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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Gteuk

  1. Please be aware that the admins of this forum do not under any circumstances condone pirate software, anybody caught selling it from now on will be reported via their ISP, I recommend those knowing they have sold illegal software issue a full refund to the buyer as SELLING copyrighted material is illegal Regards Glen ADMIN & OWNER OF SITE Also be aware all IP adresses are recorded and will be forwarded to the correct authorities, if payment was online then this can be tracked also................................................
  2. See the mousmat To buy one simply got this website Buy them here
  3. I don't know what to do about that :) I never considered any other forms of payments but I may be able to look into it
  4. Nearly got a design sorted now just have to ensure it trims in nicely, Yes paypal is acceptable, in fact that is the only way at the moment :(
  5. Mugs maybe in the future lol :) Since I got limited amounts I will say first come first served, once I have art work I will post it. put your names down now and you will get yours. Cephus Bigdaddy teresag22003 Galaxy99 Gooner52 and a mug LOL Neil_Wiles Mumof4 BigJeeze big_kev but only if its Diesel NikPV also wanting a mug upon acceptance of artwork Admins feel free to add to the list of names as I am busy through the day after a recount I have 85 mats, will post picture over weekend of finished product
  6. I have approx 50 mousmats that I can customise to the unofficial galaxy site, I was thinking A 2007 calender with fordgalaxy.org.uk website incorporating a galaxy picture, i tried this with picasso site some years ago but ppl wanted to add usernames, ID, colour variations etc, If I was to do this this will be one design suits all, the benefit being is next year you will be able to add a new graphic without discarding the mousemat. mousemat is rubberised backing with PVC top, I can leave one end unsealed in order for you to replace calander at end of year, insert is standard A4 photopaper cut to size, if left unsealed cannot be responsible for spillages. I propose a price of
  7. I didn't know this was brought up in the forum, its usually in the general section. Without going into much detail that day 6th I was doing battle with a script kiddy and closed most ports down as they were attampting a Ddos attack which was stealing most of the bandwidth, the good news is I only had to close the sites breifly and then open the server back up bit by bit. As for the naming of the root folder, yes I would name it GTEUK as this has all my old activities in there as where another root path has my confidential stuff in :D i.e. shops etc.
  8. Feel sorry for the posty on this one ;) :D :D :lol:
  9. Don't forget the cofounder Kevin is from easbourne
  10. Seems the old aup ran away so here it is again Click Here
  11. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Momof4 and Neil_wiles to the admin team. I unfortunatly do not have a great deal of time to come onto the board on a daily basis and since things need to be done on a daily basis more administrative rights are needed. Maz and Neil have been doing a sterling job as moderators and I have upgraded them to administrator level. Cheers maz ann neil Glen
  12. Applicable to all forums provided by Unofficial Ford Cars The forums provided by Unofficial Ford Cars are for discussions about Ford Cars, Ford services, pros and cons and other related issues., off topic posting is allowed in the general discussion area. Readers are encouraged to contribute to these forums. They can be accessed from the World Wide Web at www.fordgalaxy.org.uk Most of our groups are open, and anyone can post their own messages, or reply to those posted by others. There are some exceptions where posting is limited to staff of Unofficial Ford Cars only. When using our forums, please observe the usual rules of Netiquette, but in particular: 1.Please try to stay on topic! These are car/service/maintenance groups, and messages having some relevance to cars, the service, or maintenance are much more likely to be of interest to the people here. 2. When replying to a previous message, only quote as much of the original as necessary. Don't repeat a long message, then put "I agree!" at the bottom... it's hard to read, and slow to download. 3. Bad language or threatening behaviour is not acceptable. Messages containing any language likely to offend other readers will be deleted. This also applies to any postings containing offensive statements relating to sexual orientation, race, religion or other factors having no relevance to the subject. 4. Messages should usually be posted to one group only, and this should be the one appropriate to the subject. 5. Commercial postings are not permitted on our forums, or private messaging systems. They are not a depository for press releases, adverts, or any other solicited or unsolicited commercial communication, this includes implied advertising as we are aware that users will use different names to get a message across (please note we log IP addresses and system configurations and are aware when this is in practice). 6. The Acceptable Use Policy applies both to private messages and forums. 7. You are reminded of the text you agree to when you join an Unofficial Ford Cars website, and are obliged to comply with it:
  13. As the site owner and administrator I have to say the moderators do a sterling job. With work commitments I have little time to monitor the site and the moderators offer you the users a great service by keeping the place tidy and removing spam posts before you even see them. I only come in as a last resort or if I actually have the time to be online. I and the moderators will do everything we can to ensure the site is trouble free even if in the extreme events it means banning users from the site. Thanks Maz and Neil for all your hard work.
  14. Lol I feel humbled that someone has not heard of me :lol:
  15. Rolls on floor Peeing my pants laughing my f&&&!ng ass off ,, lol
  16. As if by magic Glen appears with his magical wand :P
  17. They are all over the place National Flooring Show (Trade) Harrogate - Im not going to that one Showhomes London Excel 3rd - 5th Oct Grand designs NEC 6th - 8th Oct Glassex (Trade) NEC 4th - 7th March 2007 Homebuilding and renovating London Excel 22nd-24th Sept Harrogate - 10th - 12th Nov Bath 25th - 26th November Nec 22nd - 25th March 2007 Scotland 12th - 13th May 2007 Newbury 23rd 24 Jun 2007 Interbuild (Trade) NEC 28th October - 1st November 2007 More shows are being negotiated ;) I need a holiday.
  18. Just out of curiousity I was wondering who goes to exhibitions and if so what type and where, I am interested for a number of reasons, I am doing about 10 exhibitions in the next 12 months all over the country, so its nice to so what interests people have and the demographics of those interests. I do mean any type of exhibition such as crafts, cars, planes, modelling, photography, house building, etc. Do you goto the exhibitions as part of work or for pleasure. how far do you travel to get to them. Come on don't be shy PS if you like house building expos then come to whichever one im doing in your local area. ;)
  19. As usual from time to time I get something that makes me laugh, this has arrived in my PMs today
  20. If it does not have to be perfect you could try http://babelfish.altavista.com/
  21. Sorry for the short amount of downtime but it appears some users wanted a games arcade on the forun so it is now accessable from the top menu bar, Please be aware I take no responsibility for those who suffer from sleepless nights.
  22. One of the things I thought of putting in a subscribers section where only those that pay a small fee can post for sale ads but everyone can view them, not that im a capitalist or anything. small fee and a min xyz quality post before advertising. Keeps some of the sharks at bay so to speak :16:
  23. Hi All, Long time no speak been busy at work, my wife is a mad harry potter fan and always compains that forums disappear as soon as they start to get going. Due to this I thought that I would make her a forum to give her something to do on the forums,. Although she is happy it is hard to get users on there so as I launch it today I ask if there is any Harry Potter fans out there who would like a more adult orianted site please visit http://www.harry-potter-forums.co.uk/board/ and join in the community Cheers Glen
  24. Not too bad when a site is down or a server for that matter but when the whole datacenter is down it is a problem ? The problem is nobody on the site including me saves the email addresses on our local PC its just not wise (data protection and all that). Even if we did it would be a mamoth task and could clog up the system, I would say for every 1000 members there is 200 unused email addresses all of which will bounce back to the sender that means between all the sites I would get over 2000 emails back telling me the email address does not exist. Not to mention those who have auto reply functions. Rather than sending emails its best to spend time trying to show willing and resolve the issues. In this instance it was a routing problem of the PIPE into the datacenter.
  25. Ah the linksys access point, Pain in the a$$ to install, I just removed ours in the office due to lack of security make sure your firewall is set up, 9/10 times when you set up the security it blocks everything. took me 3 days to secure it from external users,. ;) all better now with WAG354G model which has better software
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