omg hope not :) ive entered local radio station comp to win one :lol: oh and woofy i forgot to say thanks for the cuppa you bought me so ill say it now THANKS WOOFY
bowling sounds good :) but even better for those who have kids is an adventure trail i went to one with my kids last yr heres the link
omg horrible pic of me ......... MY SCREENS JUST CRACKED :lol by the way ive traded my gal in and bought 3 new cars my new runaround electric lotus elise :lol: my sports car aston martin 24hrs lemans ;) the love of my life aston martin v8 vantage :o
well im back safe and well dont know about the other 4 not many ffoc turned up a few pulled out at last minute most had left by 1pm food was expensive cost me
:D right folks those who are going see you tomorrow morning :D those who aint just think about us having a good time :D maz ill get that oil cap for myself it wont fit urs :D :ph34r: