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Everything posted by smoggy7

  1. hi sorry forgot to say its a 1.9 tdi 2001 zetec we have changed everything we can and still got it cant get this one to fix so any ides will be greatfully received as i have done all the work on her and the parts fitted as told by others to do so dont know where to go with this apart from the dealer woooooossssh cash there smoggy
  2. hi mask and all, ok we have changed the coolant sensor but guess what got thew bloody jump,chugg still there where the hell do i go now im paying out money hand over fist and still have the same fault costly this problem has any of you got any ideas what the hell this could be , according to the test i had done all he found was the temp was showing 168 f -- ok but the gauge was on 90c which is 194 f that is the only fault we came up with no management faults were found so what now peeps many thanks someone out there help smoggy
  3. hi, well done mum i forgot about that slap wrist if you look on the maf there is a number for example mine was a bosh 0 0280217121 this numder is at the bottom of the maf on top pbt-gf30, this is the bosh type my galaxy is a 2001 1.9tdi zetec 6 gears so maybe the same one there is of course other makes you have to check smoggy7
  4. hi, i have just had my maf replaced due to same problem as you no go up hills not even in 2nd gear, on the flat no probs since i changed it
  5. hi mask, ok went down to fords to order part as i cant get it nowhere here so i took a fitter out tothe car with me and confirmed the coolant sensor is the one that is in the pic to the left, but the black box circled in red isnt the thermostat housing he did say it was something else, anyway i will wait now until part arrives and let you know in due course what happens hopefully it will sort it all the best to you and the rest for their input on this great stuff spaek soon smoggy7
  6. hi mask, i looked up another name for the temp sensor would the coolant sensor be the same as i could see any sensors that correspond to the temp sensor looked the coolant images and it looks to be the correct name for it unless they are different many thanks smoggy
  7. hi mask, my wifes cousin has just poped in from work and he has found it it is located at the back of the thermostat housing very akward to get at the pic i showed you its behind that and to the left with the connector with wires on it , it aint easy to get at i cant take a picture of it as i cant get my hand in there nevermind a camera so i suppose that is the one we want thanks smoggy hi mask we have found it we think mate look closely at the picture you can just see it to the left its location is behind the thermostat housing circled in red what you think?
  8. hi folks ok mate of mine has had a look but still no joy with finding this bloody thing i showed him the part which i have posted and he said that that is the thermostat housing? anyone help me out here i have just about had enough now where do we need to look for the sensor , what colour is it and can anyone send me a picture of what the sensor looks like plz i am begging now can someone pin point the location of it help me out here guys thanks a lot smoggy also would the one on the rad be it thanks
  9. hi guys ok i have just had conformation that the sender is the black box bolted to the head they looked it up on their computer and i have just ordered one for friday
  10. hi mask i have sent in a pic here i think i maybe in the wrong place but this is the only one i can see when you take off the u clip the pipe comes from the black box that is bolted to the head and coolant runs out so where on this pic is the sensor plz thanks smoggy is this the right sensor that i am looking for circled in red smoggy
  11. hi guys we are trying to locate the temp sensor on a 1.9tdi 2001 galaxy i have a photo of it from the forum but the sensor looks different to the one that we can see mine has a u clip so we tried this pulled the plug off coolant came out b ut there seems to be another sort of black cover is this the sensor hidden underneath it and how do you disconect it , also i have 2 bolts holding this part to the head am i in the right place as i have phoned for a part but we need to know what colour as there is 3 types black , blue and green lol nothing easy anymore lol anyone help out here plz thanks smoggy
  12. hi again well a big thank you to mask he was spot on the temp sensor is faulty it is reading 90 degrees celcius on the dash board and his machine is only reading 170 f / this should be reading after the calculations 194 degrees cel so looks like the fault , i took it to my wifes cousin who we didnt know up until today has the dianostic tool as i think my other mate must have looked at the wrong switch lol but anyway thanks mask hopefully this is the cure and fingers crossed its the cause of this jump/chug or whatever you want to call it anyway thanks to all of you for your input once again many thanks he also bridged the wire to the other sensor on the rad and the fas are also kicking in so they work ok as they dont kick in at all as the temp gauge dont go over the 90 when stuck in heavy traffic so the fan wont kick in at all smoggy7
  13. hi all, ok my wifes cousin has just done a test on his computer dianositic no fault codes were found apart from the temp gauge was reading 90 degrees but his machine was reading 170 , i have just found out that 90cel degrees is 194 f so would this affect the running of the car , i am now in the house as my father in law wanted to use the car so when it returns i am going back down the garage for further testing but can anyone suggest anything as the jump is still there on my way back home i tried to get it to do it with him in the car but couldnt get it to do it as usual lol thanks smoggy7
  14. hi guys ok i have tried that still no joy, so today i disconnected the maf and it didnt chugg or jump once what the hell is going on here, it drove ok without it connected , but soon as i re-connect the maf the chugging starts so i think it has to be the maf im sure of it why dont it chugg without it but as soon as i connect it it chuggs? also can someone clearafy the rubber that is on the maf as i was thinking maybe my mate has put it in the wrong place ok on the end where the rubber goes does it go at the top or on mine i have a ridge and it is sitting there , i just thought that maybe this is stopping the right amount of air into the system i did have a look at some pics of the maf that someone has kindly left but mine is slightly different his rubber was sitting at the top i tried sitting mine in the same place but will not close tight together or is it supposed to be any ideas here plz thanks smoggy7
  15. hello seatkid , well this is only happened since i put the new maf on if i put the old maf back on it doesnt chugg or nothing just the loss of power up hills sluggish like, strange one this if you are in a line of traffic going slow then you can feel the hesitation then up to 2nd still feel it then as you go into 3rd it chuggs quite ruff you can actually hear it if the windows are down chugg ,chugg,if i put my foot down from the off 1st, 2nd,3rd,4th it dont happen, i think i got a lot of people stumped on this one but happy for some ideas as its doing my head in, i will try and discoonect the new maf tomorrow and see what it does and let you know thanks mate smoggy7
  16. hi guys, ok just had which i think maybe the right answer i am looking for the timing, can you tell me how do i go about getting this set ? do it have to go on the machine for this? also i had the timing belt changed when the old maf was duff would they have put the timing right to the maf or doesnt this have anything to do with putting on the new maf thanks smoggy any idea of cost to get this done?
  17. hi guys , ok have had all the checks done as far as we can go with this now, we changed the fuel filter today full of water so we thought ok thats it cracked it so went for a spin after fitted and guess what still the blood same, have i got to wait now until the water whats left of it goes through the system? or do it need now to go in on the machine? also i have bben told how far this is correct i do not know but a while back i had my timing belt change with the maf not working now i have had this changed would it be the timing has changed in some way and needs the machine to tweak it a little due to it being electronic thanks for all the input on this many thanks smoggy the only way to describe it is if you change to a higher gear to soon thats the kind of chugg/jump or miss that i am experiencing it will go 0-70 now no trouble since the maf was changed so happy with that at least. 2001 1.9 tdi
  18. hi do a search on wiper spindles mine was the same you have to take the whole thing out to get to the spindles take of the c clips and get the spindles out to regrease them common fault on these just done mine siezed solid so it slows the wiper arms down and then they will stop so have a go and try it oh and have fun smoggy
  19. hi guys, ok just an update on this jump/jerk or whatever you want to call it anyway phoned the breakdown service from me dads but they had no on board testing gear like rac and the aa so he drove the car and i was told deffinately a fuel fault, either air in the system or water in the diesel filter so will get one tomorrow and try that thanks smoggy
  20. hi mask you said the switch is by the rad/ the link you sent me shows me the one to the engine right hand side which one of these do i unplug , also mask now i come to think of it since i have had this car it never has gone past the 90 in traffic which it should do shouldnt it? also it should go past the 90 in heavy traffic for the fans to kick in and the needle then goes back is this correct as i have never seen my needle go anywhere over the 90 , thanks mask smoggy
  21. hi mask, can you tell me what the price would ruffly be for one of these and is it easy enough to fit? also what would you recomend i do get one and try it first before i take it to have it put on the machine but i am pi**ed off now as i am throwing money after money on this car all the time ive had it 14 months and i have already coffed up nearly a grand on repairs so what would you suggest i do mate please help me out here if you would be so kind thanks smoggy you have been really helpfull
  22. hi mask sorry to be a little dumb but what does that mean please thanks smoggy
  23. hi mask , isnt that to do with the temperature gauge as i thought that would tell me if its overheating, to be safe i just talked to a friend of mine and he knows a good diesel specialist so will wait until monday now to see what he has to say many thanks for the points of view taken on board cheers guys smoggy
  24. hi i am in swansea , mask where about is the temp switch? cheers smoggy
  25. hi guys ok had the secong maf fitted today also new air filter cover all angles but........still the same chugging and jerking so i have to bite the bullet now i think and have it plugged in to the machine to find out what the hell is going on here? i ve had some suggestions todayie injectors bought the injector magic put that in earlier, timing could be out had the belt done about 4 months ago , i am not happy with it at all i wont be buying another one (lol) nothing but money on it cant cope with parting with anymore all the best smoggy anyone with any other ideas can you plz let me know cheers
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