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Everything posted by big_kev

  1. You could try this guy on ebay http://stores.ebay.co.uk/THE-GENUINE-VW-AUDI-PARTS-SHOP Other than that check out the sellers breaking Shalaxies
  2. Came accross this interesting little site. Garbidgegate: a Stealth Tax Compendium Got to admit I was stunned to see how badly we have been ripped off . I knew they were bad but didn't realise the full extent. p.s. do you realise that some of your Council Tax goes toward Party Funds !
  3. I thought it was always sunny down the south west ?
  4. For a minute there...... I thought you were going to say she was sitting on the remote........
  5. Steady on........you can't say that ! There are some mad women on this Forum and they may take offence.
  6. Please read....Blue Headlight Bulbs
  7. I live in a very "horsey" area. Most of the horses and riders I find to be ok....have them rather than cyclists anytime.
  8. Ok I lied....I will comment. However please visit the site below for accurate information on lights... The truth about headlights Obviously this is different from the cowboys trying to sell you these things...
  9. Yep, agree with this. These same numpties also park on footpaths blocking them and forcing the pedestrians out into the road. Lack of police on the beat...all too busy doing speed traps. Yeh, cycle clubs....don't get me started... 1: you must not ride more than 2 abreast....single file only when going around bends or on narrow or busy roads ( spot the flaw in this statement ! .......define narrow or busy road ? )...... In a survey 85% of cyclists said they knew about this....and 10% said they were unaware...2% disagreed with this....the other 3% said that the highway code was just for motor vehicle. In the same survey 96% of cyclists said they ignored the highway code anyway. 2: Road Racing......breaks nearly all the rules in whole highway code yet you see bikes doing it all the time ? Try doing this with fifty Golf GTis on a dangerous country road and see how far you get before the Traffic Taliban have you. 3: Highway Code....144....You must not drive without reasonable consideration for other road users.... :lol: Sorry I think I've wet myself on this one.
  10. I am sure that they are on seperate sensors ( or a dual sensor ) and as such they will come on independantly. Don't have the details why. Give a permanet feed to the fan and check that it works.
  11. The vision plus is the best of these. I will leave others to debate the issue of "brighter" headlights......there has been some disagreement on this.
  12. Spoilsport ............ :lol:
  13. Came accross this report......interesting. http://www.yes-but.net/cycling_is_1dangerous.html I knew I was right ......nutters the lot of them.
  14. Luckily I went down the M1 turned left over the bridge to Kent. Came back round the M25 to near Reading. It was 50/50 whether to go back via the M1 or M40. Chose the M40 couldn't be bothered with the Q at jcn 10 / A43 to pisck up the M1 at jcn 15a So continued up the M40 to the 42. Just as I passed Jcn 10 it came on the radio that the M1 had gone tits up again between 14 and 16 ( oil or something on the road ). M40 was fine but m42 was a bit slow ( just the bloody brummies put 40mph on the overheads again ).
  15. 450,000 tyres is chickenfeed...... Here is the Firestone report... Bridgestone expects the latest tyre recall at its American Firestone unit to cost up to $30m. The United States government has asked for another 3.5 million Firestone tyres to be recalled for safety checks by Ford, which used them on sports utility vehicles. It follows the recall of 16 million Firestone Wilderness AT tyres in August 2000. Looks like the Chinese may be better than the Americans.
  16. I'd prefer the opinions of those that have more choice over the tyres they can put on their cars - http://www.tyretest.com/pkw_sommerreifen/w...1099/index.html Good luck! (only go out when it's dry!) I never believe the Germans, however this one caught my eye.. Grip in dry conditions Score 1 Braking in dry condtions Score 1 Grip in wet conditions Score 2 Braking in wet condition Score 2 Grip in snow Score 6 Comfort Score 1 Tyre noise (in car) Score 2 Tyre noise (external) Score 2 Tyre wear Score 1 Please note: 1 is good ......I suspect the 6 for snow means it had never been driven on snow ? Also note the guy drives a BMW............and therefore is not to be relied upon.
  17. ABS: 1:love to see how this again with the vehicle starting of in the other lane. Or alternatively on single carriageway.......which is where most nasty braking accidents are. 2:What idiot drives that fast on snow ?.....ps don't believe it....ABS is worse on snow and loose ground hence why they developed ESP. ESP: Does look impressive....what do you do if it is turned of, via the handy "off button". Still don't understand the reason for having this button.....doubtless there is a good explanation.
  18. Yep and they are also Black as well as being Black.
  19. I forgot about that........thats handy.........I will just throw my car around this wet corner the EPS will save me if I take it too quickly........bummer !........I forgot I turned it off earlier.............that's a big tree ! Your right, kind of defeats the point of having it... ;) Please tell me these were BMW's.... ;)
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/northam...ire/7026490.stm
  21. Planned my trips for this week. Monday down the M1 round the Orbital.... run around and back again....work related. Tuesday down the M1 round the Orbital.... run around and back again....work related. Wednesday working from home. Thursday down the M1 round the Orbital.... run around and back again....work related. And guess which day the M1 went belly up......Wednesday ;) .......thank you god..! p.s. Did anyone get caught in it ?
  22. The main advantage claimed with ABS is that it allows you to steer around obstacles....but this only works in test conditions when you know the obstacle is there and you are prepared for it. In reality, nearly all drivers will just hit the brakes and hope, and if they do try to "steer out of it" they are most likely going to collide with either other vehicles and/or pedestrians. ABS doesn't do diddly squat on ice or snow, in fact it is worse than normal brakes. At least with normal brakes you have the opportunity to dig the wheels in or slide sideways ....with ABS you just plough headfirst with no braking straight into it......( steering is innefective as you are on snow or ice ). Also don't try pumping the brakes with ABS doesn't work and neither will the ABS if you try it. I wonder if the increase in the kill rate for pedestrains is related to this as tailgating drivers are now able to avoid the vehicle in front by mounting the kerb ! As you can gather I am still not a fan.
  23. Just seen the pic......now we know why....frighten the kids.... ;)
  24. Sh1t I forgot............sorry Maz....hope everythings ok There's me putting my foot in my gob again .... Best Wishes Kev
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