is this what you are studying at university matt accountancy(subsidized no doubt)so we could make a saving there then eh?but i do agree on the amount of people coming to this country and not contributing to it and sucking it dry and then complaining about this and that,THATS WHERE ALL THE MONEY HAS GONE and i agree with you maz in a lot of what you say after all you do see it from a personell point of view,down my way we have an air show every year and the arrows come for the 3 days it is on,its great for the commerce of the town(or so they tell us)but personally i dont see it in my wallet,only the town has an extra 500000 people in it over this time causing bedlam and congestion,but i also thought that the arrows charged for doing the air shows so are they not self sufficient? also do you really think the govement are going to have a change of heart over a petition like this when they have totally disregarded the motoring one when there is an awful lot more cause for concern?ME THINKS NOT!!!