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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jkspoff

  1. Yes, they are refusing to reject the Laguna, as they are repairing it. I have stated trading standards facts, but they are not listening. I am awaiting a call from the general manager. I am fuming !
  2. If I manage to get the Galaxy back I will take a look at this area immediately. Maybe after all that I've done it could turn out to be something as simple as that, as there is absolutely no sign whatsoever of the head gasket being the issue.
  3. OK, I've now had enough with anything to do with cars ! I had all that trouble with my beloved Galaxy earlier this summer so I eventually got so fed up with it I traded it in for a Renault Lauguna 2.2DCI top spec model, with 50k on the clock, I had it for 2 days and the turbo blew on it, plus the gearbox feels a bit clunky, and the exhaust was rattling. I have now decided I want to reject the new used car and get my Galaxy back as I had even fewer issues with that, and I miss it ! Sooooo, anyone any idea where I stand legally, as I need to approach the garage tomorrow morning with this concept of reversing the deal, them to take back my new used car that they currently have in their repair shop having thousands of pounds worth of warranty work done on it, and give me back my Galaxy that they have also got being prepared for sale, but not yet on the market. I have a courtesy car from the garage at the moment. Sorry for the long explanation, I hope it makes sense, but I am really needing some urgent advice on this, I hope someone can advise either from experience or knowledge........... :lol:
  4. Well, thats a shame, I look at these new Galaxy's and admire them, and feel somewhat inferior ! But now I am beginning to wonder if I actually want one any more. I have read quite a few poor reviews of them, on here and other web sites. I know someone who owns a car hire rental company in Portugal who had 8 of them, 6 of which have had many many faults, they have been off the road more than on, costing his business dearly. Maybe they are teething issues, or maybe they will be just as bad as the mkII for reliability and overall costs. At least I don't feel quite as inferior now ! :rolleyes:
  5. The pictures are superb, how did you manage to get there and take them ? I went in the Top Gear audience last year but didn't see any of the track filming.
  6. Yep, the old Gal has gone, I just couldn't afford to throw any more money at it. The head gasket was more than likely the culprit of the issues I have been having, maybe even a cylinder head crack, but not got the cash to sort it, and warranty wouldn't pay out on strip down as it was an 'ongoing known' issue. Quite sad to see her go really (4 years ownership), as I have many happy (and unhappy!) memories with her. So I am on the look out for something to replace it with. I am sort of between cars, I have got one at the moment to tied me over, but ultimately even though the old one gave me some problems I am willing to try another one. Would like one that is no older than 3 years and high spec, with DVD etc.
  7. As you may have read, I have been having lots of trouble with my Galaxy, so I am looking for a new one, has anyone seen any bargain deals recently on the mkII versions. I saw this one today, good spec and really nice, but a little too expensive for me: http://www.kevin-martin.com/2020applicatio...&boolean=OR I live in the Yorkshire, but am willing to travel for the right one, might try and get a top spec one, as the prices seem to have come down since the mkIII was launched.
  8. Thats brilliant ! Good old technology taken too literally, another example below of sat nav madness. The sat nav devices doo tell you only to use it as you would a map, a GUIDE ONLY !
  9. I have a policy on mine with Warranty Direct, just don't forget they will only pay a percentage of part replacement costs as the car gets older and higher mileage. Plus you will need to prove that the vehicle has been serviced at the exact intervals by a VAT registered garage, these need to be the invoices, not just a stamp in the book. Other than that they are very good and have paid out on claims over the past 4 years with mine, including A/C.
  10. I thought the overheating was caused by the remap. If it is still overheating with the remap removed, then I would guess that the head gasket is leaking with the engine under load (hence the pressure in the system and the substantial rise in water level when you remove the cap) - probably damage done by the remap. As regards stability, I would be amazed if a Scenic was as stable as a Galaxy when towing. For one thing, the Galaxy is heavier. Another thing to check, by the way, is the permissible towing weight - Renault are notorious for low homologated towing limits. My Alhambra tows up hill and down dale with 1350kg on the back and never budges from 90 degC, even in the South of France climbing long gradients at 65+mph. In short, a superb towcar, and highly recommended by the Caravan Club. Yes, it is still overheating when under load, even without the caravan now, it is loosing water when pushed hard, but no sign of leakage, so I suspect a head gasket or split cylinder head, so it no longer tows. The Scenic proved itself on a long journey down to Norfolk last week, I have a stabiliser fitted and it scores highly on the http://www.whattowcar.com web site. Try it out, by selecting your car then caravan, it tells you the weight ratio and the pulling abilities based on your outfit. The Scenic felt stable in windy conditions, and perfomed well with 120bhp up long hills. I too was surprised, I think the wheels being right at the back help, no overhang to swing about.
  11. Don't forget, whatever you do in the chemical toilet has to be emptied out ! With kids using it daily, its not a pleasant experience ! Even though the adults avoid number 2's in it ! :)
  12. Hi, hope you enjoy the site, but there isn't that much about the mkIII yet, hopefully you can let us know of any developments and maybe a review of it, for those of us saving up our hard earned pennies to buy one. What tempted you away from Renault ?
  13. Well, since I started this post we've been off all over the place, most recently to Sandringham estate, a beautiful week spent there, apart from the British weather. I have got used to the towing and almost perfected the manoevering, its not quite as scary as I thought it would be, you just need to take your time. I never thought I would hear myself say this, but caravanning is a great way of seeing the country cheaply and its really good fun. I can't understand why some caravanners drive so slowly, there is no need to travel below any caravan speed limit, unless your towing outfit is not matched well. Next stop Chatsworth estate. Caravanning means that every time you are bored sat at home on a weekend off, or during the kids holidays, just hitch up and off you go, parks start at as little as
  14. Yep, it goes on and on and on.................. :( Some excellent suggestions and advice contained throughout the previous 11 pages though, far more correct information than you would ever get from a dealer !
  15. OK, lets say that it is is the warped head, but how will I found out without spending hundreds on getting the head removed ? Is there any other way of telling ? I will get it booked into my local garage for more investigatory work.
  16. I've heard this mentioned a few times, but how do I check it, and why would that cause coolant leaking, as there doesn't appear to be any water in the oil ??
  17. OK, the Gal is definately loosing coolant somewhere, only when engine is under load, but no obvious signs anywhere around the radiatior or other obvious areas, anyone any ideas before I book it into dealer next week and pay them by the hour to 'investigate' ?
  18. Well, I got the caravan brakes checked and although they were all to pot, it hasn't made any difference, so the Galaxy is no longer the towing car, as it just won't tow happily up a long motorway hill. Caravan is now swapped to my wifes 1.9DCI Renault instead, which is actually a bit more powerful anyway. So I'll be keeping the Gal, as I believe it will still give many many more years of motoring without towing a large caravan. It would drive round the world without overheating without towing. :blink:
  19. Head tested with gas test, coloured chemical etc, not sure how it works.
  20. I am willing to try anything now, before I get rid of my much loved (or hated sometimes) Galaxy !
  21. Its only when towing, I never considered the brakes binding, maybe that will be worth a try, they do squeak sometimes, plus it doesn't always do it. I have not tried removing the thermostat, but it has had a new one fitted, and they said the old one seemed ok anyway. I will take the caravan in for a check, thanks.
  22. Yep, the Kwik Fit offer seems like a good one. It may well be worth while getting it regassed there every year, so that the compressor remains well lubricated etc.
  23. Mine still overheating when towing, I have had lots done to try and overcome it: 1. New thermostat 2. New water pump 3. New expansion bottle cap 4. Head gasket tested and ok 5. New radiator with complete system flush 6. All pipes checked (not leaking water) 7. Pressure test on system 8. Remap removed and it STILL f...ing overheats, so maybe now it's time to go to the garage for a trade in, as I have now had enough, they are good motors when they work, but very very frustrating and expensive when they don't. So good luck with yours, but before you throw loads of money at it, consider trading it before its too late !
  24. I bought some ebay mats for my wifes Scenic, they were that thin you could almost see through them, plus they slipped about on the floor, I just threw them away and left poor feedback.
  25. I have a warranty direct policy, they have paid out for most items that were needed over the last 3 years. Make sure you have FSH though, and keep all service invoices, as they require these each time you claim.
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