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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by SPIKEYJIMBO

  1. Just brought a new battery for the diesel galaxy opted for a Bosch silver has a 5 year warranty and high cranking power, can tell the difference. Got it from halfrauds have a look
  2. Have been un-able to log into forum lately, car was struggling to start and had an audiable bing each time I started the gal first start of the day.. Mirez absolutely spot on took car down to kwik fit and got them to run a battery and charging check..alternator etc was fine but the Battery was knackered and only running at 44% and un-servicable. Got a bosch silver one (not from kwik fit) and can tell the power difference straight away no more cranking etc and less smoke at start (is that poss?).. Also the hesitancy that I had before seems to have gone. Thanks again all
  3. If its a mk 2 open the passengers front door, remove the screws holding in the plastic trim and then gently remove it. The pipe runs along the door and has a connector piece there that usually pops off, If this is the case be prepared for a footwell full of water.. there are much more detailed guides to doing this in the faq section including step by step instructions. Out of interest have you tried cleaning the jet in the rear wiper assembly as it could just be bunged up with muck.
  4. Hello Sockett, If you check my post called smokey tdi member Chris has posted a pic of his fuel filter on there, (page 2 I believe) have a look at that and see if it matches yours. not sure on the year of your tdi but mine is a mark 2 and looks like chris's.. Hope this helps James
  5. Daddyfixit, have changed that pump already got it from gsf was about
  6. Had a look before setting off, I have an arrow engraved into the top of the filter this is facing towards the bonnet would this mean its on the wrong way round?.. If I can find your email ill send you a pic
  7. Im sure mine faces the rear will check in a moment as im going in for the dreaded night shift. just a thought if it was the pump surely I would have issues starting the car all the time and not just the first of the day even then its cranking probably for about 2 seconds 3 tops. Chris thanks for the help you have been cracking with everything so far
  8. Cheers Chris, will check that out when I get some free time, got the brakes to do on the other halfs car 2mo morning.. out of interest can the fuel filter be put on the wrong way round and would this have any affect.. One thing after another at the moment and a wedding in Aug to pay for GRRRR...On a plus note picked up the heater glow plug will change that soon and check all the connectors however I reckon the fan has died.
  9. Have been listening out for the squelch the last few times I have started her up, and it isnt happening anymore, what does this mean?.. So much to do and soooo very little time one thing after another :)
  10. Hello chris, I know I have heard it, however can't say I have lately now you mention it
  11. This is annoying me now, First start of the day galaxy turns over for what seems like ages (prob only a few seconds in reality) before firing up, dont think its the battery or any of the charging system as every other start up is perfect. Car has recently been serviced and im thinking that maybe there is air in the fuel line (Pipes are black tubing not clear so cant visually see any air) does this sound right if there was air in there.. If there is air in there how do I remove it? Many thanks James
  12. I had a rank smell coming through my heater when ever id squirted the windscreen, I drained the screen wash resevoir and flushed through with hot water, re filled with fresh screen wash now theres no smell. Mush have been bacteria or something
  13. Any one have any ideas, really would be appreciated
  14. Evening all, Last few times ive been out in the Galaxy have noticed that when accelerating the power isnt delivered smoothly, id say probably hesitant for a second then it cuts in and takes off(slowly,slowly, power delivered and accelerates). the mrs has also commented on this so I know im not imagining it :) I have checked the forum for this but only had a post that was for the galaxy 130bhp and I have a 2001 115bhp.. Turbo vanes have been cleared as I was experiencing the power loss and no issues have shown on my vag-com.. im guessing this is not normal so any ideas.? Any help is muchly appreciated as the warranty has 2 weeks remaining and if there is an issue id like to get it rectified. Many thanks. James
  15. Before getting the galaxy I had a scenic and that had the same symptoms you describe it turned out to be a worn track rod end with alot of play in it, Might be worth a little look.
  16. Cheers guys for getting back to me on this. Rang him today and he had flogged it, gutted really as it could have been used for spares or complete replacement. :)
  17. I have this same issue on my galaxy, drive my daughter the mile or so to school and whilst idling it gets shaky if I push the clutch pedal down it goes away, this problem isnt there all the time or at any sort of frequencey.. Would be interested to know what it could actually be
  18. Cheers Mirez, mine is a mk 2 2001(y) tdi.. Do you think its likely they are the same
  19. Hi all, Have a quick question, a friend of mine has got an eberspacher water heater from a 2005 ford galaxy, is this the same thing as the aux heater thats on my galaxy tdi auy it has D5Z-5 AND 5KW stamped on it.. Your help is much appreciated. many thanks
  20. Ok as promised the plugs in the engine are Beru 0100 226 227 and the one I was advised for the heater is beru 0100 226 199 this plug is definitely shorter and alot fatter than the engine one. Hope this helps
  21. Zorgman, That's right my engine ones were longer and thinner than the supposed heater one you can't get them mixed up. Finish work at 18:00 will get the details off the box and post them here. Hope it is correct as then I have saved people money
  22. Guys, I asked for the aux heater plug this is what he gave me and assured it was correct.. Have also just done my engine glow plugs and thought id see if they were the same, they wernt the aux heater one is shorter and seems to be slightly fatter. when I get in from work 2mo I will go down the shed and get the number off the box as im now curious.
  23. I picked one up grom GSF pretty much get everything there was listed as an additional heater plug cost was £8.10 plus vat gsf part number 180vgo130 also listed as bbgn928 on the invoice, this is the plug only and does not have leads attached.. As yet I have not got round to fitting mine so cant vouch for it.. Hope this helps James Sorry just re read your post and see you have a tdi 130 mine is the tdi 115 not sure if this makes a difference, but a simple call to them would sort that
  24. Check gsf just got 4 brand new beru plugs and they were about
  25. Mirez The electrical guru, thank you for posting up have been and had a look at the battery I believe its a self fill up jobby (not maintenance free) so could be worth my while checking levels.. Changed the glow plugs earlier on today 2 were gone and the other 2 on there last legs, as a frost has formed on the car allready will check starting in the morning.. Cheers for shedding some light on that code.
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