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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Andrew T

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Everything posted by Andrew T

  1. Anyone have a view on this ? Still the same problem, apart from the idle speed everything else is OK. Been through posts on the throttle body as well as the ISV and checked all the hoses, which appear OK. What could make it rev too high? All the posts I
  2. My 2.3 has decided to start revving its nuts off. Started normally, but idled too fast when cold (~2200 RPM) when hot its more like 3500RPM ! I
  3. Regarding the question of "MPG" lost when running on Gas, I'd always understood that, litre for litre, you should expect 25-35% less when running on LPG. This was based on users experience post conversion, and from a converter. When I posted this information on here, I was told by an "expert" (without any supporting evidence) that this was rubbish. However if you have a look on Parkers and compare Petrol and LPG versions of the same engine you do find a loss in that order e.g Nissan Almera Tino 1.8 36 MPG Petrol, 26 MPG LPG, Volvo V40 1.8 36MPG Petrol, 27 MPG LPG. That 25% difference can push your break even point of recovering the cost of conversion a lot further away.
  4. I'd still be dubious that this needs doing. My Struts are still original at six years old and nearly 150K, yours are youngsters in comparison. I've been reading this site for nearly 3 years and rarely (if ever) recall anyone replacing them. Misdiagnosis has been mentioned more than once though. Do you know of a VW specialist who'd have a look at it ? They would be very familiar with this problem.
  5. My Motor factor offered me two versions. First lot cost about
  6. Could be Coil Packs or HT leads(especially if it's worse on damp mornings). MAF can deteriorate, but it's a different beastie to the Diesel item and can suposedly be cleaned. Stating the obvious perhaps but have the spark plugs been changed ? (every 40K). Less likely perhaps, but the Throttle Body can gunge up - more likely to cause erratic idling than missing. Has that given you something to be going on with ?
  7. Actually, Seat/VW and Ford 2.0 are quite different. VW use the old 2.0 115BHP unit that's Grumbling around in a million Passats, Golfs, Octavias, Toledos.......... The Ford unit is derived from the old Sierra Twin Cam. The 2.3s underwent a small change well before the MK2, I think in order to become Euro 4 emissions compliant. Later units are slightly less powerfull (142 v 145 BHP) and economical (28 v 28.2MPG) than earlier ones.
  8. You own a Galaxy, so we can take that as read! As far as getting the Garage to acknowledge it goes, I think you'll have a problem. Ours has been doing this when it's wet for the last 20K without getting noticably worse. I don't recall anyone suffering a tensioner failure, I think people change them when they can't stand the noise any longer.
  9. As an aside to this, and the strange things traction control systems can do, a friend took his 2.2 Zafira to the experts at local tyre depot for new front tyres. On the way home the car misfired and refused to go above 40 MPH. Baffled but unable to understand how changing the tyres would cause a misfire he took it to the Vauxhall dealer who read the fault code, and then checked the new tyres, which were the wrong profile! The different sizes were causing the TC system to read a speed imbalance between the front and rear wheels and set the TCS working. Needless to say with the correct tyres fitted it ran fine.
  10. Do a search on “Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner” as at high mileages the 2.3 can exhibit the problems you describe. Replacement is
  11. [Put simply, you need to find out if the MOT station tested your vehicle correctly, i.e. in accordance with the criteria posted above. If necessary print this thread out and show it to them. I've had a similar "discussion" with a Ford dealer, who after a second examination agreed said there was no problem and said "oh it's the same as a VWs suspension isn't it" ? Fills you with confidence doesn't it ?
  12. It's been said on here that if a Ca battery is ever fully flattened it will never be any good. Having eventually persauded National to give a warranty replacement for mine I've had no problems.
  13. You may or may not agree with this, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention. The RED ARROWS aerobatic squadron of the Royal Air Force brings huge pride and international prestige to the UK, but the Treasury bean-counters in our beloved Government want to axe the Reds to save a couple of shillings. The personnel, pilots and aircraft of the squadron are all capable of deployment elsewhere in the RAF, so the money really saved would be peanuts. Cynics might observe that the move is a covert campaign to expunge from the public mind a potent and highly visible symbol of the very best of the Royal Air Force as an independent Air Arm of a United Kingdom giving up its identity to Europe... 10 Downing St website has an online petition. Save the Red Arrows.http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/SaveTheReds/ Please sign it. Don't let them get away with this. Please could you pass this on to those you know who also care.
  14. The fuse for the wipers is on the horizontal row at the bottom of the internal fusebox, towards the right hand side (number 20 IIRC). However when mine blew I lost the rear wiper and front and rear washer functions as well. This suggests it could be the wiper motor or the wiring to it. Have you looked at the wiper motor itself? If the scuttle drains are blocked it could be sitting in a pool of water. If you look up clearing scuttle drains on the FAQs it will tell you how to get into it.
  15. My pet hate is "it's not in my bailiwick" favoured by certain people that I have to deal with. Having Googled it I can tell you that it means "it's not within my field of expertise". Do they think it sounds better than being honest and saying "I don't know"?
  16. Whilst I would be the last person to defend Galaxy reliability I would point out that a lot of the "2.3" issues are actually with standard Galaxy faults, notably Aircon and Wipers.
  17. It would sound about right for a 2.3 though.......... I reckon there can be up to 3 gallons remaining when the light comes on meaning that you've done about done 430 miles on 12.5 gallons which would be nearer 35 MPG which is better but still poor. Are you're using the conversion factor for imperial rather than US gals?(you should divide litres by 4.546) to get gallons).
  18. I'm told the master cylinder is a dealer only part (does anyone know otherwise? GSF don't seem to do it) the price an almost reasonable
  19. How do I work a computer without power?......easy I go to work. I can also have a shower and a hot breakfast here, and it's warm. Think I might move in. Having thought we'd got away with no damage water started pouring in through the spare room ceiling because the roof had gone.
  20. 26 Hours noe without power, but I have to say it's not too bad. With a log burning stove, battery Radio, torches and candles we managed pretty well. We did use our residual tankfull of hot water for a communal bath though, so no bath for the Kids tonight (they're gutted about that........). Took me an hour an half to do the usual half hours journey home. I plotted a route entirely on lanes but was turned back again and again by fallen trees and flood water. I can't remeber a journey like it. But at least the house is still standing. We've retrieved pieces of the Garden furniture from the field but one of the bins is still AWOL.
  21. Mrs T has just rung to say the power has been off since 11.00. So when I eventually get home it'll be to a meal cooked on the Camping stove by candle light...............Then again there's a Pub just over the road from here.........Hmmm.
  22. Me too, near I work near Lytham on the Fylde coast in the upper storey of a Portacabin. BBC says the winds are 40MPH but it feels more like 90. We've had to put the blinds down in case the windows smash, the walls and ceiling are bending in and out, but we've been told not to go outside until the winds stop because the tiles are coming off the building opposite. When I leave the M6 is blocked N of J32 which will gridlock every backlane for miles around. Sometimes you're the Pigeon and somedays you're the statue.
  23. Well SK, you're usually the first to suggest selling the car as a solution to a problem!
  24. Later Sharans (03 on ?) have the repeater flasher in the Door Mirror pod and may therefore be a different design. Halfords stock a non-heated replacement for the Galaxy shape glass at
  25. Cheers, When I had the last Aerial fitted I was told the cable was rubbish and it was replaced,so I've still got some good lengths left to use.
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