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Everything posted by xavier

  1. superb and great price. I tried the innotec which so far has worked for me (mine was siezed solid, couldn't move it at all with a spanner on it) but if / when it sticks again I'll get someone to strip it down. Hadn't thought mobile mech, will consider that for the future though!
  2. machine mart do a clarke 240v one that looks quite good. I've got a timing belt to do on an mgf so was considering it for that. I also have a 12v one but it can't shift the wheel nuts on the galaxy.
  3. > this and the booster 1 thanks for the reminder!
  4. seatkid, does that appy to petrol as well as diesel?
  5. Looking through the plethora of docs I got from the previous owner, there's no mention of anything being done to the air con, so going to have a look at the condenser and take it from there. Not prepared to spend loads of cash on it but might spend a bit. No doubt I'll get it working just in time for aux heater season!
  6. Don't think they are Dave, 4 for 202pence including postage. However I couldn't find side entry brushes to fit and I reckon the extra length on the brush you'd get with side entry would be worth a year or two.
  7. Might have to take a look at my aircon too, though a bit stunned at the price of parts now! ECP no 233440050 - 18 quid 6 years ago, now 144! Also 2 condensers : 222440590 - 210 quid vs 222440591 - 84 quid. Galaxy's a mobile greenhouse at the moment in this weather, got away with it the last couple of years but now considering putting some grow bags in the back this weekend.
  8. Well the ones I got were 10x5x5 and needed trimmed to fit. I'd imagine the ebay ones would be the same unless they're connected to the side rather than end as shown in pic.
  9. I remember taking a peugeot 405 for a test drive (prospective purchase). Horrendous clunk as it went over a pothole. Discovered when in the engine bay the battery clamp was missing. Walked, no ran away from that heap!
  10. Geez you don't mess about do you! I'd assume private if you're whipping the head off and having a go yourself. Sorry I can't answer your question but good luck with the repair. Would a Ford / VW garage be able to better advise maybe?
  11. I also meant to ask, has the DMF / clutch ever been changed?
  12. Any local good independant VW garages you can take it in to? I'm also not sure about those tyres. Michelin suggests the primacy 3 for the galaxy though it means a change of width to 215 : http://www.michelin.co.uk/tyres/car-tyres#type=type_2&brand=ford&range=galaxy&model=galaxy&engine=1.9%20tdi%20150&year=1995%20-%202006&selectedFitment=215-55-16-97-H&retainFitment=215-55-16-97-H&selectedIndexOption=0&noResults=true&modifyResults=true&fronthighwaypressure=43.51&frontnormalpressure=40.61&rearhighwaypressure=49.31&rearnormalpressure=37.71&selectedFilter=summer No idea if the link will work. Might be an idea to look on gumtree for a set of 4 galaxy wheels with tyres, you could swap 'em just to check?
  13. How much did it cost you in total, if I may ask?
  14. I used these (still working 6 months later). I had to trim the length, but otherwise were a perfect fit. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Power-Replacement-Carbon-Motor-Brushes/dp/B008P7NFTI/ref=cm_rdp_product You could also try these, a bit longer. http://www.amazon.co.uk/13mm-Motor-Carbon-Brushes-Power/dp/B008IEVWBQ
  15. ah well, that's me done that wrong then!
  16. Just done filter and oil, not sure I've got the filter cap on tight enough. Any tips? Also, do you just pop the filter in the hole and stick the spike from the cap through it, or should the filter be "mounted" on the spike prior to fitting?
  17. Thanks. Also found the FAQ post which shows the repair, seems "a doddle" so will leave it until I have a free week! Just in case!
  18. aux heater if it works (and maybe even if it doesn't). and if you have a load cover, cover along with brackets and trim panel. what colour is the interior & exterior? MOT due in a month so might add to list! I'm in edinburgh too so could collect.
  19. paul, just discovered my faulty sensor is actually a faulty ring. How did you get it on in 1/2 an hour, did you use some sort of adhesive? Cheers!
  20. 25% off and free filter offer back on at eurocarparts. Just got oil, filter for the gal plus 2 rear springs for my focus for £56. bargain!
  21. an extension bar long enough to reach the bolts on the undertray.
  22. p.s. any rumors I'm an employee of ebay are completely unfounded! :-)
  23. Also found this one, 30 quid and it's yours. Again a 2.3 auto. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FORD-GALAXY-MK2-2001-INSTRUMENT-CLUSTER-CLOCKS-7M5920920L-7M5-920-920-L-/261220237362?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item3cd1f08032
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