i have a fuse box right at the back of the engine bay in a silver box..the main fuse feed box is at the front..in mine it is near the washer bottle....it is black and has a thick cable going into it..it has a 150amp fuse in it which can blow......mine has gone twice..last time took out the alternator.. please bear in mind that i have a 1.9 TDi... one thing my tutor told me last week that you can try but i havent done yet.. ring up a garage..Ford etc,,,,,ask to speak to someone in the workshop..tell them what is wrong and what you have tried and see if they have any suggestions..i cant promise this will work...but its worth a try..as he said..if you dont ask you will never know..it could be something very simple..or it could be something more. fingers crossed for you. :lol: