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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by teresa

  1. omg for last 30 mins weve have blue skys with a few clouds and sunshine what a change from last 2 days
  2. not to good here either but at least its stopped raining for a few minutes
  3. ive got some for sale i took out of my car but they wont fit a gal sorry :19:
  4. its nice here blue cloudy skies just put me new tent up ready for my 1st camping weekend of the year
  5. Don't let GT know I have great grandkids. you old git :wacko: :lol: :lol:
  6. yes maz remember granny knows best ( geez makes me sound dead old im only 36)
  7. ive got a good cure to make me sleep but not saying it on here ^_^ :18:
  8. missed it last night went out with the mx5 lot to a pub :lol: sad aint i B)
  9. Did anyone watch this last night when the 6yr old girl connie was singing ....she made me cry absolutley fabulous voice ....here is the link for anyone that missed it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zBxt_w8_zQ
  10. about time we had more women on here welcome nikki
  11. well hope you enjoy ur new car i know its not a gal but at least you,ve got wheels
  12. i cant cook so i dont bother i leave it to my other half
  13. no problem with them ringing me gave em a defunkt number lol
  14. nope neither do i ..... can you please explain whats wrong with a man doing everything to make us women happy???
  15. teresa

    My New Baby

    look :lol: they are that good got 2 of em now
  16. thats because mazda did some market research before they took the plunge and built 800 of them in that colour and spec! they found out that in the world as we know it there are only 800 colour blind people with really bad taste in cars with more money than sense! ;) you cheeky ------- im not colour blind .... i just like to be noticed thats all :lol:
  17. omg they will buy my car for
  18. i was just gonna say must be talking about maz ;) welcome silver machine
  19. jase and i are doing a charity run on 1st july which is 100 mile trip around peak district that is gonna be fun
  20. welcome Dr enjoy your stay oh and dont let everything you read on here put you off your gal there are a few good things about the gal :16: erm when i remember what they are i will let you know ;)
  21. i know on mine if the Co reaadings are high it could be the lambada sensor (oxygen sensor) dont know if its different on the gal ;)
  22. hey maz you can always take yours of your gal before it goes lol (make a bit of dosh)
  23. oh yes i agree with mumof 4 :D us ladies fix our own cars men are hopless when it comes to things like this they act first then ask for advice later or blame us women for it oh yhes and welcome foxylady611
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