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Everything posted by teresa

  1. yeah i was thinking of living outta boxes for ever lol wont have all the crap laying around .. just had a letter off our new housing officer he wants me to go sign my tenancy agreement on 18th feb jase wont be there as he gotta get van back to stoke on trent by 12pm on the 18th and ive no idea how to get to the new office.... actually dont know where anything is lol oh what fun
  2. insane ? ...... galaxy owners are bloody crazy welcome Paul
  3. yeah good luck maz ... ill be thinking of ya unpacking all ya stuff while im packing the rest of mine
  4. :D dunno my kids all grown up now why do you think i got a sports car.. i had them in my gal and kids loved em
  5. heres something keep kids happy on long journeys twin screen dvdplayer were
  6. good luck in ya new home maz we move on 17th feb so know exactly what ya going through
  7. woohoo its working now
  8. oohh ya bought an old mans rover :lol: nice colour
  9. rule 9 dont forget to install a Taxi meter so you can charge family member extortionate prices when they think you have nothing better to do than ferry them to the airport might make em book a real taxi
  10. pmsl :rolleyes:
  11. welcome chrissy enjoy your stay ...
  12. i only found out today some gas and electricity companys did a winter rebate scheme where if you were on certain benefits you got a rebate... They were giving out rebates of
  13. been bad here today as well had to go through country lanes pick grandaughter up she thought it was funny driving through the puddles that had gathered on the road watching them spraying up all over the windows never heard her laugh so much
  14. Dear Technical Support, 18 months ago, I upgraded to Girlfriend 1.0 from Drinkingmate 4.2 which I had used for years without any trouble. However, there are apparently conflicts between these two products and the only solution was to try and run Girlfriend 1.0 with the sound turned off. To make matters worse, Girlfriend 1.0 is incompatible with several other applications, such as Ladsnightout 3.1, Football 4.5, and Playboy 6.9. Successive versions of Girlfriend proved no better. I tried shareware program, Slapper 2.1, but it had many bugs and left a virus in my system, forcing me to shut down completely for several weeks. Eventually, I tried to run Girlfriend 1.2 and Girlfriend 1.0 at the same time, only to discover that when these two systems detected each other they caused severe damage to my hardware. I eventually upgraded to Fianc
  15. darn it i knew i shouldnt of invited him to one of my partys :D
  16. nope definately not unsaleable i bought my Mk 1 for 6K later sold it for 3995 but it was in good nick and low milage
  17. well day went ok kids actually behaved even though darren was hyper.... grandaughter didnt want any other toy except her barney dinosaur... by 6 pm everyone has left jase and chloe are asleep so im sitting here chillin with my first drink of crimbo a well deserved jack daniels and coke mmm
  18. jase and i were up at 7 am getting dinner prepared... chloe was up at 8.15 and to top it all off we have the flu again ... typical dont think ive had a crimbo day in last 6 yrs where i aint been ill but hey who cares its christmas.... oops better go spuds need peeling ...have a good day everyone
  19. merry christmas everyone ....dont get too drunk christmas day i cant touch a drop till 9 pm christmas night gotta be a bloody taxi to ferry the kids from their homes to mine then back again ive got a few prezzies off my son and off my daughters dont know what they are though most probably smellies again .....nothing off jase as he said he will buy me after crimbo when moneys not so tight oh well typical men
  20. geez i must be with the wrong man
  21. loved the salty air gregers... it was the housing estate i dint like plus the time it took to get there it would kill me doing that twice a month to get my grandaughter
  22. awww dont worry hun ive booked the undertakers for you .... any last wishes
  23. yep it was a 530 mile round trip ....left here at 5.30 sat morning got in hastings for 11.30 had 1 hr delay on m25 some tit in a white van had overturned and shut off 2 lanes arrived back home at 9.30 saturday night
  24. oh maz you said you wouldnt tell. ;) ..... no ive been busy getting my house sorted out.... went to look at a house in st leonards on saturday and was very glad to get away (there was a dealer living across the road) so when i got back had another email asking if we would be interested in a house in sprowston in norfolk. she was interested in ours as her mum was very ill and lives near me so had to get house clean from top to bottom she came yesterday and loves it so we going look at hers on 12th jan ... oh and my crimbo presents i wrapped all them up on monday night
  25. surely its upto him to prove it was stolen not you to prove it wasnt :blink:
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