this forum is supposed to have them...but where are they???not contactable!! though going off to another forum sounds good,i feel it would belittle all the help you guys have given to people,and the invaluable tips and guidance you have given to so many.There are so many topics covered on this forum and lots of posts to search to look for help.and more are added daily. When i was looking for help with my Gal,this was the only forum that came up. Ive found it a mine of information and ive saved some to my pc for when im allowed to dismantle my car. You have all been patient with me and i appreciate it,ok it may seem like i ask stupid questions sometimes..but i need to get things right in my head so i know what to do.Im not allowed to dismantle so the obvious to you,isnt to me!! I would hate to see this forum split as i value what everybody has to say in regards to fixing probs with the gal...and if like me people who need help do a search and turn up this forum,come here and find nothing,then i think that is sad. Ok,every basket has rotten eggs in it..but just dont let it get to you.