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Everything posted by smoggy7

  1. hi kev, already checked that fuse so im guessing it must be the relay i will get back to you once my brother has had a chance to look tomorrow thanks kev smoggy
  2. hi kev thanks for this mate i can see it and can print it for my brother to have a look at tomorrow for me great thanks ever so much in my hour of need hope he can find it om my galaxy is this for all galaxys mines a diesel also so would think so 2001 tdi zetec but thanks very greatfull to you smoggy
  3. hi guys , can anyone out there let me know if they know the relay number to the interior lights or can someone get me the electrical diagrame for me brother to look at i would be greatfull if someone has got so info on this for me thanks smoggy
  4. hi guys thanks for that, yes we have checked all the fuses mate but my brother thinks its the relay checking that tomorrow as he is staying with my dad at the moment and i am back home for the weekend thanks just added this can anyone send me the electrical guide that you get in the haines manual as my bro is a electrician that he can follow that would be great thanks smoggy
  5. hi guys just to let you all know my mum passed away on tuesday , i now trying to fix my interior lights inside the car but without any luck we have checked the fuses all ok but my brother couldnt try the relays as his tools are at home would anyone know what the relay number is if possible thanks alot smoggy
  6. hi darchy, just done mine as i had the same problem as you are having you have to dismantle the plastic from its clips and after that there should be a few 10 mil nuts to undo take this off and you will see three bolts that holds the wiper linkage on these, pull the whole unit out put on bench and now you have the fun part if they were as seized like mine were, what i done with the left seized one was to hold the pinion in the vice and while squirting wd40 hold the whole arm and pull from side to side slowly to loosen it may take a while but you will get there, once you get the rod out clean the inside of it with wire wool or whatever you can clean it with then regrease and put back together, do the same with the otherside then while you are there clean out the scuttle and also you will never get a bigger chance to put a new filter on as i forgot to do mine as it is harder to get at when the wiper unit is back in place well worth the effort to do the splines as it could cost more in the long run if it is seized good it may blow the motor out best of luck mate took me about an hour or so smoggy
  7. hi guys well its not my day just been told that because i had my service done by a non ford dealer and i cant produce an invoice they cant do my heater so my own fault i suppose as a friend of mine took the car to do the service to the boys he knows has their own garage but not ford i cant get a invoice for it as i got the parts for the service myself , so only myself to blame really so i now have to start at the cheap end i think and replace the glow plug, check wires to the pump for corrision etc and if still no go well then its the new unit silly really i just got stung heavilly due to losing my job at the time of the new galaxy due to ill health so thanks guys for all your input smoggy
  8. hi guys , i thought that too these stupid techies havent got the first clue about these aux heaters i dont think they have had enough training on it, i checked my heater in the back just now and it is blowing out hot air now, but as i said first thing this morning from cold it didnt kick in and i dropped off the kids short journey as always ,before i heard the jet noise every morning without fail but since i had the water pump fixed i havent been able to hear it now, am i correct i saying that the litle exhaust underneath should get hot if the aux heater kicks in as it should do? i have felt it and is cold but the pipes are red hot i think its time to phone the warranty to find out if fords has fax them with the estaamate yet thanks guys will let you know what the outcome is smoggy
  9. hello guys, ok i just had some more info on this aux heater problem , the switch on the dash puts the aux heater into action im ok with that but when i told the head techie that i hear the jet noise after turning the engine off not with the switch on he sounded baffled like he hasnt got a clue , so why can i hear the jet noise before but according to him i should only hear it when the switch on the dash is pressed as before i didnt use the button but still got the jet noise , but i dont hear it at all now since the car went in so anyway still waiting for them to fax the invoice to the warranty and i asked for them to hurry it up alittle smoggy
  10. hi, i did tell them of the glow plug but they found that the pump to the rear of the car was jamming and not performing like it should, i am currently waiting on the answer from my warranty people at the moment so i will take it from there when they get back to me, after they told me it was working i waited until the following morning for the cold weather to try it and again not kicked in so i am hoping the warranty will get back to me soon as possiblw with this so i can get it done, they also told me there were no fault codes coming up for the fault, but found the link between the pump and switch , then told me the pump was kicking in but i still havent heard it since they told me if was fixed , i starteed the car this morning but had no sign of the aux kicking in and the mini exhaust was still cold after about 10 mins or so , so i guess it still aint working and normally on short trip to the school i normally hear the jet noise after turning off the engine but nothing this morning so i am going to phone my warranty people now to find out where i stand on this thanks guys speak later smoggy7
  11. hi guys well can someone tell me then which part are the ford dealers charging the warranty
  12. hi all, ok ive had the car done today and they found the pump has become stuck so they said and has freed it havent had time yet to see if the aux heater kicks in yet but time will tell now there i phoned warranty and they are hopefully going to pay for a new unit, so fords give me an estamate of
  13. hello, whats the worst that can happen if this pump doesnt work and what does this pump actually do, i think i have an idea on it as i have read for hours on these wonderfull forums that you guys have left to try and educate even the useless car minded people like me lol but it depends on fords now and what they find out what has happened so fingers crossed eh guys speal laters smoggy
  14. hi guys, ok had a phone call from fords today and the fault lies between the pump at the rear of the car which someone has called the metering pump and the switch that controls it, so the technition said, so it either being an electrical fault or the pump has actually died on me now for the hard part as this wasnt caused by them i may end up with the final bill , but i am going to phone my warranty people tomorrow to see if they can help out with this , so until tomorrow morning they will let me know which one it is , if its the pump do someone have an idea on the price for one of these will get back to you with the outcome many thanks guys smogggy
  15. hi guys well masked ive been to the dealer and the guy there said there is no air lock in the system , but because the car was quite hot he couldnt tell me if the heater is kicking in so back tonight to leave it overnight so he can check it from cold , would it be better if i could get hold of the glow plug myself and fit it or let them sort it as they are going to say that it maybe that is what it is as everything else is ok so he says, i told him the car was taking ages to warm up from cold and explained the problem but until it gets cold he cant say for sure what it is , this was the best i phoned another ford for the glow plug and told me it wasnt sold as a seperate part i would have to buy the whole unit at
  16. hi peeps, can i ask if the aux heater isnt working what can this do to my vehicle? i know it is going in tomorrow but i just wanted to ask what it would or could do if it aint working, thanks for all your help guys bit the dealers put the pump on so it should be down to them to repair it surely, oh and i hope they dont think im going to pay up either no chance, as masked rightly siad either it needs to be reset or by coinsidence that my glow plug might have died on me but we will wait and see what they do in the morning as long as they dont fob me off it was working fine before it went in there but not worked since it came out their problem thanks guys smoggy7
  17. hi all, the rear heater is that connected to the aux heater as i am getting heat and blowers are ok i checked that today or is this a seperate thing from the aux heater due to the switch on the dash board or is this switch used for the aux heater, if this is the rear heater for the aux at least it is working well blowing out warm air anyway lol thanks all smoggy
  18. hi masked, sorry about the info should have added the water pump change my apoligies, but i was kind of thinking on the same lines an airlock as you rightly said it is their fault that its there so they causedit so they can fix it they are messing with the wrong guy here when i gets started believe me i havent started yet lol, i will let you know what happens as its booked it for wednesday morning thanks again smoggy
  19. thanks masked. since taking to you this morning i decided to take the car back to the dealers as since i had the new water pump fitted it hasnt been right since so i phoned them and said that the aux heater was working the same day it went in and the heating was fine when also the car went in so i will keep you informed of the outcome then thanks mate for the advice cheers smoggy
  20. hi masked, thanks for that reply but is that the plug that goes to the aux heater ? so do i take this off and which part do i then put the fuse into the connector on the aux or the connector i take off thanks smoggy smoggy
  21. hi sorry for being a pain guys but can someone explain to me does the aux heater start up everytime the engine starts i have read a lot on this but i am having a slight problem with the heating taking along time to warm up the car. i have just dropped off my kids to school all round trip of about 45 mins and another 10 mins waiting on the driveway and checked underneath the car for the aux heater i felt it and it was stone cold should this be at least warm or hot? i am getting warm air into the cabin but the needle has hardly moved if i went out for another 30 mins or so then it goes up to the 90 , we are going to change the thermostat anyway as this will be out of the way sort of speak, but all i want to know is should the aux heater be kicking in at all times or now and again, also this jet noise i have heard it for a while when parked up from being out and about most mornings i hear it but for the past 2 or 3 days i havent heard it sorry guys but i really do need some advice from you and what action to take many thanks all smogggy
  22. hi guys do you think we are able to get at this without taking the alternator off is it possible ? thanks smoggy
  23. hi thanks for the pic i will get it sorted out on monday and see what happens great advice smoggy
  24. hi, thanks for the reply but i am looking in the wrong place then i think i was looking more to the top of the right hand side of the block where there are 3 torx bolts there so must be something else , ill have to get my machanic to do this as i havent got the tools to do it but are you sure its behind the alternator? you must have some idea if you have the same galaxy as mine but i remember someone saying it was at the top of the right hand side of the block the alternator is at the left hand side still i will get it sorted which ever way thanks smoggy
  25. hi guys ive read the forums on this but my aux heater i think is working ok but the heating is taking well over an hour to warm up i am getting warm air then after the hour it will reach 90 so i am going to change the thermostat first to see if this is the cause but can someone confirm the area of it is it at the right hand side of the engine and has 3 torx screws holding it to the block am in the right place? or has someone got a picture to show me where it is many thanks smoggy sorry guys its a 2001 1.9tdi diesel ty smoggy
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