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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by SPIKEYJIMBO

  1. Zorgman, it happens when ever I start the car.wasn't there a few days ago only appeared after I hoovered the leaves out of the bulk head.. Bag com is also ordered so stand by for when I royally mess something up
  2. Chris, I was not a happy bunny when he done it, then even had the cheek to ask if i could help push his car out of my rear quarter panel as it was blocking the road... I have manual heating controls and it only clicks when i start the engine dont hear it again until next time its started.. Might get brave and order a lead besides gives me an excuse to sort out "technical stuff" and dissapear for a few hours.lol
  3. Thanks Chris/Bill Yeah I plan to keep the car for a good few years only just got it as my neighbour wrote off my old car, just been gsf and brought a run on pump will get that fitted with the service on tue. On starting the car again and listening more intensley it seems the ticking noise is comming from the 3 blowers mounted on the dash, would this still be contistent with the dosing pump (what is a dosing pump?) or possibly where I knocked something yesterday when I hoovered the leaves out of the bulkhead. Bill, I have seen these leads on ebay, is anyone ok as long a it is a vagcom and also am I right in thinking that I have to download software from another site or does it come on a disk and then you load it on the computer Cheers guys
  4. Hello Bill Thanks for the prompt response, No the aux heater under the car does not work, have read the faq section and will change the glow plug and hope that it works after the codes are re set, thought the run on pump played a part in this too.. Sounds like your prob was similar to mine.. As for the vagcom lead me and computers do not get on and I am not very techy minded so would have to be a trip to a garage Once again many thanks for replying James
  5. Good morning all, I have owned a 2001 (y) plate galaxy tdi with the auy engine for about 2 months now and have had a few issues egr valve and sticky vanes, most of which has been sorted by the help of you on here and the sellers warranty. Im after some advice please on two following issues im having: firstly when I start the car I can hear what sounds like electrical ticking behind the dash on drivers side this stops after a few seconds not sure what this is could anyone enlighten me? Secondly: Temp guage rises up to 90 slowly, but if I turn on the heater fan in the front the temp guage slowly goes down to around 70/80 and dont go back up to 90. I know the run on pump isnt working and im due to replace this and the water pump is prob overdue at 10200 miles, could these be the issue or am I missing something All help will be very much appreciated as the car has about 4 weeks warranty remaining Many thanks James
  6. Ok, have finally got around to phoning up for the run on pump, Gsf and euro car parts do stock them and it was cross referenced against bosch part number 0392020073 (as found on this forum) price currently stands at:
  7. The last few times I have filled up the galaxy I put in bps ultimate diesel, it is alot more expensive but I feel the car idles better and has more oomph through the gears... Could this just be psychological possibly but I honestly don't think so
  8. GSF sell the Beru ones and are about
  9. Ahhh damn Thought I was going to be lucky for a moment..
  10. Hi there, I have a mk 2 2001 y galaxy tdi, are both these fault readers compatible with my car or just the mk 1 Many thanks James
  11. Morning, I am of the understanding that this is the same part as it carries the same vw part number found here on the forums, if I manage to go GSF soon I will ask to check the Bosch number and if the same will post it up as it is considerably cheaper than other retailers I have seen. James
  12. Hello all, Have been searching for a run on pump ar additional water pump as some call it for my galaxy tdi y reg, Ford quoted
  13. Quick update, just got back from the mother in laws and thought id have a poke around near the heater, what I have found is that the rubber pipe going into the unit its self is warm so would this indicate the run on pump is working.
  14. Hello chrispb12356 Thank you for you quick reply had a look in the faq sections and saw the instructions however im absoutely hopeless at anything remotely mechanical, I would hedge a bet then that the brushes need replacing and after a phone call to fords the part is
  15. Good morning all, This is my first post on the forum and I apolagise if I have put it in the wrong place.(not very computer literate) I have a galaxy tdi 115bhp 2001 Y (101685) miles and have owned it for approx a month, it had the loss of power inermittantly syndrome but after a new egr valve and code re set it seems fine. Im also having an issue with the booster heater much like the rest of you it did smoke before the codes were re set now it does nothing, no smoke no noises no heat.I have checked the fuse it is there and still good and Have listened under the bonnet for the run on pump and cant hear it so do you think this it what the problem could be.I am aware there are loads of posts regarding these heaters and I have probably read them all but still dont have a clue Many thanks in advance James
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