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Everything posted by SPIKEYJIMBO

  1. Was me that asked for the pics, thank you for taking the time to add them on. I think I shall be booking in to have the same thing done on my galaxy, 2 quick questions though. 1) Could someone still sit in the seat at the very back or would the new belt positioning get in the way? 2) Did they have to fit a new belt socket on the other side of the seat, as my lap belt obviously has only one buckle and one socket Thank you again for your time James
  2. Blimey how hard was it to get back on here. Bigjeeze yes the temp guage gets up to mid point but takes ages and as soon as the heater blower is turned on it slowly drops down again Greggers the run on pump is brand new only about 2k miles of use and still hums away I changed the plug over wasn't very hard re fitted unit and cleared the codes I'm now getting 01409 flame out and 01414 again. I can clear the codes and the little exhaust blows air buy gives up and logs codes again Any ideas
  3. Cheers guys, No good at the mechanics part so will have to wait for a dry day and hope my brother in law will take a look for me, I really do hope that the new plug fixes it so I can be warm on the way to work and the kids wont need a blanket in the back, Will keep you posted Thanks
  4. Eve all, Its been a while since I was last on here so my apolagies. Its that time of year again when the aux heater questions appear, mine has never worked but after some advice from here traced it to being blocked off at the plug, scanned with vag com cleared the codes 01414 combustion blower problem, however this kept returning so lost heart in it and froze every day last winter. Took the vag com out to the car yesterday cleared the 01414 codes and hit the heater unit with a rubber mallet, re scanned today and now im getting the flame out code so im guessing the heater will need to be dropped and the plug changed ( I have the plug) When the car is started it starts with the whooshing and then some sort of tapping, the exhaust blows air out of the end for a min or so and there is no smoke. does this mean its working? When i shut the car down you can still hear it working before i guess shutting down Does it sound like im getting some where with this or just getting my hopes up Many thanks James
  5. The squelch noise had dissapeared from my car for a few weeks and has now returned. Now its back I dont seem to have the stuttering I was getting previously.. Still going to change the relay 109. For your info if it helps I got the relay from VW. Part number 1J0 906 381 and came too
  6. Mirez, Cheers for confirming that, will get it ordered in the next few days, got to try and find the time now to fit all the parts. Where did you manage to pull that info from or is it secret:lol:
  7. Chris, I have relay 109 and vac tube in both 3mm and 5mm diameter (does that sound right) Whilst down at VW I got the guy to look up that filter in the pic you sent me, he looked on etka and came up with part number 702 129 965 at a price of
  8. Chris, Cheers for the reply, it just looks dirty and want to slowly eliminate things before I get to the more expensive items.. Do you think its likely that the dealers or a motor factors would sell these seperately? Going to buy the vac hose later I think its 3mm and 5mm on the galaxy replace relay 109 & find out how much the intercooler hose is. After that im heading down the line of replacement Maf Seeing as the turbo was cleaned a new n75 valve and egr valve were fitted I dont think its anything major, its just annoying me with the stuttering Have scanned again with vag- com and showing as no faults Many thanks for your help
  9. Ahhhh, So it is, Thanks Chris.. I couldnt make any sence of the pic and relate it to the car.. My filter looks quite dirty Im guessing it can be replaced, What affect could this dirty filter have on the car?
  10. Hello, No joy as yet, Going to get the hoses looked at for splits and wear, and look into relay 109. I think its going to be a process of elimination that may take some time and probably cost. Want to get it done before driving the 5 hours into cornwall mid May .. A better description rather than hesitant could be a stutter - No issues regards gaining speed etc just after changing up or down a gear and the accelerating it just holds off for a second and then picks up fine
  11. Looking around the engine bay of my Galaxy tdi AUY and in front of the brake fluid reservior there is a filter of some sort, have tried to upload the photo but to no success, does anyone know what this filter is for.. Description - cylindrical shaped clear plastic, housing a yellow filter indide, its not very big(Would easily fit inside your palm) Many thanks
  12. Unfortunately not 3 out of 3 :) I dont remember coming accross a picture of that and I honestly couldnt advise you on your problem as my technical knowledge isnt great, However there are some really clued up people on this forum that are willing to help and share knowledge. im sure some one will advise you soon. Glad to have helped and good luck.
  13. Chris, when you say take the fuel filter inlet pipe off looking at the pic you posted on this thread is it the dark shiny hose that goes into the right hand side of the filter or the duller black hose with the blue writing on going into the left hand side.. I had the squelching sound come back for a bit but now its gone again
  14. Kitty I do indeed..again im not sure how to directly link you there but go to the search bar and type in smokey tdi, on page 2 half way down there is a pic that was posted to me by chris. :)
  15. Hello Kitty, I dont know how to re-post the pic that chris sent me, however if you type underboost into the search bar it should take you to the thread I started it is posted in there. Hope this helps you
  16. Hi chris, when you say cut from a length of pipe is it any specific type I need? And as for fuel lines get the re inforced stuff?... I have your diagram in my inbox but not very technical minded will have another study of it
  17. All, I have some tired looking hoses on the gal tdi so looking to slowly replace them, question is when changing hoses into say the fuel filter or other main components is it just a simple pull hose off and replace with a new one or is there a specific practice that needs to be followed.. Going to replace the vac and turbo hoses as I think there probably knackered by now and had an underboost issue not so long ago, but after googling and searching the net I am having issues finding replacements and I dont want to get them from the stealer unless its absolutely last resort Galaxy is a mk2 115 auy Can anyone help on this Many thanks :lol:
  18. Thanks for your reply, Its not losing power, more like whilst accelerating instead of being a smooth power delivery it seems to be coming in stages like its hesitating momentarily
  19. Hi Traff, Has apparantly had the egr valve replaced under the warranty about 2 months ago.. Will get it checked independantly though.. Any other ideas Many thanks
  20. Morning all, Have just got the car back after having the turbo cleaned hopefully it stops the dreaded limp mode,have noticed that when accelerating the power seems to be in stages like its holding back momentarily , hopefully that makes sense to some one. I dont think there is a loss of power and still accelerates with a high top end. Before having the turbo cleaned I had fault code 17964 thats why the dealer cleaned the turbo Anyone have any ideas as to what this could be, I have scanned it with vag-com and no faults recorded. 2001 {Y} Galaxy tdi auy manual Cheers all
  21. Chris, Cheers for the diagram.. Car is back at the mechanics and he is satisfied its the same issue as before so even though the warranty is up the issue wasn't rectified when it was in warranty.. Really glad I got a vag com and managed to print my scan results, the mechanic was miffed that I had a printed copy :) and also meant that he had no way way to back out of the work by saying no codes stored.. When I get the car back I will let you know what the outcome was. Thanks again all.
  22. Hello Chris, Thought the n75 and egr valve were the same thing shows you how much mechanics I know :) .. Do you think its reasonable for me to ask this of them? My understanding is it went in with a fault under the warranty and hasnr been sorted so it should still be covered.. heard getting the vacuum pipes replaced would be a good start and you have confirmed that, do you know where they can be brought other than the dealers and what sizes are needed as a google search didnt really give me anything.
  23. Cheers Seatkid Apparantly had overboost to start with,took it back to the dealer and they cleaned the vanes which I now know they used an additive to free them up. Now I have underboost.. The warranty is up on the car but im talking to the dealers regards fixing the issue as its still boosting and both over and under have the same possible causes and solutions. I have the vag com print out and the ross tech definitions for the stored code so its going baack to the dealer for them to rectify as it wasnt originally sorted when the warrany was current.. Do you guys think that im being reasonable here.? :) Many thanks
  24. Have had issues with limp mode and garage took it in replaced egr valve and cleared the vanes, havnt had any problems for around a month, however on my way to midhurst the car went into limp mode. Scanned with vag com when I came home and got code 17964 charge pressure control negative deviation d1556 35-00 Ross tech states it's underboost does anyone have any more info on this Many thanks in advance
  25. Dbc Usually I would agree with you however after checking a local auto factors and ecp halfords were 20 quid cheaper fitted it for free and gave a screwdriver set free in the deal so can't really fault them It's a 77 ah battery
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