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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Ogben Schmutzel

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Everything posted by Ogben Schmutzel

  1. Update: Just got back from a 100 mile run and as before aircon was not cooling properly. Forgot to check the fans etc, but on going out to the car a couple of hours later I notices that the ammount of water that had run off from the aircon drain was much more than I had ever noticed before. Is it posible that it is freezing up? Cheers. Oggy.
  2. I work pretty local so don't the chance to test exactly how far I have to go before the cooling starts to fail, but certainly 90 miles is far enough. But I did about 10 miles comming home today and checked the fans and both were belting away. Also, don't know what part of the circuit it was but one of the aluminium pipes was really cold and running with condensation and a similar pipe the other side was red hot. But the aircon was working ok and like I have said above was getting down to 2C at the vent when over riding the climate by putting it on low - I had checked it on the way home. Paranoia is on overtime at the moment. Thanks for all the suggestions! Oggy.
  3. Hi Kev, thanks for that. Have to admit that does describe it pretty well. At motorway speeds there was limited cooling but in town it was virtually nil, coming through at ambient! Next day, even around town, it was fine again. Thanks again. Oggy.
  4. Hi Sep, Sorry, not sure what you mean. Do you mean the fan that controls flow into the cab or something else? If the former then that still works fine. Thanks for responding. Oggy.
  5. Hi Bigjeeze, Thanks for replying. That's exactly what I did, I thought my post made that clear but maybe not. Its def not the CC just doing what it does!! Regards. Oggy.
  6. Hi All, Anyone got any ideas on this? Its on my Alhambra 1.9 TDi (115 bhp) SE with climate control. Few months ago I noticed that although around town the aircon works fine, at some point on a long run (ceratinly 90 miles seems enough) it stops working. So as a starting point decided to have the aircon serviced as it was due - about 3 years. Anyway no problems reported. Garage looked at the diagnostics too and no faults found. No loss of pressure or anything and I do trust the garage that does this for me. After the service I tested again and around town, on lowest setting and with the fan speed at about 30% the vent temp drops to about 2C with the ambient at 26C (this was the hot weather a couple of weeks ago). So I was dead chuffed. That'll sort it I thought! Did the long run again today and as before on getting there with the same test as above the vent temp only drops to about 10C with the ambient at about 21C! Get home, engine cools test again and all is fine again!!! Any ideas? Cheers. Oggy.
  7. Hi Both, Thanks for the suggestions. Pretty sure the drain is ok cos I still get the water under the car after a run. Not sure that I have ever have noticed that cluck you mention. Airflow is still normal though. I reckon you are right that a regas might be the place to start. Regards. Oggy.
  8. I *think* that is a sign of oil in the water which probably equates to a leaking cylinder head gasket. See what the others say but thought you might appreciate a quick reply. Regards. Oggy.
  9. Hello All, This is on a 2002 Alhambra SE with Climate Control. When I have been on a longish run (seems to be 90 mins / 70 miles or so) the aircon stops cooling properly. Engine cold (or after a run leave the engine to cool down - hour or so) and it cools fine. Sounds more like a sensor or something but haven't got a clue really. Any ideas. Cheers. Oggy.
  10. Hi All, Thanks all for the replies. I managed to get to it through the hatch. Decided to jack up and axle stand the front offside though cos the tyre was in the way. Didn't think to put a bit of lock on!! ;) After that the bulb change was a two minute job, but first time I have ever had to use the jack to change a sidelight bulb. :lol: Anyway, when I checked the new bulb was ok (as you do!) I noticed the nearside had gone too :D so same job again, except this time when sliding the hatch down it came off in my hands. Now getting that back on was a REAL pain. :) Thanks again. Oggy.
  11. Hi All, I need to replace the front off side sideside light bulb on my 2002 Alhambra. I have just had a look and reckon that I might just about be able to get to a headlight bulb, but a sidelight bulb!!!!! It looks like the headlight needs to come off, anyone any experience of this please? Cheers. Oggy
  12. Thanks all for the advice. Funny thing is that just as a maintenance thing that I do every now and then, I have recently sprayed the rubber window seals and trim with a silicone lubricant. My situation is very much as Tiny has described. I will start by giving the windows a good clean, but checking wiring will be next! Drive cables after that. Can anyone tell me how I check for stretched or worn drive cables and can they be repaired? Cheers. Oggy.
  13. Sorry - could this be moved to the technical section please? Ta. Oggy.
  14. Hi All, When I auto close the drivers side window it has started to open about 4 inches. Had this a while ago but it went, but has just started again. Closing the windows again it stays shut. Not a big problem but anyone any ideas? I do keep the rubber seals lubed with silicon spray. Cheers. Oggy.
  15. That is exactly what happened to me, even posted a quick video here somewhere of the leak bubbling away. Spent loads of dosh trying to find the fault, dye and everthing, never a sign until that cap on the condensor filter was removed. I had a new condenser fitted but apparently it should have been repairable - new seal I think that you get with the filter replacement kit. Anyway aircon works fine at the moment. Bugger it - last time I said that my problems started!! Cheers. Oggy.
  16. I think mumble_bee might have been on rights lines! I used to have a car with an additional key that was known as the 'butler key' for some reason. It did everthing EXCEPT open the glove box. Regards. Oggy.
  17. Mine was a showing an open circuit glow plug fault and when it was replaced the aux heater fired up first time without any need to reset via vag.com First time it fired up it threw out loads of smoke, but after that first time there has never been any smoke at all and 18 months later it still works - miracles never cease! The only way to tell it is working is the jet noise, the ticking of the metering pump (sometimes) and of course the water temperature gauge reaches normal!!! Cheers. Oggy.
  18. Nothing in Yeovil and unlikely to be I think :lol: Oggy.
  19. When the kids pass their tests I might move away from the 7 seater and go for a Saab 9-5 estate. If I can afford it!! Other than that would be happy to stay with an Alhambra or a Galaxy. I do fancy a Galaxy for a change but no real preference, probably would be what came along first! Oggy.
  20. Hi All, Just a quick update. Tyre was knackered, strands of metal poking into the tyre cavity. Decided that it was not safe to repair. Just not worth chancing it, apart from me(!!) I carry my kids and other peoples kids around. If anything had happened as a result of that tyre I should be locked up!! Anyway it gone now, and so has
  21. Dave, By now I'm sure you will done a search on this and found that the temp sensor is clipped to wiper assembly. Often folk short it out in winter with a mini fuse (whatever that is) to make sure the booster heater comes on all the time, but I guess that if you removed the sensor, it would have the opposite effect. Not sure about the glow plug thing. I thought that it only ignited the mixture and once that had happened it kept itself going and the glow plus switched off. Maybe I
  22. Thanks all for your advice and concern. Yeh even after bolt removal I reckon that the tyre damage is considerable. Trouble is its a Continental with loads of life and I know that replacement is going to be
  23. Thanks Gordon, Can you give me any advice on what the best way of removing the glass is? After the accident that broke it was just hanging out and I clipped it back in without paying too much attention. I thinking of using some of the cranked bike type removers that I have got somewhere. Regards. Oggy.
  24. Ummm - can see why this forum is called General Discussion and NONSENSE. Still having a bit of a lark will help the pain if I do need a new tyre. Anyone any idea what the price is now if it can be repaired?? Cheers. Oggy.
  25. Ok thanks. You've saved me spending
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