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Everything posted by teresa

  1. you ought to try living here :P it sounds like our neighbours are in the same room as us at night the walls are that thin :) i wouldnt mind but hearing some one mid 20's with someone thats old enough (IMO) to be their grandparent aint good puts you off for life :) :lol:
  2. well its been fine for last 10 mins heres fingers crossed for another few hrs without the kids screaming the nets gone off
  3. oh yeah ive got the broadband medic installed and spoke to an advisor on there he just said its a prob with my router but cant tell me if there is a problem in my area it comes on then goes off again its only just started doing it tonight but when the ready light goes off it flashes real slow then speeds up then my connection is back
  4. is anyone else having problems with ntl tonight its doing my head in kicks me off the internet every 2 mins then its back on again after a minute
  5. i tried to get some for mine when i had to replace my locking nuts, but tried everywhere even local motor factors no luck im afraid. a lot said they didnt do them anymore as there was no call for them as everyone was using locking nuts
  6. check the footwells for water
  7. wow someones been very busy :rolleyes: i like it especially the profiles
  8. we used to go the sales alot after christmas used to buy kids something open christmas day then the rest of the money they spent it in the sales they loved it but i dont bother now i just give them the money and they do what they want with it
  9. :rolleyes: quiet ive been sleep for most of it :lol: had a double jd here this morning then decided walk to my grans where i got plyed with more booze :P got home at 12 zonked out till dinner was ready at 4 then decided not to touch anymore booze :lol: but kids are quiet so at least thats a blessing
  10. well give my eldest
  11. start going to the gym need to lose weight having probs getting things to fit
  12. jase got mine up at 6.15 hes worse than the kids
  13. hes just leaving madagascar :D
  14. do what i did take it garage and let them do it :) we tried everything helix reverse socket chisel even heating them up nothing worked
  15. i want snow here :) so i can be snowed in and dont have to do any driving :) and then i will be able have a drink but at moment i gotta go see me grandaughter in morning (which i dont mind ) at least i can have a few when i get back but cant touch a drop tuesday got daughter coming over and got to take her home tuesday night but at least everything is done :D :D
  16. yeah reset em will be fun trying to get top scores again
  17. Come on............. I'm a bloke........20 seconds is a long time :) wow i bet women are very disapointed in you :)
  18. live chat christmas night :lol: ill be to sozzeled to even remember to turn pc on let alone type :lol: :lol: :ph34r: oh yeah MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE
  19. cool ill get jase to loan me some of his maggots and worms :blink:
  20. my fella did both mine the other week didnt take him that long
  21. :lol: :lol: :)
  22. me too dave mySQL query error: SELECT count(*) AS total_cars, SUM(views) AS total_views FROM fordsite_garage SQL error: Table 'fordsite.fordsite_garage' doesn't exist SQL error code: Date: Monday 18th of December 2006 08:15:19 PM
  23. my 2.3 which is a mk 1 also has an undertray :lol:
  24. that one was 6lb :lol: biggest upto yet is 13lb 2oz :lol: :lol: not bad considering i only started fishin in may this yr
  25. hehehe here are some recent ones of me and grandaughter doing what i love best (besides driving) my grandaughter getting ready for sleep over at nannys
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