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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. But......how will i break it to the kids???..I mean.....My illusions have just been stomped on, screwed up and thrown out the window as i BELIEVED in santa...now...well.....think ill just go curl up in a corner and sob my wee likkle heart out :blink:
  2. I'm sure you will..when i first joined i didnt have a clue..still don't but i know more stuff i don't have a clue about :blink:
  3. Hmm...had my air con on this eve to lower the temp of the engine as the temp was creeping up.had climate on at the same time.Maybe its diff in a veccy
  4. welcome stevie, glad to have you with us:D
  5. what!! are you saying he isnt real???..you jest surely...bugger..does this mean that I have to provide the presies for the kids??
  6. Damn it man..now all i have is Skippy the bush kangaroo song going round in my head! ;)
  7. And very nice pens they are to. I could do with some more nice, long, rounded pens...think i'll have a gander..
  8. Welcome skippy, look forward to hearing more from you........ ;)
  9. woofy..im getting kinda worried about you with your sigs. ;)
  10. fine..edited.its gone..
  11. Bloody hell...some serious crap going on there ......if its found not to have been done, then id be pretty miffed to say the least.
  12. Likewise..thought id put the tamer ones on here... :rolleyes:
  13. Christmas_songs_dirty_funny__Who_put_the_dick_on_the_snowman.mp3 BAD LANGUAGE..DO NOT PLAY IF KIDS AROUND!
  14. Not quite sure if this will work. CAUTION....DO NOT PLAY IF KIDS ARE IN THE VICINITY!!
  15. is the water coming out from outside the care? as there is a join but it is inside the car..is the passenger footwell wet.?
  16. Yes you can, as i took out the one in it ( tape one) and put in the 6006e 6 CD front loading one. No idea what the diff is between the two 6006 units.
  17. Try disconnecting the battery for 15 mins, make sure you have the keycode for your radio when you do this.I had this prob and replaced all sorts inc the oil pressure switch and oil level sensor, and the light stayed on till i disconnected the battery . I cannot claim it will cure your problem though it might.
  18. But also consider, you buy an expensive car as at that time you could afford it, something happens and things start getting tight..thats when things can spirall out of control in regards to living on credit, you then apply for credit cards etcc and start living on them...i can see how it all spiralls out of control and in the end you get that deep into debt you just cant do anything apart from go under.
  19. Some very good points there Mike, a lot of people do live beyond their means. Everything i get i pay cash, if i dont have the money then tough basically.As i literally cannot aford to live beyond my means, this xmas has been damn tight. Once you start living on credit, it can be damn hard to get out of that trap.
  20. Hmm..what about the people who live in a rural area, with a crappy bus service that costs more to get where they want to go than it would in a car. I think the greedy people as you call them are not the citizens, but the government who can throw so much money away. Yes people borrow money, but in this day and age who doesnt? ( apart from myself as i cant get credit anyway) For people like myself, who cant get credit there is the back street lenders, loan sharks if you will who prey on people who cant get credit anywhere else. Yes some people own cars for lifestyle rather than what they need, but isnt that freedom of choice? I no longer have my gal, and even if i did i wouldnt be able to afford to run her. I have a car through i believe necessity... My youngest is asthmatic and there have been times where i have had to take her to an out of hours surgery, if i didnt have a car i wouldnt of been able to do this, i have a 6 yr old who may have ASD and im gradually loseing count of the times ive been called to the school, with a car i can be there in minutes, walking would take about 20 mins.And if i need to get there quick like i did the other day then 20 mins would have been far too long. I dont think people are being greedy in borrowing money, it is the financial institutions that are greedy and lending people more than people can afford.Who borrows money thinking about the interest rates that may go up in a few months time? Also people get into difficulties if circumstances change. If the goverment actually had decent public transport that ran on time, that was cheaper than running a car then i expect more people would get rid of their cars, but by inflating costs to do with cars, and with a crappy public transport, then what choice do some people have? It is not always a persons choice where they end up living, it certainly wasnt mine to end up where i am and needing a car to be able to get to my kids quick if they needed me. what would hapopen if i had no car, and i was out shopping and my phone rings telling me that my daughter was having an asthma attack? i would not be able to get to her quickly via public transport, but with a car i can be.
  21. Wibble are you asking how it works on the MKIII?? On the MKII i had it was 30MPH that it worked at, others say theirs works at 20MPH. On the MKIII i have absolutely no idea.
  22. I use mumof4 special :lol: besides, you should be used to red with your fire engine :lol: .LOL
  23. Couldnt see the desk before i cleared it, all you could see was the monitor, speakers, keyboard, tower and mouse..the rest was paperwork.LOL.
  24. and i thought id show you all that im in the Xmas spirit :lol: What you cant see is the bloody big woofy thingy on the floor for the speakers...and i cleared my desk specially for the pic :lol:
  25. :lol: :lol: :lol: its a good 'un that T.
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