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Everything posted by Gteuk

  1. on a linksys the ip address is usually the username and password admin, not always the case though. It helps if you turn of detect settings automaticaly in tool>internet options>connections>lan in order to get a connection. Sometimes having an existing dial up connection will hinder things also as well as ensuring under general>settings ensuring you set update pages every time (or something like that). If I Remember correctly once in the linksys setup you must set the DSL connection to RFC 2364 PPoA multiplex VC, QOS type UBR,then type in your username and passwor. OH and virtual circuit should be 0 over 38 If this is the type of settings it asks for give me a shout and I will go though all the others with you, hint, disable router firewall and all other protection till you get it online then set them up
  2. IT is my job so get to play on the internet all day long :wacko:
  3. I will look at the resize soon, most software will resize but you then loose the animation, I have several software packages that will resize animated gifs, but I am in the process of clearing my system ready for an upgrade, I never knew I had soooooo much rubbish on my computer ten years of gathering stuff means I am so far upto 20 DVDs of backups 4 of which are family images that I have never printed :( I will do it soon and get rid of the white backgrounds if possible. I have set it so you have to click on show all for the new smilies which should make life easier
  4. Thanks for that nick, I have two variable speed fans wich work off their own software or can be controlled manually through a knob on the front drive panels. I would continue using the 32 bit version and may in future downgrade if the 64 bit works out more hassle, but the way I was looking at it is there is no point having a 64 bit processor if the software does not utilise it :( I was just wondering if there was any major issues with it with reliability etc, mobo support will always be an issue but hopefully can be resolved with the mobo manufacturer updates. did look at the possibilities of linux but still not enough software available, will probably play with linux on secondary hard drive though to see how it goes (it is free after all :( )
  5. Hi all, I am in the process of upgrading my PC to an athlon 64bit processor, mobo to match which I now realise that I need to get an EPCI graphics card and SATA hard drives (Nothing is ever easy) with all these modifications it is in my mind obvious that I must upgrade to windows XP 64 bit software. My question to PC guys and girls wh my have already used windows 64 is, is there any major differences in performance ? is it worth splashing out on or should I just stick with my windows 2003 server software. And do you know if windows 2003 has support for 64 bit processors. I have been out of the IT picture for over a year now and things seem to be moving on without me, once I knew all the latest things before they hit the shelves. :( Soon my son will be showing me how to program the fridge..... :(
  6. Have you checked the files before burning, also which DVDs are you using are they the cheap silver ones?? I would always recommend using ritek with the G4 blue dye they look a purple-ish blue on the underside.
  7. :12: :) :1: :10: :11: :12: :13: :14: :15: :) :17: :18: :19: :2: :20: :21: :22: :23: :24: :25: :26: :27: :28: :29: :3: :30: :31: :32: :lol: :34: :lol: :) :) :) :39: :4: :40: :41: :5: :6: :7: :8: :9:
  8. Microsoft do not differenciate between physical and virtual they class all memory that is being used as physical :lol: So whether it is using your HD(ROM) or RAM it will still come up with physical memory failure..
  9. Password protected error fixed.
  10. on your profile click on profile options top right corner :lol:
  11. This will probably be something to do with pop up blockers as it now uses a popup window, I have made it do it this way to be more secure and also people can choose to open the images or not once they have read the topic. Will look into it though as I have been going through and sorting out other little probs.
  12. This will usually happen if you are using memory hungry programs that have a memory leak, this means it does not terminate a routine once it has been completed and starts eating up the resources until the PC falls over. It will also happen if the computer temperature is over safe limits and could mean you need to get a new heatsink and fan (or strip down and clean your old one) you should have a PC health section on your Bios to tell you the temperature, but you can download a program. The other reasons could be your memory is faulty or you do not have enough of it, or that you have bad sectors on your hard drive wich have not been marked so when it tries to write to the virtual memory on your hard drive it causes an error and dumps. as a rule of thumb of the error shows a specific file for the error it is a software issue, if it shows a load of memory addresses and interupts it is a hardware problem.
  13. Because of the upgrade you will need to mark all topics as read because the whole database has been re arranged :lol: I will look at adding other skins to make it more interesting but the originals skin is not compatible with this version of the forum. I will look at the KA forum (It deserves to be password protected anyway :) :lol: ) Sorry to those who don't like it but the upgrade was needed as there were bugs in the old version and it would only be a matter of time before it was exploited (it happened on the picasso site :) :) )
  14. What are you trying to say ?????? That I dont want people to know I am here :angry: :angry: :lol: ;)
  15. I must be really good then ..... In the clear You can stand up straight and walk tall, no one's after you, unless they're trying to nick something from you! It's good to behave 100% correctly and to the letter of the law, though it's hardly life on the edge
  16. I don't need to snoop I get a full transcript emailed daily :D But thought I would mention that nobody uses it, been sat there for an hour :D will be leaving soon though :D
  17. lol i pay a fortune for it and nobody uses it lol :D
  18. I am only 10 minute drive from wirral, used to live in neston a long time ago. but my guess is M04 is in the dark underbelly of the otherside of the mersey :blink: which is about 30 min drive if going through tunnel
  19. While fixing one site I broke another Someone has a vendeta against the Picasso site and causing problems, so as a precaution I renamed all the databases and login details but forgot to tell the forum files. I expected the forum files to be psychic but we not that advanced yet
  20. God, I bought mine off ebay before christmas, nice piece of kit but it does not remember what MP3 track it was on before turning engine off :o Other than that a supurb piece of cheap technology
  21. There are various types oh JPG format it will always save in lossy format but it must be RGB not CMYK format and best at 72DPI for internet use. if you use any higher resolution the size may be too big.
  22. and as if by magic I am sure they will disappear :D
  23. A list of insurance companies that could save you money or maybe not Churchills offering 10% online discount Direct Line Car Insurance - 10% off when you buy online and named driver no claims discount. easymoneyinsurance.com
  24. I broke the proper site statistics months ago and fixed them today and within half an hour I was quite suprised 70 unique visitors in half an hour proves the site is popular. image attached below
  25. could be because it is going to have a site all of its own ??????? :blink: :lol:
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