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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by teresa

  1. any chance of removing the games that dont show a score like 'brothers in arms' and 'prison break' and replace them with games that work please oh please oh mighty one
  2. wondered why my ears were burning ;) then i came on here and found ya talking about me woofy awwww how sweet
  3. yeah and also they lock members discussion areas , members discount areas and club announcements as well what a bloody cheek
  4. as the title says do any of you know what the no1 song was the day you were born???? check here http://www.thisdayinmusic.com/member/birthdayno1.php mine was Double Barrel - Dave & Ansil Collins (never even heard of them) :angry:
  5. good idea maz
  6. teresa


    welcome boo boo ..... (geez my grandad used to call me that when i was little)
  7. county to county run using the local radio stations as a change over point and direct publicity through the radio station.. Also a possible idea once the final destination is reached at john o groats the figurine will then make its way to the headquaters of NSPCC where all the drivers involved meet up for a final publicity photoshoot for eg
  8. hes got 3rd party fire and theft he renewed his insurance in september last yr which had the third party liability on it hes just changed his car on the policy (sold his bmw and bought a mx5) and his new certificate hasnt got this on which is why i was askin surly they would of kept it on all hes done is change car not his insurance company
  9. i was wondering if thats why they are stopping the third party cover on insurance ....so they can actually keep an eye on whos driving
  10. my b/f has just gone to change his details on his car insurance and has been told on his policy he can no longer drive another car not belonging to him even with the owners permission. He was told the government are now fazing it out and next year no one will be able to do it ......anyone else had this from an insurer teresa
  11. omg neither did i .... do you think i could of got them cheeper then???
  12. welcome truthspeak you will find plenty to talk about with the gal always something going wrong ( think me is gonna get told off hahaha)
  13. you pair stop moaning lol ive just had to go out and buy some seats for my car at
  14. oh cheers you definately know how to make a woman feel good :D
  15. thanks nik :( wow feelin better already :)
  16. oh geez someone realised it was me birthday :) bout bloody time too had a shite day fellin down and depressed oh well ill be better in mornin must be what being 36 does to ya anyway thanks guys :(
  17. well done to you lot that have given up
  18. well last time i went camping with other half we had tents, sleeping bags, roll mats, a small colmans stove and a couple of throw away barbies that did us a weekend. the last meet i went with this lot one of the members took a large barbie so all the food could be cooked on that theses are good from argos they are about
  19. that mileage doesnt seem to bad for an automatic if it was manual it would be slightly better i know my 2.3 manual when i had it was doing between 28 -35 mpg and that was without aircon on
  20. yeah but....but...but.. er nah leave it to someone with more knowledge of things than me i know naff all me (should of been blonde)
  21. well latest update no longer moving my house has been restored hehehe so staying here but dont think its right i carry on with this job as i dont have a gal anymore but i will still attend meets if i get the chance
  22. im hopless at organising things so think ill just take part
  23. maps????? she doesnt know how to read one do ya maz :) :) id love to use A roads my car loves A roads especially ones with lots of bends ( especially the cat and fiddle run A537 its got a lovely hairpin going back down the A 54 )
  24. oohhhh you wouldnt believe me even if i told ya what fun i have in a mazda ( but there again you might..... i had forgoten we have met ) ^_^
  25. you been watching them off that site i gave ya maz :lol: ive not had time watch any yet but will get round to it soon i hope wanna watch borat
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