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Everything posted by teresa

  1. wow thought it was going to be something funny then
  2. oohhh fishin not been for a few months just a pity i sold all my gear so he could have a car gggrrrr
  3. so sorry to hear adrian its hard to lose a family member especially so close to christmas my son used to work for the undertakers from what he said the only time the coffin is now carried is if there are any steps to climb otherwise its pushed on a trolly thats what happened at at his place of work anyway dont know if its different at other places something to do with health and safety .. cant really offer advice on how to get through it everyone copes different i know when my husband and my grandma died both within last 4 years i bottled it all up . when my hubby died 4 yrs ago i bottled it all up because of the kids but flipped at the wake.. with my grandma i did everything i could to help with preperation of funeral as my aunt was away i think that made me cope alot better with the situation i know its not much advice but hope it helps a bit
  4. according to this site http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.html?t=601907 there are some peeps on there that work for HMRC and they said the documents actually went missing on 8th october (page 3) ... the workers were only informed yesterday afternoon AFTER it had been made public.... its disgraceful
  5. just heard this on news its discusting why on earth did they put documents like this in the normal post ...... was this planned ?
  6. it would cost a fortune in uniforms kev would be distracted very easily
  7. wheres the parrot only saw a camel
  8. im lost :lol:
  9. welcome jan enjoy getting your hands dirty
  10. if money was no object id buy myself er a mx5 just love them to bits and also cant be used as a taxi like i was when i had my gal and the beemer
  11. had this email today dont know if it will do any good but here it is and read for yourselves PLEASE READ ALL See what you think and pass it on if you agree with it. We are hitting 95p a litre in some areas now, soon we will be faced with paying
  12. :blink:
  13. hi gary welcome :P
  14. i use avast as well also spybot had no probs whatsoever
  15. nope i agree they were also given to us for women to play with :blink: hehehe those pics ..... now if you had something to do with my new hobby you would see the evidence :P
  16. hey maz how come you dont get free school meals i get it for chloe as we are on child tax credit under
  17. oh my ill be banned off here for life if i show the pics lol ........most of you wouldnt cope with the shock and end up having a heartattack then i would be done for murder
  18. ill have you know mine are not fake :22: how dare you suggest such a thing :unsure:
  19. maz i had it on my other msn the other day got rid of it i think
  20. Speaking of hat pegs......whatever happened to the other gorgeous brunette....seen her little yellow motor there ! awww hun you missing me :1: lol no just been busy but not with me car got another hobby and wow its fun speak to ya all soooooon :)
  21. very good
  22. i use this very easy to use http://www.snapfiles.com/reviews/PIXresizer/pixresizer.html
  23. oi ya old git happy birthday
  24. oh god me too er think ill have salad from now on
  25. urgh thats disgusting i feel sick play it for kids maz your youngest will love it
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