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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by HJT

  1. Tests have shown that an impact with a child pedestrian at 10mph with a bullbar equipped vehicle, will almost certainly result in death or very serious brain injury. Compare that with the figure that the majority of child pedestrians hit by a vehicle not equipped with bullbars at 20mph will survive with minor injuries and I think the case for banning them is pretty much proved. How many drivers of bullbar equipped vehicles, responsible or otherwise are going to drive around at below 10mph. And in case anyone asks, yes I do drive at 20mph in residential areas for the very reason outlined above. Howard
  2. As someone who has direct experience of the devastation caused by a loss of someone on the road, I feel that when a question is asked about something that is going to be a danger to others, I have to air an opinion. I am just hoping that you will see the error of your judgement on this issue. Should you have questions about other issues regarding the Galaxy that I can help you with, I will gladly do so. Howard
  3. Well I did my bit and voted a very high score for the Galaxy on the poll. Guess I was outnumbered. It is true about expectations though, the top 10's of the JD Power surveys always tend to be the blue rinse brigade type cars and those drivers expectations tend to be lower. Howard
  4. Not just other drivers that Bullbars harm, they prevent the crumple zone from working properly and transfer the impact forces through to the safety cell. Sorry Lucky Charmer but I would love to see these things banned from our roads. Howard
  5. I like the rotating seats, I use them a lot. Took a bit of practise but I can turn them round really easily now. Picnic heaven :blink: Howard
  6. Mind you I quite like the turbine noise as it spins down after you shut down the engine, the number of people that have asked me what the noise is and I tell them with a completely straight face that the Galaxy is powered by a small jet engine and it's that shutting down they can hear. You can see some people thinking "is he serious?", some people thinking "yeah right" and others who are really impressed and are going off to tell their mates :blink: :D :D Howard
  7. The ticking doesn't bother me either, I can think of worse things that need to be addressed by Ford/VW. The bad design/weakness of the aircon system, the consistent failure of MAF sensors and the general poor performance of the Ford dealers. Howard
  8. So Taliska, you've had the Galaxy a little while now, has the analog clock grown on you at all or do you still dislike it ? :D Howard
  9. Let us know how you get on with it. Howard
  10. If you use it in conjunction with the demist facilty on the aircon it should clear quite quickly, on it's own it will obviously take a bit longer. You can tell if it's working as it will clear up to a line near the edge of the screen and you will get a very definate line of mist and demisted screen. It does switch off after a certain time but I'm not sure how long. Howard
  11. You could also consider getting the V6 converted to LPG which will save you masses on fuel costs. I think there are several members who have had this done so you might want to try and get their opinion on this. Howard
  12. Seat also seems better value secondhand. The VW hold their value much more as the VW badge is seen as more prestigeous. Ford and Seat seem to drop similar amounts, maybe the Seat slightly more as it still (wrongly IMO) tends to carry the stigma of a more budget motor company. I went for the Ford mainly because my small local Ford Dealer is quite good and I haven't heard anything good about my local Seat dealer. Also as a matter of personal taste, I prefer the look of the Galaxy over the Seat and VW. Howard
  13. The CC switch on my Galaxy is stiff too and goes over with a loud click. Everytime I move the switch, the kids go "what was that?" (you'd think they'd have learn't by now :D ). I don't have the multifunction steering wheel on mine. Howard
  14. Be careful with front seat covers if you have side airbags, as the covers will prevent the bags from deploying correctly as the airbags are in the side of the seat. Howard
  15. Mine doesn't have a CC light either. Howard
  16. No problem, glad to help :( Are you pleased with the new car? Howard
  17. The blown bulb indicator light will stay on until you press the brake pedal. This is the point at which it checks the brake lights. Caught me out at first to. Howard
  18. Could be alternator bearings. I had a very similar sound in a Granada some years ago, when I replaced the alternator( due to lack of charging, not because of the sound) the sound went. Howard
  19. Check for splits in the rubber. Had this problem with my Mondeo after going though a car wash and the blade was pulled away in places. Howard
  20. Definately keep the blades clean. Mine squeak when the blades haven't been done. It's amazing how much road grime builds up in a very short space of time. Howard
  21. I'm with Ivor on this. I keep the child locks on and open the door for them. I can also catch them if they fall out the car as it's quite a way down for young children. I do also have foam on the walls of the garage so I don't damage the paint parking or opening the door. Howard
  22. Goodness, that was almost a thesis :lol: . A very interesting read though. I have always had a very cynical view of oil companies. I am sure there are a lot of technologies that could greatly reduce or completely remove oil/petrol consumption that haven't seen the light of day through pressure from oil companies. Howard
  23. I think the tone of all car horns is responsible for a lot of road rage. The sound is very "in your face (or ears to be pedantic)". You might simply be politely saying "I'm here" but it still sounds like "GET OUTTA THE WAY YOU F*%&ING IDIOT" Maybe some research needs to be done on the tone of these :lol: While we're on the subject of communicating with other road users, how about brake lights that get brighter, the harder you brake. When someone in front brakes all the lights tell you is they're stopping or slowing down, only a trench dug by the front bumper, large amounts of tyre smoke and the passengers leaping out in blind panic, tells you the car in front is doing an emergency stop! Howard
  24. Oops sorry Taliska, I like the analogue clock too. Howard
  25. Yep the aircon kicks in when de-misting on CC Galaxys. That includes the dual aircon that some of us flash g#ts have :lol: :P Howard
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