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Everything posted by big_kev

  1. You may have to wait for the vodka to leave her system.....I think the kids may be off school this week.
  2. That's a difficult one , personally I would save myself megabucks and go for a top of the range older Mk2. I would personnaly say go for a diesel but again it depends on the cost. You could pay two thous. more for a diesel and if you don't do much mileage ( and if the price of diesel keeps increasing more than petrol ! ) there may be not much in it....don't buy a 2.0l petrol though. Please tell me these two 15 month old girls are twins and you don't have 2 wives.. :lol: p.s. if you think they make a mess now !......wait till you have mascara, nail varnish, lipstick, liner, blusher and got knows what else ingrained into your backseat upholstery as they get older.
  3. You should be able to copy them directly to a blank cd using Nero or similar .....loads out there even windows media player can do it... make sure you use data-cd and not audio-cd. Also make sure that you close the cd after burning otherwise it can only be read by another cd-writer not a cd-player. Are they definitley mp3 files ?
  4. A hellava lot ....especially for the immobiliser module ( which isn't faulty, the RAC guy would have noticed that straight away.....neither are the keys faulty ). Ah the joys of "exchange parts" you don't get the old ones back to prove there was never anything wrong with them. Probably is the relay.....bet you fords changed the wrong one !
  5. Ignore Mr Grumpy .....the schools must be off and his mum's let him stop up late.
  6. Excuse me while I just puke .... :23:
  7. I bet you that's a true story. Evil aren't they !
  8. Why ?....is the local Volkswagen dealer not open ! Tell them to stop mucking you about and get one from VW...probably cheaper as well.
  9. Or alternatively......a brand new one ! Brand new 2007 RDS CD unit
  10. So sad ! http://www.nicecupofteaandasitdown.com/biscuits/fig/
  11. Does your ABS not work ?
  12. Topless ? That will have kept them away then :rolleyes:
  13. When you find it go get yourself a copy of Daemon Tools.....never need to look for cd's ever again.
  14. A bit of a late reply but I think it may help others. There are ( at least ) 3 versions of the 2007 RDS radio. 2007 RDS doesn't have CD option....just says Man on the button. 2007 RDS CD has a Man/CD button and works with or without the CD changer. 2007R RDS CD is exactly the same but part of the face is removable hence the R.
  15. Morning pet, Go buy a cover from the dealers, they are only a couple of quid and just click into place.
  16. Pete, go download a copy of vagcom http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/download/ Buy a cheap cable from ebay...loads available. Find a laptop or move your pc into the car. example....http://www.vagcom.co.uk/vagcom_demo.html
  17. So very true.... :rolleyes:
  18. Look ladies...if were going to get personal, lets use the tried and tested system. Out of 10.... I don't know about anyone else but I'd give them one :D
  19. That's just what they tell you pet..they've seen your car :D
  20. Red Eye..... means Red i Double red eye.....means Red di Dont know if a triple red eye exists but if it did all of Tdi would be red. Remember a post somewhere with the engine sizes relating to this, will try and find it before someone beats me to it.
  21. Not really helpful but all I can recall is this from the FAQ........although its for a mk2 http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=11854
  22. Nah, after four kids......she'd be using her knees not her hands :o
  23. The only thing Ford on your car is the gearbox and radio...the rest is VolksWagen. Ford dealers can't diagnose their own cars they have no chance with VW's.
  24. IIRC....Gendan will only check the engine.....not the ABS or anything else.
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