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Everything posted by BrianH

  1. The photos might help - if you can't get them posted here directly try uploading them to photobucket and linking them?
  2. Is it possible they have fitted the wrong disc(s) rather than the wrong caliper? Are both discs actually the same size?
  3. take said bulb into a proper motor factors they should be able to find one. not sure what size the heater one is but if its quite small it may come with the holder in place. Some come out others don't. Either way a proper spares shop should be able to find one for you. Dealers probably won't have them in stock either so may be more than one visit. Oh and it may not be the bulb - try testing it for continuity with a multimeter?
  4. I've seen some when salvaging parts next to the expansion bottle on the petrol engine though mine doesn't have one. All i've got is two fuses right at the front near to the bonnet support. I came to the conclusion that not all of them have the secondary fusebox
  5. Might be worth a look or phoning these > http://www.jandrcvjoints.co.uk/ford-galaxy-1-9-tdi-complete-driveshaft-inner-intermediate-driveshaft-off-side/
  6. I've got two of the J&R shafts sitting here for another car which should be fitted within the next couple of weeks. they look OK but haven't driven on them as yet!
  7. Whereabouts are you in the country?
  8. Wouldn't have thought so if its the drivers side - pollen filter is on the passenger side? (unless your driving a LHD galaxy anyway?) Rear washer is working? Bulkhead panel is in place correctly? (i've discovered if you leave it off that seems to let water in somehow though i couldn't see how)
  9. The door lock mech is held on by star/torx bolts - you can see them when the door is open for the most part. can't think of any others offhand most of the door card retention is by yellow clips (which will break when you take some of them off, so getting some beforehand is probably a good idea). I'd have thought a selection of torx sizes would cover most possibilities (personally I've found sockets to be better as most of them are too tight to easily undo with a screwdriver)
  10. The door locks activate a pair of microswitches that do the window opening that the galaxy features. You can just disconnect the switches to stop this if it doesn't turn out to be wires in the gaiter. Relay 30 may show up if you have odd behavior from the red led on the drivers door. May be possible to re solder the joints inside it as others have reported success with doing this.
  11. if you want to test one before ripping your car to bits its possible to connect the whole assembly together off of the column - the first one i got and tried didn't work despite being "tested" so have subsequently tried with a new one to prove where the fault lies. TBH given the amount of effort required to change it i didn't think it was worth messing about with an old one only to risk it going again later! Still got to get round to doing mine though.
  12. Do they look somewhat like these > http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-X-T5-White-LED-Speedo-Dashboard-Light-Bulbs-Lamps-12V-UK-/180832208965?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2a1a708845 if so the small size like those seem to be a bit random as to if you need to replace just the centre bulb bit or the holder with it, If its broken on taking it out then its a fair bet they need the holder with the ones you have. Don't think they were particually expensive although finding ones with the correct rating was a bit more tricky the last time i did it. Best bet is take one along to a spares shop and ask for a replacement. The larger ones of a similar design do come out (the ones that take bulbs the same sort of size as the front sidelights). Not had to take that area apart on mine so not sure which you have, though i'd expect the smaller size ones personally.
  13. You should find if you look on the inside of the fuel filler that there is a sticker there showing the various sizes and pressures (inside of the door for the filler that is). Galaxy pressures do seem generally to be higher than you might expect, although with different tyres not so easy to say what it should be.
  14. Doesn't look like its the driveshaft so will have to investigate the selector mech referred to elsewhere i guess. marked the shaft and it doesn't appear to have moved. Theres a little bit of rusty deposits round part of it but nothing that looks unusual.
  15. Exactly my reason for asking. Hoping to get a look under it this weekend.
  16. does this same sort of problem affect any of the earlier models (2.0 5 speed petrol 98 specifically?) i ask as i have a horrible noise when pulling away in first or using reverse intermittently which i need to investigate. Have had a look but every one on here seems to be having the problem with diesel varients? Also the attachments as far as i can tell won't open. Posting them to photobucket and linking should work though?
  17. Mine seems to have gone through front tyres completely in about 18k, rears still got around 4mm left. Also the diesel engine AFAIK generally means the front wears quicker due to the extra weight of the engine in comparison to the petrol variants. Mines a MK1 petrol.
  18. 97 is the load rating and the w is the speed rating. you can check your supposed recommended tyres on sites like http://www.blackcircles.com/order/reglookup front wheel drive cars do run through front tyres quicker than the back, but what are you classing as quick (miles? type of driving?) Also is it regular wear across the tread or uneven? Final thing to consider is the tyres you are using of course? some brands/types do last longer. Theres also a breakdown of the various bits of the tyre markings > See http://www.blackcircles.com/general/sidewall
  19. Theres a vacuum pipe that has a tendancy to split that goes onto the brake servo - take the bulkhead panel out and have a look at the ends (mine had split and could be heard sucking but no noticeable difference to the brakes with that being the case). Its a rigid pipe your looking for, once you find that bit you should be able to follow it back. I've also heard other people reporting champion plugs to be somewhat lacking in their quality control so it may be worth considering swapping them out for NGK ones (they are just a badge now brought by some Chinese manufacturer I gather and aren't upto the standards of what they used to be)
  20. define won't start - Does it try to turn and fail to start or just completely fail to even try to start? if it turns over what does the led on the door do?
  21. checked for any error codes? Assuming that you have the vehicle in your signature an obd reader should be able to show if anything is definitely suspect which would be a good place to start looking at. Could be a dodgy petrol injector as another possibility if its dripping when it should be closed. What plugs have you fitted? Brand & Type?
  22. You will have on your next mot as its been an mot failure for about 6 months now to have it on (or not behaving correctly) whereas it wasn't before. on the original point if you can get hold of a vcds cable you have have a look at what code/error is being logged - theres 4 modules in total though its usually the drivers one that fails going by whats on here and thats usually the clockspring that causes it (it has to flex every time you turn the wheel so not surprising really, although galaxies appear particularly prone to it being a problem). Theres instructions on the clockspring replacement in the faq section.
  23. Its not reliant on the battery to keep the error logged. Sort of makes sense if you think any sort of dodgy connection needs to be flagged up for investigation - else when it comes round for mot etc if its come on a couple of times it wouldn't be seen and hence wouldn't get fixed most of the time.
  24. Have a look at this thread - I think what your looking at there is a capped end to a pipe. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php/topic/5899-autobox-oil-change/?do=findComment&comment=40671 Are you checking to resolve a problem or just wanting to check?
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