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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

El Dingo

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Everything posted by El Dingo

  1. Cool T. You'll have to change your sig now... :lol:
  2. Well El Xando made me register so I could look after mummy's Galaxy. :lol:
  3. Hi gregers! I'm just saying that because Friday-Ad is fairly new 'up North' it won't necessarily be the best place to find a car up North! You never know, however. :16: I sold some machinery to Friday-Ad a few years ago... :16:
  4. Friday-Ad is a very mature product in the south east of England, but not so well known in Congleton - I like Friday-Ad - it's owned by a farmer from Uckfield! I hate to say it, but one of the best sources of cars is still Auto Trader. T, you could also try visiting the auctions (but if you haven't gone auctioning yet, NEVER buy on your first visit - the auctioneer can spot newbies a mile away...). There are specialist auctions, too. http://www.british-car-auctions.co.uk/
  5. Nik, this fits my feelings too. Especially the bit about the fabric covered cardboard flaps... :rolleyes:
  6. Ooops! I didn't mean to imply that they are Irish... *Bureaucratic*
  7. Maybe you could afford to see Aston Villa in the sun?
  8. It's a cracker! :rolleyes:
  9. Wrong kind of pot, Zafffffffy (Makes you sound almost Welsh, which you might actually be?). The PM's (or at least his copy writers) reply is trite and evasive. For example, they refer to the local area experiments, but don't say that funding is withheld if they refuse to impliment road funding trials. Hmmmmmm!
  10. well i sold my 2.3 after advertising it for god knows how many weeks... first person to call about it did 100 mile round trip and still couldnt find us. we eventually went to meet them half way as soon as they saw it they fell in love with it especially the mileage 68k and the interior they gave us just under 4k but i also offered to have her serviced (which was just done today) That's one in the eye for the bureauocratic gnomes! :rolleyes:
  11. Mine also shows up as made in Germany. Wierd.
  12. ... :lol: Hence the contact cleaner, Ron. :rolleyes:
  13. Just rub 'em down and spray 'Plasticote Pink'. Available at B&Q, Homebase, etc... :rolleyes:
  14. Hi T, AFAIK if you can enable uPNP you shouldn't need a DMZ (i.e. the application will open only the ports it requires). As for the 'lag'? Sorry, I don't know - El Xando has no problems with PS2 games via network interface, PSP and Game Boy DS. No lag whatsoever. I used to set up port forwarding, but found uPNP easier and more reliable.
  15. Damn, I can't call you 'Zaffy Boy' anymore. :16:
  16. I once towed a caravan onto the hard shoulder in France, just north of Bethune. The (British) owner had got into an uncontrollable *slapper* and had slammed into the central reservation. So we hooked up the 'van onto my (factory fitted) towbar and dragged the offending item off the motorway. It was the only time I ever used the towbar. True story. It was scary to see that thing swing from side to side, with those high profile tyres almost rolling off the rims.
  17. What did you buy T? Edit**** Gnarrghhh!! Just seen you sig...
  18. Same here - use WPA-PSK, so I nulled my vote.
  19. Zoom-zoom here (and not a Mazda in sight).
  20. Jet engines! Don't make me laugh! Tractor more like! :16:
  21. An idea: 1. Remove unit from dash (don't forget the radio code). 2. Hold with buttons facing down. 3. Spray with contact cleaner. http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?Module...40&doy=19m2 4. Allow to dry. 5. Refit and enter code. Edit!!! BTW, check that contact cleaner doesn't remove the printing on the buttons first... :16:
  22. Nik - you're right! I got rid of Norton Internet Security (a total pain in the patella). What p*ss*d me off was when I tried to renew my subscription on my 3 user licence on-line, and the software would only update one licence. In the end I wrote to Trading Standards about it, but, toothless wonders that they are, nothing got done about it. Nice to see there is an alternative now that PowerQuest got hoovered up. BTW, I like the way PowerQuest didn't use a space between words, e.g. PartitionMagic and the unforgettable DrivelMage. Or is that DriveImage?
  23. Currently 1,577,572 (after my wife signed it).
  24. Red is yeeuuchhh!!!! Mof4 special is, well, *special*. I'm going for Silver/Blue thingy.
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