Ill make you laugh now :ph34r: ..went to asda today...did the shopping..took the kids to donalds(was in asda)...then i went to put fuel in :) ..ok.So i got a bit close to the fuel pump.couldnt get out of the moved it.opened the fuel flap..then realised that i didnt have the ruddy key to open the bloody fuel cap!!!!!.so no .i didnt get to put fuel in it. :lol: :lol: Thats not all.. :lol: On the way home..i hit rush hour...thats ok.i did ok... started to get dark so i put the lights on.then i started wondering why everyone was flashing me.i was getting a wee bit worried so i kept turning them off. :lol: first chance i got i pulled over and collered some bloke and explained what was going he got me to put them on.He had a look,then said that i had my main beams on!!!!i hadnt even touched the bloody main beam switch as i couldnt remember where it was!!!so we spent 5 mins looking for it.Boy didnt i feel a right twit!! :o :lol: You can all laugh now. :D