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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by teresa

  1. awww shes gorgeous gooner.... i want another..... oops just been told no way got enough with my grandaughter who i have for 36 hrs a week
  2. :( :( congrats gooner :) :)
  3. ive got wap on my phone aint got a clue how to use it though
  4. :lol: OMFG that is so horrible :lol: that poor dolphin writhing around after it had been cut urghhhhhhh i feel sick
  5. i know there is a palace called alhambra in granada in spain dunno if thats where they got it from the meaning of sharon is derived from a persian word meaning 'carrier of kings' see link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Sharan
  6. teresa


    think santas got right idea on that one neil :lol: :lol:
  7. my prob is i aint got a bank account no more but ill be going into it in the next few days to see how long they keep em for and to get copies covering last 6 yrs business and current account
  8. teresa

    Dream Car

    :D oi cheeky git ive got a bmw and it aint common its lovely sleek and red 518i 94 :D i love it nearly as much as me gal
  9. according to the programm the bank wont even go to court because they cant justify the charges someone has got back over
  10. just been watching a very interesting program on bbc2 dont know how many of you were watching but it was on about banks charging every time you go over drawn or cheques or direct debits aint paid on time it was also telling you how to claim these charges back for the last 6 years if anyones interested heres the link http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/busine...oney_programme/ good luck if you go for it p.s admins didnt know where to put this so move to right place thanks teresa
  11. :blink: :16: :D thats soooo funny
  12. :D oh my never thought of that :D but there again i was with him carrying all our fishing gear while he had camera :D
  13. teresa

    Dream Car

    i'll fight ya for it nik :D
  14. teresa

    Dream Car

    here is my dream car aston martin v8 vantage
  15. my boyfriend took this early one morning
  16. how about a dating forum :blink: ONLY JOKING :blink: :lol: :lol:
  17. yeah try start it in safe mode and do a system restore
  18. looks like you might have to format it maz i do if i ever get that error
  19. looks like we all live on it :lol:
  20. theres a gal for sale at a garage near me 52 plate silver wants 7999 not sure what it is though only had quick glance as i drove past
  21. if you go for an ST you will be able join the ffoc
  22. :lol: 2.4 ???? :lol: i didnt know they did a 2.4
  23. i have 3 points for speeding i only got em cus me daughter was in labour and i was takin her the hospital but hands up i was doin 40 in a 30 zone
  24. i had this problem for about 7 months it was really p****** me off. it was caused by the plastic lugs that hold the plastic surround on arround the bottom of the window see pic i took them out put sealent around them and put em back on no more leaks also see here http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...pic=10055&st=15 hope this helps
  25. geeez the poor bloke only asked what could go wrong ..............you lot go raving on about whats best petrol or diesel well im gonna have the last word IT DOESNT MATTER WHATS BEST AS LONG AS IT BLOODY WORKS phew feel better for that
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