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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by HJT

  1. Amazing, 56% of people who have voted so far have had aircon problems. I wonder what the percentage of all Shalaxy owners who have had aircon problems is? Has anyone contacted BBC Watchdog yet? I haven't because as yet my aircon hasn't had a problem but when it does I certainly will. Howard
  2. Oil companies spend vast sums of money on R&D to get the oil right. When you use an additive you are putting in a foreign substance that the oil manufacturer won't have allowed for, thereby changing the makeup and balance of the oil. This can't be a good thing. Do yourself a favour and save your money, a good quality oil doesn't need additives. When I test drove the Renault Scenic, I queried the fact that they now have an 18000 mile or 2 year service interval, the salesman said that because of the advances in oil technology, manufacturers can now extend these times and mileages with no fear of engine damage. Howard
  3. Ghoulies :lol: Howard
  4. The Ford manuals specifically state not to use oil additives. If you buy a decent quality oil there is no need for additives and iirc they can actually in some cases cause the oil to be less effective. Howard
  5. I suddenly have a great sense of well being :lol: :lol: :D :D Howard
  6. Ah but, the Ford guys stripped my sump plug yesterday, therefore they would have stripped everyone else's. All over the land there are pools of Quantum oil underneath Ford Galaxys and suprised owners who's engines have disintegrated :lol: :lol: Howard
  7. I guess not many people here have sat nav fitted :lol: You could see if your local car audio dealer could help. Howard
  8. Are you getting any white mayonaise round the oil filler area? If you are it could be signs of a blowing head gasket. Had the same problem years ago on a 3 litre Capri V6, it was fine around town, take it up to speed and it overheated. Howard
  9. I have set up a poll under "Aircon Problems" Howard
  10. We need to do something about this aircon problem. As Seatkid has mentioned on an aircon post it would be useful to see how many people have had problems. Those who have had problems also need to contact BBC Watchdog to get this issue out to the public as I'm sure there are other people who don't come to this forum who have had aircon problems with their Shalaxys.
  11. Knowing they have a problem is one thing, getting them to admit it and do anything about it at their expense is another that only public pressure and bad publicity will bring about. Howard
  12. When was the car registered? Are you outside the 3 year warranty for the Galaxy. If not, get it to a dealer quick before it does run out as Seatkid says it will be expensive. I think it's time for all the people here who've had the aircon go bellyup complain to BBC watchdog. I think if this goes out to the general public there will be an awful lot of Galaxy Sharan and Alhambra owners who have had this happen who think it was just their car. Maybe we can get the manufacturers to admit there is a problem with this system if enough pressure is brought to bear. Here's a link to the Watchdog page Watchdog and choose the transport option. Howard
  13. Couldn't have put it better myself :lol: Howard
  14. Well just had the 30,000 mile service done on mine.
  15. Watching Fifth Gear a couple of weeks ago, they crashed 2 Renault Espaces into each other at 35mph (70 mph impact). One was a 10 year old one and one was a new one. The new Espace airbags didn't go off as the system had decided it wasn't a severe enough impact and the crash test dummy showed this was correct. Unfortunately the driver of the 10 year old version wouldn't have survived despite the airbags going off. It was the rigidity of the new version that prevented it's occupants from being hurt but caused the horrendous damage in the older, softer one. It was quite scary to watch when you think that most people reach 35 mph and above everyday at some point. Howard
  16. Strange, I test drove the Sharan and thought that was noisier. Looking at the postings on this forum and the differences in noises that people have in identical cars, it's probably down to the individual car in the end. If you do go for the Galaxy, I would definately recommend at least the Zetec. The LX is very cut down by comparison and it's worth the extra just for the parking sensors! Howard
  17. Have you got a towbar? Is it the fronts or backs that go off (they have different tones)? Howard
  18. That definately doesn't sound right. Round town, stop start cold journeys I average 37-38 long motorway journeys 57-58. I would check your fuel computer is accurate by doing your own sums at the pump. If it is correct you need to get that sorted, you should be getting better than that even from an auto. Howard
  19. Jeez I wouldn't fancy your chances if you rolled that and I bet the scuttle shake is hideous. Still, looks pretty cool though. Howard
  20. Pick my Galaxy up at 18110 miles and insisted the dealer put on a new set of fronts as they were only just above the limit (maybe 1000 miles left). I'm at 30000 now and they are still going fine (about half their life I reckon). So I reckon yours sounds about right for a Galaxy. Howard
  21. I have dual aircon and the air is about 3 to 4 degrees warmer in the roof vents than in the front. Sounds as though you may have a problem developing there. The aircon should be covered by the three year warranty but they may not do anything unless there is a complete failure of the front system. It's probably worth enquirying with your dealer as they don't mind fixing under warranty as they still get paid for the work. Howard
  22. Leather seats? I guess that means it's a six seater as I thought the leather was only available on captains chairs. Howard
  23. The blocks will change colour progressively the more you transgress the rules and your percentage will increase to the point where you will be suspended or banned by the board moderator Glen. He seems a pretty easy going chap who will allow a certain amount of disagreement but not personal abuse. I think he seems to get the balance just about right. (Sucking up to teacher again :lol: :lol: :o ) Howard
  24. My 2002 service guide states 40k or 5 years whichever is sooner. Howard
  25. Mauser, if you want to PM me your address, I'll stick a copy of the TIS CD in the post to you. Howard
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