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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Masked Marauder

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Everything posted by Masked Marauder

  1. No, she is too busy driving the Alhambra.....
  2. Aye, the component has not failed, it is just mis-judging how much the film is cooling because of the crud on the outside, and so thinking there is less air going through than there is. The only real way to test it without swapping it out is using VAG-COM to map out the MAF values and the turbo boost full throttle across a given RPM range and compare it to what it should be. http://www.bigtrucker.co.uk/images/maf80.jpg http://www.bigtrucker.co.uk/images/boost.jpg
  3. We currently have one at work where one of our trucks was reversing and touched a stationary car, the 4 occupants of which are now suffering extreme pain through whiplash and the driver is now so terrified to drive that he is reduced to using public transport. We have there addresses, or investigators will no doubt be staking out if they continue the charade of claiming.
  4. I hope you get it sorted, nothing is worse than having gone to the expense of getting something only to find that you can't get to work properly and do what it should. Talking of which, did I mention my other half, Tiffany........
  5. Aye, me too, and nothing connected to my wheels. It is also surprisingly good at predicting where you are if the satellite signal is lost in a tunnel etc. I did a 300 mile trip the other weekend and the ETA was spot on too.
  6. The battery Ford started fitting is a Calcium low maintenance, the same as the Delco Vxl ones. Does your current battery have round terminals or square? Vxl batteries come with round posts, one is smaller than normal (I think the positive.) You can buy converter kits from your Vxl dealer if you have square poles. If you have Trade Club membership then the "Go" range of batteries may be a better option. My Alhambra has a 60AHC fitted and the indicator always shows green, so you should have no problems with that on a petrol engine. It looks a bit small in the huge battery tray though!
  7. Check your wiper motor is not sitting in a puddle of water. Spray the whole motor with WD40 if it is, then clear your scuttle drains.
  8. Can you not recrut some mates to lift it? Short of that you may have to hire an engine hoist and use that to lift the car.
  9. My Blaupunkt Woodstock DAB54 has a SD card slot for this, it can even record the radio to the card, and it has a 15 second pre-start buffer so you don't miss the start of the song by the time you press the button. I have had it for over a year. Once again, very little is truly new.
  10. My Blaupunkt Woodstock DAB54 has a SD card slot for this, it can even record the radio to the card, and it has a 15 second pre-start buffer so you don't miss the start of the song by the time you press the button. I have had it for over a year. Once again, very little is truly new.
  11. Purple wire behind the radio.
  12. You need to get the engine electrics mapped and fault-checked. It could be an induction problem.
  13. Yep, they are a 5w Capless http://www.maplin.co.uk/images/133/-12394i0.jpg Numberplate lights are the same
  14. Valve timing should be checked as should exhaust for blockages or a collapsed catalytic converter
  15. I doubt it is the head too tbh. But I have been wrong in the past!
  16. I think what is happening is the overheat is causing water to blow out through the cap. It will do this even if the cap is new. Do you have any residue round the cap/battery area?
  17. Tis feels almost identical to a similar problem another user had that turned out to be the water pump. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...61&hl=waterpump
  18. I was joking with you chap!
  19. My ears are bleeding.....
  20. Found this, it might help: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=2437
  21. Just take the two supplies off of the supplies to the radio. The mute wire I can't help with, but I doubt that it will need a relay.
  22. If the pipe was between the MAF and the throttle body then unmetered air would cause your problems.
  23. I don't think resetting it with VAG-COM would improve anything, but checking for fault codes may show the reason for the poor performance.
  24. The general consensus on these forums is that it is far quicker and simpler to remove the headlamp assembly from the front of the car to change bulbs.
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