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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Gteuk

  1. I made a slight change so ppl know this is a galaxy site
  2. Maybe I am doing this to speed up the site, smaller graphics that are shared across the boards, The site is not slowing down because of the multiple sites they have always been there, the site is slowing because the database is huge,,,, no let me re phrase that.... MASSIVE due to the years of posting, also more people are uploading graphics to the site which drain the resources, this server has a 2mb zero contention line to it but the throughput is more at times. I am looking into finding someone to help me with an archive script wich should sort the spead issue out its just a complicated process. The other thing is there are more sections no than there were before but hey,
  3. This does this when you have been playing a game in another window, in the older version of the arcade you could play a game and get a massive score, not submit the score, then play another game, after playing that game press submit on the first game. This will submit the score of the first game into the fields of the second game.
  4. LOL got the best prices ever on balterio laminates, the margins are so thin it is unbeleivable, yes I can sort samples out on some of the ranges. Depends on what you are after, starts of with high quality laminate AC3/AC4 rated with 20 year domestic warranty, 10 year commecial, variaty of styles at only
  5. That was nice of her to give you them, does the belt fit OK I know bag and belt was for 'oover
  6. Eh up! I don't remember you buying that from me, hope you got a good deal o should I upset you now :o
  7. Apparently it has been expediated to level 3 personel, What I do find funny is their compensation policy says the will pay a maximum of 120 for loss of earning, we are paying a lot more than that to the staff that cannot answer the phone. I even find it difficult calling my own office. Because a company is large and it eats into their margins to install these lines does not constitute an excuse to haulting business. It is not the fact that the delay has took place it is the way it has took place. "Your lines will be installed on the 15th November sir" "We need a new poll the lines will be ready to use on 27th November sir" "We have too little capacity at the exchange sir this will be resolved by 1st December" "We need to dig up the road sir this should be done by 14th December sir" "You have 4 lines at the moment sir we will add a DAX on one of them by 20th December" This was actually done I asked the engineer why this can't be done on the other 2 lines, he said "it can" "We cannot fit a DAX on the other 2 lines sir" I ask for reason " I don't know but I will find" Still waiting for that answer "We have encountered another problem and need to dig we do not have a date for this yet" Complain, complain, complain, "Your lines will be active on 16th February sir" Lets wait and see what tomorrow brings The question is should they not know what capacity an exchange has got, surely over the years the have been running they have some idea of what expected growth there is on an exchange, aswell as deterioration of infrastucture and when it should be renewed. Is this not basic stock control? The fact that it eats into the profits does not come into it, they ARE making a profit and even if it was to run at breakeven then its doing better than most companies in todays market except BT would get a massive rescue package from the government. By not providing the service they are eating into my profits. How I wish calls to mobiles were the same as landlines, I would buy a bucket load and get rid of the land lines. It will be interesting to see how long it will be before we are completely mobile.
  8. Not being picky but are you sure you are happy ? You have bought a CD that is as far as I am aware, as cheap as chips Still time to cancel But I do not know where you can get the CD or cable from nor is it permitted to advertise such ware on this site good luck though
  9. I understand where you are coming from and that ensuring capabilities are at a cost, but surely this cost is preventetive maintenance? Even if they do all the donkey work and I transfer to a different provider BT still make money just at a different margin, no matter who we go with for calls BT still, and will always get their cut. As for the fleets of vans and workers that is depleeting as more sub contractors are taken on, even redundant engineers are now sub contracting. BT is as you say a powerful and valuable source but at the same time can be incompitent with it, I have been waiting since SEPTEMBER 06 for two new lines to help with expansion of the business I am involved in. I could have built a new office block in that time closer to the exchange....... BT is a vital part of everyones life, except those with cable but with their profits over the last 3 years they are not the ones that are hard done by..........
  10. Just thought I would throw this one in for debate, Where I work we have a head office and retail outlet in the same town, head office had 3 lines going into until sept, I ordered an extra 3 lines 1 of which has been installed using a DAX system the other 2 still no sign of as a poll had to be put up then underground work now has to take place ( I know if they are doing underground work what is the need of the poll visa versa) So I am still waiting on those lines all aux to an existing number, We took over a retail outlet a few weeks ago and low and behold more problems, one of the numbers assigned was in use by no other than Flintshire County Council, they spent half a day looking for the line and did not once ring it, it was anly when I told them FCC answer that line they knew where it was routed to, did they reassign another number? no they disconnected FCC and routed it to our retail outlet. So at the end I have phone lines and I said I am happy ;) then I said now I can finally get broadband in, in reply I got " I wouldn't like to be the engineer doing that one". Don't forget I am still waiting for 2 lines in our head office since sept, at what stage will BT explode with the inability to provide numbers new or old, or even be able to find their ass from their elbow Extremely unhappy chappy working off mobile connection during daytime as there is too much noise on the line for dial up
  11. I supose I could do that and hope that hackers do not happen upon the site :ph34r:, Most updates I do are essential to try and stop hacking and spamming, I did not update the renault and peugeot site, they have now been closed due to the fact they were constantly bombarded with hack attacks and spammers. Some updates cause problems with some browsers, the writers of the software do stick to conforming with HTML Standards but IE does not always comply, it works great for me and other users I cannot do a great deal about this. This is how I see it
  12. As with any site it can seem quieter than usual, some people move on and don't have time for their daily visit, or they feel as soon as they sell their car they should not be privilaged on the forum. Over the years many have come and gone, we do get quiet times but then it all picks up with a new breed of people, unfortunatly nothing ever stays the same. The early forum format I had 2003 ish would not cope with the amount of activity that this site has, and as time goes on changes are needed for the good of the site.
  13. 4 mumof4 go down to bottom of page and click on the menu that says IPB default 2.1 and select mumof4 special instead :ph34r:
  14. OK so I could make skins a choice For blue pple For momof4
  15. Ooopppsss you need to set your monitor right or get a new one :ph34r:
  16. My all seeing eye changes dependent on the time of day, can't remember the times I coded now As for the smilies click on "toggle side panel" and they will re-appear should stay until you tell them not to ;) :) :10: :) :20: :21: :22: :o :24: :25: :) :28: :29:
  17. Bloody edit button, now my post looks silly :10:
  18. Are you registered on the citroen cars site :10: I know you are on all the others but not sure on that one It will look the same as that site including colour
  19. I am looking to change the look of the site, this is a bit dated now IMO, I was thinking of this which I done on one of the other sites,, http://www.citroenpicasso.org.uk/citroen/index.php?act=idx your thoughts Please
  20. Firefox is Highly stable Does not force activeX (IE does) Highly secure Skinable Very Fast and more Read this http://reviews.zdnet.co.uk/software/produc...39173153,00.htm
  21. for some reason I think pages load faster in firefox than IE i don't know why this is, I have firefox in the head office in work and at home, in our retail outlet I have not added it there, I have been there for a few days now and I notice the difference. As for this site, It does have a lot of overhead and CPU on server always around 80% so this site is slow at the best of times.
  22. I would prefer you only download if you want to try the products, I cannot and will not suggest you /I try deceive google as it may bite me and the site (violation of googles policy). The software is safe and good. I can only point you in the direction it is up to you to evaluate the software.. or not Personally I won't be offended if you don't want to try the software, I hate new stuff as well but I have been using firefox for years as it is not targeted by viruses and warns you about activeX components, etc.
  23. Hi All As you know I am always on the scrounge for this site, the good news is what I am going to ask you to do costs you nothing, zilch, nadda, not a penny,,,,,,,,, All I would like you to do is try out 2 of googles FREE products, Google Pack and Firefox with Toolbar, Sample them if you don't like em' ditch them (Personally I think they are tools you will want to keep). For every individual that downloads, google credits the sites account with cash, Please only download if you are actually going to use the products if not don't download them. I would recommend you try out these products, you never know you may like them simply click on the buttons at the top of the page Cheers
  24. AAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHH! Now I have no TV, SKy keeps saying, no satellite signal being recieved, hung out of the window an cleaned the sat dish but no difference :( not a happy chappy.
  25. I Have to say it , Mondeo's have the worst suspension ever, can drive any other car all day no problems, get into the mondeo and it is like your first lesson in ice skating, I am glad to say although it was like driving a snake I did not hit anything or end up somewhere I shouldn't have been. I feel sorry for the other mondeo driver that mounted the round about though :( Soft suspension is no good in this weather, by the way it is coming down hard here now, will be lucky to dig my car out in the morning, looks like the hose pipe on the hot water tap again :)
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