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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by dipsomaniac

  1. VAG-COM is the diagnosis software. If you have a Mk1 Galaxy - remove the nearside indicator and checkout the vacuum pipes on the cruise control pump. They often perish rendering the cc useless.
  2. Have you had the gearbox serviced recently Matt? If not, I would take it too a good autobox specialist to have the oil/filter changed, any fault codes read and a test drive. Will cost under
  3. Recently changed the plugs and leads on my V6. NGK platinum plugs were approx
  4. Update for people with similar auto problems. Have had the car back from auto specialist for a couple of days now. Chose to have the gearbox reconditioned as they would have had to split the box anyway for one of the problems. It turned out that I had three faults: Juddering at low rpm as if in too high a gear - worn seals on torque convertor lockup mechanism. Rough change between 3rd/4th - fault with piston/valve on 3rd/4th gear. Gearbox holding on to gears - possibly slipping into default mode? It is a lot nicer to drive now although I still get the odd rough change between 3rd/4th. I have a 18 month/18000 mile warranty so it may have to go back in. Total cost
  5. Update for people with similar auto problems. Have had the car back from auto specialist for a couple of days now. Chose to have the gearbox reconditioned as they would have had to split the box anyway for one of the problems. It turned out that I had three faults: Juddering at low rpm as if in too high a gear - worn seals on torque convertor lockup mechanism. Rough change between 3rd/4th - fault with piston/valve on 3rd/4th gear. Gearbox holding on to gears - possibly slipping into default mode? It is a lot nicer to drive now although I still get the odd rough change between 3rd/4th. I have a 18 month/18000 mile warranty so it may have to go back in. Total cost
  6. Best to take it to a auto specialist. They will initially check the transmission fluid, read any fault codes and test drive. It could be something very simple or it could be something more expensive such as the torque convertor lockup mechanism. I doubt very much whether it will be an internal gearbox component at fault.
  7. Even though the red light is flashing on your key, it may not be sending a signal to the central locking remote controller. Ford have a bit of kit that can tell if a signal is being transmitted and shouldn't charge for this service. If the key isn't transmitting you will need a new remote key. Approx cost - Ford
  8. My V6 is probably not the best example at the moment as I am having my fair share of problems, but my temperature gauge is normal at speed but in traffic creeps up near to the red, the fan then comes on and the gauge comes back to normal again. I have never thought it was a problem.
  9. Thanks ivor/sip. Spoke to a specialist today who really seemed to know what he was talking about regarding the AG4 box. Have booked it in for Thursday. Its 60 miles away but they provide a car for only
  10. Gearbox has never been 100% perfect since I bought the car 2 years ago. But seems a lot worse over the last couple of days. It is now not changing back up through the gears when slowing down resulting in some juddering. Have it booked in with autobox specialist for Wednesday. I am not confident as they haven't been able to diagnose the problem on the last two visits. Just thought I would price up a new gearbox while at Fords today. Was quoted
  11. Thanks for the reply. Gearbox is supposed to switch to sport mode when it recognises a certain driving pattern. Do you/anyone know how it works?
  12. Having a bad couple of weeks - broke down 2 weeks ago (unlucky), 10 metres from a huge layby (lucky). While waiting for RAC had the company of 6 huge rats outside of the car (lucky/unlucky?). Anyway, it turned out to be the main air intake hose had popped off the throttle body. Fixed that, then a couple of days later lost all power. Garage diagnosed a faulty fluel injector -
  13. Petrol injecters can be cleaned via a chemical process. Just having mine done as I type at a cost of
  14. The clear signs of a failed headgasket are: Mayonnaise around oil filler cap/dipstick White smoke from exhaust Sludge in expansion tank Coolant loss with no visible signs of an external leak If you can't see any evidence of these, and as you have changed the leads, plugs and coil pack - the next step is to see if the ECU has logged and fault codes. You should find that there are plenty of independant electrical engineers in you area that can hook up the software for around
  15. ..........with a blob of mastic on the end of a stick. Dropped a torx screw into engine bay. Did not have one of those fancy magnets. So spent the next 30 minutes trying to, firstly see it, then reach it. Several cuts/scratches later put a blob of mastic onto the end of a stick and went fishing. The feeling when I pulled the stick out of the engine bay and seen that torx screw was problably the equivilant of catching a prize salmon. Simple things..........
  16. Car is lumpy at low revs (1000 - 2000rpm). And also appears to have a slight misfire on tickover. Have changed HT leads (unipart) and all but one spark plug (NGK). Will change the other plug tomorrow. Am not able to use VAG-COM until I can get a hard drive and screen for my laptop. Has anyone any suggestions what I can check next. Is it worth disconnecting the MAF to see if there is any improvement? Could it be a coil pack?
  17. I have the fitting instructions for mk1 Galaxy towbar from Towequipe. They sell there towbars on eBay. Approx
  18. My local Ford are currently quoting
  19. I am in Glos and have just bought the lead from the US (without dongle). I haven't got my laptop working yet. But, if you have a laptop and can download the software from Ross Tech - I can help. Email me.
  20. I see Minardi want to use last year car because they can't change the plug leads on the new one! Can confirm that I have now changed all 6 leads on my Galaxy. It is still missing the odd beat (maybe normal) but there is no more arcing.
  21. Minardi perhaps??? At least I know the jobs been done - when I have finished.
  22. Couldn't believe it. Just gave it a little tug............................................ ....and managed to pull it off - the fourth plug cap. Four down, two to go. I'll be re-building the auto box next?
  23. Thanks for the kind offer VR6Galaxy. I will make the tool from your picture as I will problably need to use it again in the future. Good advice Seatkid - Thanks
  24. Thanks for your ideas Seatkid. Very helpful. I think the main problem is the length of time the leads have been fitted and access. They seem to be welded to the plugs. Two out of three leads have come away from the caps. I have ruined two plug lead tools and eight knuckles. I am hoping that the three front ones will be a lot easier as access is better, but need to let my fingers heal before attempting them.
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