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Everything posted by morticiaskeeper

  1. I'll pay you to take my kids :D Don't know whether I would spend to money on an LPG conversion, but the last owner of my car did, I just get the benefit :lol: Very clean running, very cheap, probably wouldn't do the mileage I do if I had to pay for petrol. The ignition system has to be in A1 condition, and your hands get cold when filling up. And, I've got a problem with my filler at the moment so I'm buying petrol :-( That should get the naysayers talking about bombs again
  2. Try www.etyres.co.uk
  3. Well, I thought it would be ok :huh: Last tank did 209 miles, this one was on 185 when it died, must be the difference between motorways and commuting. When I did go to fill up, I noticed a small problem (ok, leak) with the nozzle adaptor seal, so, considering what happened Sunday, ended up with just 18 litres. Asked a customer of mine today for another adaptor -
  4. I hear petrol's gone up in Hemel :huh:
  5. Sorted it before they got here :( Vapour lock on the petrol side, took the filler cap off and heard a hiss, so left it off and cranked until it started. I tend to run the petrol tank very low, as I reversed up the drive, what I thought was a stall was the gas running out (the pressure guages on lpg tanks are crap). Might have to keep a bit more petrol in the tank from now on - probably increase the spend to
  6. Book the day off to finish the xmas shopping, start her up, blip the throttle to switch over to gas, wait for Mrs keeper to get in, reverse off drive STALL Restart, no. Switch to petrol, restart, no. Check all leads under bonnet for the obvious, no. Try another restart, no. Sound like no spark. so instead of walking around Gloucester and maybe spending a while in Starbucks while she walks round Gloucester, I'm sat here waiting for the AA :angry:
  7. Not if you've got chubby bass player fingers like mine B) I might have a go, but it's not too big a job to strip it out. Got the rear pads & discs to do next month, might pay one of the chimps (sorry, Mercedes Benz trained technicians) to do it for me.
  8. Couldn't get one from breakers, but
  9. Looks like I nead a new fan control switch. All the connectors are ok on the back of the controls, but when I push the fan switch in to recirc, the hissing stops. Once again, the hero of this board comes to the rescue, thanks mate. Anyone know a source of a (cheap) switch? GSF don't list it.
  10. But the radio was unplugged to make sure it wasn't FM mush :o I very rarely use the recirc button, until the bad weather last week :P Am I right in thinking that if I select recirc and the pipe is off, I won't get the increase in fan noise? Just plucking up the courage to face the weather now, thanks for your help
  11. A hissing noise appeared today, sounding like it is coming from the centre console. Only there when the engine is running, but stops for a sec when accelerating, but only under load. Brakes feel fine, power seems ok (difficult to check in traffic), switching to petrol doesn't stop it. Headlight adjusters (Merc vans are vacuum powered) work, radio was unplugged! Must be something vacuum related, but are there any likely places I should start looking? Considering the crap weather, I'd like to just lift the bonnet and see the problem instantly :( :huh: If only Fredt was here :(
  12. You will find a seamless transition between petrol & LPG. You will also find that drive more because you can afford to :blink: I dread to think how much my fuel bills would be if I didn't have LPG - probably wouldn't go out much
  13. Mine switches over to gas as soon as I pull away. In the summer I can fool the system into starting on gas, but when it's colder it gets a bit hesitant. I spend about
  14. I was asked to switch to petrol while on a Condor ferry. An aquaintance involved in HSE once told me that the only reason the Tunnel didn't allow LPG was "it was never considered when the regulations were drafted, because LPG was rare" I understand that LPG under pressure will make a big bang, but considering the relevant structural integrity of LPG tanks and Petrol/Diesel tanks, it will take a lot longer for the problem to reach the LPG in the first place. I would not have been able to aford to do some of the journeys I have done if I had to pay petrol prices. But, If I hadn't bought a car with LPG, would I have converted? Probably not, couldn't afford the initial outlay. Look back at some of the replies others have given before, then decide any biases for yourself :unsure:
  15. Found the fault. Missed a shift while on holiday, so had a feel around on top of the box. The cable nearest the front seemed to be moving a lot while shifting, it sems to be jumping out of the retaining bracket. Turned the cable collar round and pushed it back into the bracket and got a lovely solid change. Then a quick overtaking downshift left me with a box of neutrals again. Got it into 5th and 2nd came back after a couple of miles. On inspection (takes a long time to cool down enough to reach in) the cable was loose in the holder again. When the Merc Sprinter van started haveing the same sort of problems, dealers resorted to a cable tie until a mod kit was produced - think I might reach for the lockwire B)
  16. AFAIK you would have to run a mix of diesel and LPG. LPG on a petrol works out about the same running costs as Diesel - 45mpg on Diesel at 90p/litre against 25mpg on gas at 40p/litre. Maybe a slight saving, but never enough to cover the conversion cost.
  17. Hi All Not really a new member, email problems forced me to rejoin (was Paul Collins) My gear selection is getting worse. Many months ago, while trying to beat a boy racer away from the lights, I missed the shift into second. Ever since, 1st to 2nd has been ok, provided you give it time, if you rush, it misses. When it misses, the lever feels different on the stop. Only missed a single shift in the last couple of months (Park Lane, Midnight leaving the Queen gig :D ) Tonight, and last night, reverse didn't select first time, the lever seems to need to come closer to the driver's seat. Someone please tell me it's a cable problem :D Holiday coming up & no money (spent it all on Queen gigs) Paul
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