to bed and then some numpty phoned me on my mobile at 20 to 5 in the morning don't know who it was ...... think i'll go wake them up now muhahahaha
  21. lmao :wub:
  22. i think i jinxed my connection it keeps going off and then coming on again the straight back off am managing to post in between connections :wub:
  23. ok am playin catch up lol
  24. i vote we get drunk and talk mince on here lol
  25. i know i think am gonna go straight to the shots cause i suddenly feel like gettin drunk!
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